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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Well... You better not be bringing DRAMA here... we won't allow it I can assure you of that fact!
  2. Wow... this guy really drank a lot of the SJW KoolAid
  3. Thanks, haven't really evenplayed Skyrim for years much less much of those mods. So not aware of howgood they are. I agree, there needs to be a total rework for the game. It would be great if there was a total rework for all factions and or races... But the chances of that happening is slim, even more now that nexus has lost their fucking mind.
  4. The National Guard shouldn't be involved with the border security directly. However, they can monitor the traffic coming and going from the country. Monitor the checkpoint. There should be a couple of actual Border Patrol officers to handle any details regarding immigration or other such matters. The National Guard could also help secure the area where a very large group of people are at. Security, not enforcement or detainment. Sure some might try to point out this and that but the gov and press needs to make it clear their orders are for safety not immigration enforcement. Lets be honest, 10,000 people and more coming is a dangerous situation. They are getting desperate. People can get hurt and even killed among that group. The National Guard IMO is properly suited in this situation. Provided they are given correct and proper instructions. We had some here where I live because of danger posed to the civilian pop. They stood there, directed the large groups of people out of the zones and secured the zones where they were. Police were being abused but not the National Guard. I seen some videos of the actions and they did a very good job. the mayor came on the news and stated they were there for public protection. Some people were pissed because their stores were being looted. Complained but that wasn't their orders to protect property, only people. they are trained for that very purpose. I do understand your point of view and perhaps some SJW will try to make it something else. They can go fuck themselves. People can't let them control their actions and prevent common sense steps to make sure everything is safe for them. you know the very second someone dies they will be all over the news about how nothing was done to make them safe. You can't fight with stupid. They will beat you with their experience.
  5. There was a mod that started you off as a Forsworn native ... not all forsworn were friendly but your local area where you started was. You could be other things as well. Forget the mod. Not quite what I'd suspect you'd want but it is better than nothing. ... I guess.
  6. Why don't the US government put an add in the local Mexican and South American newspapers stating free trade port through there. ? They basically did with this becoming publicly announced. What are the National Guard for? I am sure they can be used to monitor the boarder along with a border patrol agent. (Give support) like they do for the police during BLM actions when they were getting out of control. Why leave something completely open? Whatever drugs they are on... I definitely don't want any. It makes them stupid.
  7. Lucifer season 6 has just dropped in the US...
  8. Sorry, momentary SJW insanity... .It has passed.
  9. and from my understanding Windows 11 will only run on an eight generation Intel (or the like) or greater. If you have older computers they won't. Which brings me to a funny feeling considering how much of the chip design and coding is being hidden, how much of these changes are due to them doing this and trying to force people to get newer computers? So that more computers have these newer chips? I mean the computer processing power on the older gen chips are good enough to run Windows and most programs well enough. I am typing this on a 3rd gen intel computer. No problems there. (by the way also running windows 10 ...
  10. Sometimes I feel as if I am old enough to have been alive when that was produced... lol Also didn't realize it wasn't something special created for that show. The title of the music gives even more info into what Hitchcock was thinking... He was really cleaver. Evident by his popularity and the continue referencing of his works years after his death.
  11. ritualclarity


    Maybe she does need something.. perhaps a garder belt on her leg Something to break up those nice long legs she has. Give some interesting visual lol
  12. ritualclarity


    That would be for a normal girl.. she is special. she isn't insane lol.... Now all is needed is her in poses cleaning all the house nude of course. Well maybe with some tasteful accents if you know what I mean.
  13. I would suggest that you ask the Patron that you are supporting when the bill will be up again. There might be different time frames for these things. Some ideas I have on the matter: (Not directed at @ayushiest I'd also suggest that you do a couple of months worth of Patron for anyone you are wanting to support unless it is a thank you $ contribution payment. Often there are tiers and sometimes people pay to get something out of the Patron and then cancel when they have gotten what they wanted. This is perfectly fine, but not nice. It could backfire in the future and people may start changing things and what they do and in the end make things more complex and troublesome. For Thank You contributions or giving a Patron some assistance for something they might need or have asked for I'd suggest that you post a message or something as well thanking them and letting them know what you have done. This would let them know it is a more short term support and such so that they can better manage their contributions and expectations.
  14. That alone is reason enough for people not to buy the game regardless of the final product. Devs should never ever attack fans. Inform fans, update fans, clarify what the product is and what direction the game is going in, etc. these are what Devs should do. I have no problem with Devs giving important info on what is going on with a game (actual accurate info not Todd Howard speak) I never will. I might be upset with a direction the dev went. LIke Fallout 76 barring the bugs and all their antics, I don't like that direction. I never complained about that, I complained about all the illegal acts, fraud and out right lies they committed. I might not like a game, the story or whatever, that is my opinon but I would be dam if I'd let some Dev attack me for my opinion or a civil discussion. Intentional? I don't know. It appears they are at least stupid. Early on all this SJW and other crap was in the main stream. It might make sense at that time to try to follow the next wave of popularity from a business sense after all they are in it to make money. In order to do so they have to give what the customer wants. In dev situation the vast majority of gamer want in general is what they seem to follow instead of taking care of their establish and rabidly loyal customer base for that IP. Which that alone is stupid... but .. fine. however, this SJW and other crap has been proven for the past couple of years as an avenue of utter failure on many entertainment fronts from movies, TV series etc. to games. The last part should be clear sign that they should stop that bullshit and go back to what was proven. Something that they know would give them the most secure $ for their investment. I mean they already have an IP that is heavy into the SJW culture (Sims) so they can continue to cater to those customers from a buisness sense and leave the other games with the orginal formula they had. TL;DR I agree with Kendo and they are fucked. they are fucking themselves and not in a good way. They deserved to be fucked for their actions every bit as much as Bethesda and possibly more as they have had time to see the results of this path. Fuck them and hopefully good riddance.
  15. Oh, that is horrible if Saints Row has to be SJW.... I can't wait until things start to swing back
  16. This just in... the President is retarded. You heard it here first! LOL Democrats bitched about Trump not working with and going against the other nations and here comes Biden doing the EXACT SAME THING... and in this case, risking 1000's of Americans lives not to mention those poor Afgans that thought it was a good thing to help the US. Republicans bitching about Democrats actions, Democrats, bitching about Republicans actions. When are they going to stop bitching and actually get to the job they have been given. I swear if someone put a mirror up in front of either side without their knowledge, they would still bitch about what the person in the mirror just did. I long for the time when I could listen to a intelligent statement from ANYONE in Government. I might not agree with them but I could at least appreciate they crafted a reasonable statement/argument. Now I just have the constant temptation to tell them to go put their noses in the corner in a time out until they learn how to behave. I shouldn't have to treat grown adults running the country as one would miss behaving kindergartners.
  17. I just got an new xbox X (the one with the optical drive and 1tb space) It is doing quite well on the games that i have tried, from new to old. It works better than Todd Howards, games.. that is for sure. Seriously. It isn't that bad. I was given a few months of the game pass and it has some pretty good list there to play. Now, I didn't pay anywhere near the price out of my pocket. I had gift cards and other htings that I used to get more than half of it paid for before I reached into my pocket. And other things I was able to line up to get much cheaper entry and continued use. I agree it is kind of expensive to buy compared to what it is giving but... not that far off. The hardware at least on this model is working well so far and is quite impressive considering the package, cost (total) and monthly expenses (if yo use the pass) Not for someone that is more of a PC gamer but OK for those games that are optimized for console. Some of the games I played prior with PC and optimized for console actually was a better experience on the console. go figure. I had an xbox account since xbox 360 was first released. I was able to access it and get all my stuff as if I didn't leave. Even after perhaps close to 10 years of not using that account. (Unlike other companies I have experienced prior) My greatest bitch is it only has 1 tb and you have to spend lots of $$$ to get another one. (haven't done that) which is above the expected cost of any 1tb SSD currently on the market. (in some cases 2x) The games are stuck at their inflated price for years beyond what competitors that use PC would experience. Perhaps, it is to further encourage people to keep on paying for the game pass? However, you do get a discount on the games like competitors if you have a pass and decide to buy the game. (Origin for example) the layout of the system is confusing.. however, full disclosure, I came from the old Xbox system (360 ) and likely that might play a part on my confusion. After a bit you start to learn your way around the system. The performance and responsiveness over the version I had prior is substantial . Can't complain there.
  18. The problem with the pricing has to do with supply and demand. Recent changes in the chip making it something the crypto miniers aren't interested in, has helped but there is still shortage in chip manufacture. This effects cars and pretty much anything that has a chip in it. Once this has been resolved and chips are abundant (and hopefully reasonably priced) then this should lower to MSRP levels with some sales here and there. Someone has mentioned they were releasing some info on thenew 4000 series cards and such as well. Due to be released soon (a year or so) So the hype machine is on full bore even though they don't have enough for the current supply to satisfy the need. lol Now are you going to get excellent pricing on these.. likely not, as they(graphics card producers) has seen how much someone is willing to pay for the cards so they want a piece of the pie and likely won't go much cheaper than they have to.
  19. I am watching (or will be watching) the Witcher: Nightmare of the wolf.. A prequal of the Witcher game. (not sure if it is the book also) It is animated. Heres to hoping that Netflx didn't fuck this one up as well
  20. There are some issues but I doubt this is one. The issue that might spell doom to most pc gamers besides the stupid game companies, is the power restrictions and environmental laws being put into effect in various parts of the world. the graphics card manufactures have done something to help keep the graphics cards more affordable and sellable for gamers. They have changed the chips to a low hash rate chip which sucks for those crypto miners. Since this has occured when I go to my local electronics store I can see some graphics cards there. At first it was only AMD sticking around for hours after they open and now there are N vidia gaming cards there for a considerable amount of time after they open. the pricing hasn't dropped but I suspect it will in time.
  21. with 10x the detail? Yep, I went there...
  22. There were mods that took assets from other game. One adult mod took the voices from Fallout 3 for a mod in Fallout NV. It was the same mod ported over (with a different location of course in Fallout NV map) He was forced to remove all those assets. They were essential to the feel of the mod. They were what made it popular for Fallout 3.. gutted. Loading up such a work is stupid and I agree with Kendo. Regardless of Nexus taking control over of the mod and allowing others to essentially do whatever the fuck they want to your mod (list currently but who knows what will occur in the future. If they have a mutual ownership, they in essence can authorize any assets you upload to be used for any other mods that is in need of those assets. At least as far as I can tell or think) Such works should be maintained separately in a dedicated space respectful of the mountains of work done to get it to completion. If they are going to upload to Nexus, then they might as well give it an free open source license for anyone to come along and modify and improve the mod as they see fit. At least then, Nexus wouldn't be the only beneficiary of the work
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