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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Hey, standards are good. Perhaps she can pay someone else to do all the breaking in so that she doesn't...
  2. ritualclarity

    Inar One-Eye

    Lazy quest writing on Bethesda's part. Was the fighter guild this easy on Morrowind or even Oblivion?
  3. I agree she turned out well.
  4. It the problem is only with Drags mod then it is something that isn't compatible with this mod. Check and see if it works with regular bodies from non Drag NPCs or characters. If it works, then it is likely it is something that was done with that mod.
  5. When they created Lord of the Rings, it was great. They followed the book mostly and really made it epic. I have zero confidence they will follow the book or make it epic, or even do a fair job on this. It looks like they are trying to make a name for themselves and gather more into the cult of Steve Jobs.
  6. I am on MO2.. however, I haven't covered over to MO2 from a MO1... I used the manager that is appropriate for the game I was using. reason for the manual install or portable option. The three folders that are most needed don't contain anything I can think will cause a problem. Keep the original backup and if it doesn't work you can always retrieve what you need from that point. Those 3 folders are user folders and as far as I know don't contain any MO code so should be OK to do. It is also what I do when I backup and create a fresh mo install. I don't have any mods or games installed to play with this test to see. Once you move to MO2 I have heard that you don't need MO1 anymore. Others state MO1 has some tools for Fallout that you might still want. Never needed it as I haven't used Fallout NV or 3 since Fallout 4 at lesat not a heavy mod installed that would use many tools. That is something that someone currently using both or even active with MO could shed light on more than I can.
  7. You lost your shit with fallout 4 animation glitches.... yea... you would have killed someone with the glitches that are occurring for this game. Most of the problems are for Xbox and Playstation and the PC is good compared to those, however, not much better than alpha maybe bordering on Beta testing releases IMO. It seems that universally those that have tolerated the game and played it for 40~100 hours are getting off the ride due to ever increasing annoyance with the bugs and such. These are people that at first could overlook the issues. People that are "fan boys" of the game. Even they are jumping ship...
  8. Keep the old MO that you are using... Back that up. Then you should be ok if you take the mods, profile, and downloads folder and put it into a MO2 manager. However, you can also just use the portable or local MO instead of the program one (.exe) and just have MO1 for those that you currently have MO1 covering and just install the MO2 portable (local extracted into the game ) for those that you need it for the x64 bit games. I haven't converted over from one to the other myself. or seen any thing written about it but I have copied those said folders and created a new MO instance when needed. That is how I backed up my MO installs. So far no problems
  9. Take care of yourself. Hope you start to feel much better soon.
  10. OK, can you give some proper examples of cyberpunk movies? I am following what many have said.. (like Blade Runner being a Cyberpunk type movie) but have an open mind to consider your statement and alternate examples. I am a casual follower of this type of science fiction.
  11. I haven't thought of it having or needing an 80's vibe... I don't understand why it should have it. I am not much of a consumer of Punk or cyber so that might be the reason
  12. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/isles-of-adalar-co-op-rpg#/
  13. Hey, nothing wrong with wishing a game would be great. Watching it and hoping... I hope it is good as well. Especiall yif it has a modding component on par with Skyrim
  14. Something like that or like Bladerunner... that would have been awesome. It would have also made it easier for NPC control (resources control) as there would be a smaller area to actually view but... the space could still be HUGE.. for you to travel. It would have been awesome. I get that.. but don't believe that is true. Also, CDPR isn't really an "Western" dev company. I mean only a short time ago they made very good models. Both males and females. (however, lets be honest, some of them were hidious.. but at least it was intentional as far as I can tell. lol)
  15. Yea,they did a horrible job. There were some that were ok (random NPCs ) but you couldn't even interact with them. There is a chick that is outside of a club (which is re-created differently each play though by the way) as well as one playing a video game. Each one is pretty decent. Better than a majority of the NPCs you can romance mentioned above. Judy is the only one that is still half way decent.. I contribute that to the voice actor more than the game model. She is much better in the game promo but to be honest.. I expected that. I haven't seen an honest game promo in a long time. They always, regardless of the company, make it look better than what we get. However, the mark fell far from what would be expected. There are times interacting with her and some of her movements and such combined with the voice acting that makes you think... ? Wow.. and imagine what it might have been if they (CDPR) decided to actually work on her and finish her up. When i started playing the game I contributed the change to the fact I don't have a ray tracing graphics card.. until I seen many others that are running that (or at least have that card) are getting not much better results. since all the companies are doing this degraded body / looks.. I bet it has to do with the time and effort. The give the minimum necessary to get the job done so that the game can be sent out to make money asap. Not that they are actually trying to make them ugly.. just a part of the modern gaming biz. It is almost like.. OK.. we made awesome models, sexy models so we know we can do that now.. we are board and don't care anymore. Funny thing.. the model pictured above. Looks n the face much like one of the first quest where you save her from a bathtub. (Without hair) The large eyes nose etc. Another thing... every-time I see that reference. It makes me sad that we don't have a max tac option to play in the game. Either with or against .. nothing. Just magically popping cops... Which once you start getting major skills you can kill and kill and kill and kill and really nothing much happens. Not like GTA.. Hell if it was even like GTA with the cars/pedestrians and police.. (any GTA version) it would be much more entertaining. I haven't' played it in over a week. Keep thinking of it .. but find other interesting things to do.. Like pay my bills... watch the birds feed from the bird feeder out in my front yard... important stuff like th at. This was suppose to be the game I got where I played 500 plus hours and challenged my Witcher III, NV and Fallout 3/4 game play... If they do as some claim.. (wishful thinking) and go back and fix all this shit... then perhaps this might happen.. but I seriously doubt it.
  16. It is the same type of romance options .. at least done the same way.. (video clip not active etc and about the same lengh of time) The issue is they don't have as many as Witcher or for the JoyToys (prostitutes) which they hinted around would be some thing in the game) is so few (one male and one female) that is it. There are many more options in Witcher. Just shows everyone that they just rushed this out the door.
  17. If they were smart.. they'd not make many comments about future updates and such. Leave it to what comes out then make press if felt necessary. they can't afford to fail more than they have already. Stating something even if it is positive is only good if they follow through. Something that they haven't been able to do so far. Debunking the leak etc is a good thing IMO. If they are able to do it and pull it off, then they can take credit .
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEl4tdDbdEs
  19. That was the point of my comment about the "New" No Man Sky Also both my RL friends and my internet friends are coming to the same conclusion you have with No man Sky. It is the bugs and such, even to those that are enjoying themselves.. getting too much. They are having a harder and harder time to come back and play. Many have just stopped. On the second comment. NMS? I don't know that. Are you meaning No Man Sky? Yea even with comments from some stating it was happening.. I won't believe it until it does. That is the problem about companies that lie. You can't believe anything that is happening until it has happened. CD Project Red is a major liar, to IMO beyond Bethesda even. Done major wrongs to everybody, even Bethesda knows who they can and cannot fuck with and how much they can push it. Can't trust CDPR in the slightest one way or another. Hell all that could just be marketing trying to figure out if the shit ton of cash is worth putting into this game or not. Watching the responses to see if this fixes it and now that it doesn't seem to be giving them what they want.. the big boys decide to deny that is in the works.
  20. At least now he wont' be harassed by the police as much...
  21. Love Keanu Reeves. Nice person which so far as I am aware of nobody can deny.. however, for Silverhand.. I believe someone like Jared Leto would be more akin to that cooperate terrorist. He is so nice and well known when he was being a dick.. it didn't seem true.. Seemed forced.
  22. They really didn't do much .. what they had was already censored.. The creation screen is full on nude. Even the dangly bits.. still. They might have put some pasties on some outfits but in reality .. it seems like they should have had pasties in that situation in any case. I have compared notes and if you have the non censored version there is very little changes so far to actual game play. The stupid censoring which was there from the start in the PC was being in undies when you stood by the mirror or took a shower. Seriously.. if you strip down.. you strip down. not to your underwear. However that was still there. You can still see the boner outline on the trans advertisement as well. A few months ago.. I'd say they wasn't Bethesda but what they did.. I can't say that now. They might even be worse. Before they did mature games.. now.. with their money grabs and such.. who is to say they don't start doing mainstream gaming and thus censor the shit out of their works. AS for the tool kit.. I am willing to bet it will be shit all crap laden bullshit. Seriously. I can't see t hem even releasing it.. (gonig back on what they advertised .. yep.. nothing new there so why stop? ) As for Bugthesda... well if they use t he same engine I can see the modding community breaking whatever they try to do to prevent the mods that are on LL.. After all Skyrim Old version didn't have an ability to do animations until someone broke that shit and you ended up having to run a program to make them work.. I believe there will be modding for Bugthesda games at least the next one. That was a formula that made mad bank over the years well more than what would h ave happened without that tool. as for adult content.. I do see it being forbidden on their sites.. but don't see them giving a flying fig what happens on other sites. However that can change but keep in mind that Bugthesda could have put the stops on this many times in the p ast. instead of passively aggressively blocking the ability of adding animations to Skyrm. Ultimately IMO they chose the money over the mods. (adult ones at least.. ) They do want to make bank on the mods though... perhaps more integration into their system for mods. Slowly pushing the line until they can get what they want and people accept it.
  23. Yes, they want to make sure you know who made this... make sure there are no doubts. Also, didn't think of it but perhaps there is some other meaning for CDPR... Maybe they are afraid of abbreviations like USSR ? Funny like Federal Express constantly back then trying to say that when nobody said that. Finally they decided to just go with Fed x. lol They'll need a hell a lot of patches just to fix all the problems with their current system / setup much less have time to create any DLCs. Perhaps they need to do like Bugthesda does.. .just release strong modding tools and let the modders fix all their crap.. Then they can sit back and profit. lol
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