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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Did you turn on the scripts and such so that mods can work. I forget how that is done but I had a problem with mods not working previously due to that fact. Just chiming in until one of the experts can..
  2. They wouldn't have to deal with this if they weren't such a hard liner on the "we own your mods" policy. I love what some have started to do.. keep their old mods there but post the new updates elsewhere. he mods list down loader thing won't work well that way and have missing features. that or they will have to go and actually edit and update and steal the codes and such to update the mods they are including as I have heard they made changes to make them compatible. Good way to end up on a law suit.
  3. Thanks for the introduction. ...
  4. https://www.msnbc.com/hallie-jackson/watch/missouri-governor-pardons-couple-who-waved-guns-at-protesters-117894213982 The reported stated... "peaceful protesters"... She should be ashamed of herself. Don't take my word for it... The BBC another reporting organization covers all aspects of the news related to this, including the fact that these "peaceful protesters" destroyed a fence at at least a minimum, was trespassing on private property. (though not their property) as the BBC article made sure was included. Also, for weeks news outlets were showing all the burning an looting MLB was doing across the country. It would be perfectly reasonable to be afraid that could and likely would happen to you. So, the news reporters don't have an agenda? Yea right... I can't trust a fucking thing that comes out of any US based major news agency and haven't been able to trust them for several years. https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-53891184 Now they want to impeach the Governor for pardoning them. But they plead guilty... So fucking what. They were being used as a scape goat and was going to get the book thrown at them of course him being a Lawyer knew it was going to get a whole lot worse if they didn't plead guilty. It is actually the same process police do to minorities or others that they don't like... pile on the shit then offer them a lifeline if they agree .. Proper representation, Only want the guilty.. yea right... .Pull my other leg. There are good, hell great people in the policing and DA... however, not enough in my opinion. In all honesty, even a honest law abiding person should be terrified if they are pulled in for questioning. One of the best videos on this subject I have ever watched. I remember this time, the "peaceful protesters" were burning police cars, tearing down statues and damaging private property in multiple states. A friend of the family stayed with my mother (armed of course) in case they decided to move down her street and try to destroy or steal from her. Never happened, but it was a genuine fear. The issue that they did was point the guns at the people. Anyone with any experience with guns and respect for them knows better than to point at someone unless you are actually going to fire. The photos clearly show that that wasn't the case, (with the lax handling of the gun especially by the woman) . I remember this time quite well... the family friend wouldn't have pointed the gun at the crowd. He would have waited until the first mother fucker decided to throw a molotov cocktail and shot him dead. IMO, should they get off scott free? No, community service etc perhaps due to the fact they were pointing at people. No evidence was available to show the need to escalate the encounter. If I am familiar with Mo laws. they had a right to protect their property with lethal force like that. this is the reason I believe the Governor pardoned them. full disclosure, I have family in MO but I don't live there. Also my mother doesn't live there either.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/Privilege-Everything-Symbolizing-Happiness-Anniversary/dp/B093BS4ZNR White Privilege Card... actually exist. It is in the news elsewhere as well https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/-white-privilege-card-found-in-raid-of-men-charged-with-plot-to-bomb-democrats-116920389908
  6. Ah that is the rub... it is .50 cents but that is per use. These are one time use mask. The $$$$ spent during the main covid period ... well I am sure those companies that makes those supplies made a mint to put it mildly. It was good to spend the money to get the vaccine, many did get it. Many are still going but not at the numbers as previously counted. However, my issue is the 10's of millions of dollars being spent for the vaccine when the evidence is being shown even with all their hyype about the Delta virus being worse etc... there are less and less people getting it and more and more is just being wasted. Like tones of $$$ just expiring and being wasted. (not completely going through an entire bottle due to not having enough people to vaccinate and wasting it. is another form of waste, which to those that work at a hospital know this is normal and expected. I am talking about the cases and such that never even get opened.
  7. What a fucking moron, (guy on the left. ) Yes, you have to be vaccinated for those items ... the difference if the dumb ass would just check is the Covid Vacine is for Emergency Use.. not FDA approved. I don't believe any has been approved in any country, but definitely not in the USA. He might has well been arguing that cats are actually dogs. I have been vaccinated. I had a good discussion with my doctor and for me, the benefits outweighed the potential drawbacks. I made my selection of vaccine based on the info on the science behind it. It was a very well informed decision. I also know people who don't have the co-morbility factors and are very healthy and not expected to be high at risk if they contract the virus. They are making the educated choice to wait until it is FDA approved. Which should be sometime within a year from some of my sources. FDA is moving as fast as they can but they have to look over all the documentation, test and other factors before they can approve it. Much easier than the Emergency Use which basically means, it is expected to be more beneficial than HARMFUL to the vast majority that may require it's use. I believe now that it is readily available and everybody has had an opportunity to take it. If someone wishes not to take it... then that is their choice. If they catch it and fall seriously ill due to it... then that is also their choice. Stop trying to protect people and inject your personal beliefs. Those that have taken it.. (like me) are also just as responsible for their choice if some side effect is found out later. I have read some of the new documentation coming out and the possibility that people will have to go back to wearing mask even if vaccinated to "protect" others that aren't. WTF, seriously? This isn't communist China or Russia.. Once people has had the info, given an ample opportunity to get the vaccine if they so choose to do... that is the end of it. Full disclosure.. I wore a mask early on well before it was required. I got some weird looks but FUCK YOU, was my attitude. I have some health issues that could have been serious if I caught it before vaccination. I wore it well after I was vaccinated because I got it earlier than many others I know and they didn't have the opportunity to get it at that time. To me this was a fair and responsible act on my part. Even though evidence shown that it wasn't likely that a fully vaccinated person would spread it (as oppose to what they now are trying to say about the Delta) It was early on and nobody truly had the info. IT hasn't been enough time to get the info to prove one way or another conclusively. However, I will be dammed if they start to tell me to wear it now (for current as of today Covid status etc) even if it is heavy where I live. IMO they shoot themselves in the feet every time they speak .. Early on, no you don't need a mask.. (so that they wouldn't run out for the hospitals etc.. .didn't give a fuck about the community. Didn't want a run on the surgical mask) This is just one example of them jumping back and forth on their decisions without any real "Science" behind their decisions. It appears as if they are trying to commit some sort of agenda... separate from the science. Then there is the "Scare Tactics" they employ with numbers that are later proven to be bloated. How do they expect us to follow their advice? Heed their warnings? When they spout bullshit?
  8. the new Master's of the Universe... Holly shit.. or... actually Holly pile of shit. Not to get into spoilers for those that might like such a show. this show was suppose to be in the spirit of the past cartoons. yea, fuck that. When did people get killed in the old show? Not only one but many of them. the only redeeming factor of the show is Skeltor and his voice acting from Mark Hammel. He does excellent jobs in my opinion. Followed by Evil Lins voice acting but thatis about all that was redeemable.
  9. The Hunt https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8244784/ Not the best movie but they were one of the first that I have seen that are making a mockery of SJW
  10. You guess? The graphics and the motion capture was quite good. the visuals were on par IMO with new AAA games. The unique approach which is intended to show mental illness has been praised (by those that experience them) Pretty nice game. To be clear however, it started to wear on my. It was more and more repetitive. Not to distract from the game. Unlike the Bugthesda games where they just run out of ideas and put in bullshit (not to mention not be able to release a stable game) This was intentional from what I read. It was dedicated to mental issues and some of the frustrations and exhaustion one would experience. So I won't take points off from the game for something that was thoughtful and unique.
  11. Keep in mind if I recall those 5 post needed to be deleted due to the content (not being able to be on the site) Not because ... well we decided to because we wanted to Those that were banned were banned because they were intentional disrupting the entire site not because they had alternate views etc. (the "D" word)
  12. What .. where.. I have used profanity recently ... wonder if they said something to me.. (haven't seen anything)
  13. Cry me a river also, quick... anyone that wants a premium account! August 3rd ends lifetime! (I wonder if they raised the price over previous cost ...hum) Ah the perpetual subscription model that has become oh so much loved by the tech industry.
  14. I have regularly seen and heard from some associates that deal in electronic sales (computer parts etc) and repair where people come in and spend up to 2700 dollars just for a graphics card. We all know of the lines and fight it takes to get any modern 3000 nVidia card. How they are being re-sold for several times their suggested price. I believe people have no problem getting money for these things. Yes, there will be some that will have to struggle (like me) to get an upgrade but most seem to have little effort. As for needing to use Windows 11 I don't see a reason. their installer should be just fine using the same coding as windows 10 hell even perhaps in some cases Windows 7 This just means that they won't SUPPORT the game on that OS. It will be some time before windows 10 is fully depreciated. the Direct X version might be offered in the new game but I have seen that they often package the lower /previous windows version of Direct x for the users of the game. It is rare to get a game that will only work for x OS and Y direct x version. This of course is due to the fact that the companies want the widest opportunity for sales. Keep in mind there will be a few years before people convert over to 11 even if Windows tries to shove it down our throats like they did for windows 10 previously. I didn't convert over untiil about half way through Windows 10 life. then only because Discord and other program issues using Windows 7 was experienced.
  15. Amen my Sista, Amen and god bless.
  16. Saw your post there... they are quite active now... And to boot it wasn't you starting tossing feces, it was someone else.
  17. Still won't get it. Won't get it even if they come here and read the treads.. lol
  18. they were likely tired of all the back and forth on that thread and wanted an excuse to lock it. For them that was a good enough one. I am honestly surprised that they waited that long. I was sure after your rant post on the subject they would be coming through with their delete button all primed and clean up pages of post and perhaps even lock the thread.
  19. The "D" word should be banned from the site.
  20. AND... the bullshit will likely continue from what happened with Windows 10 upgrad(s) being shoved unto us. Just for a graphical upgrade and some GUI goodies. I will fight tooth and nail until a few years have passed and they have a couple of hundred updates and such under their belt before I upgrade. Like I did for Window 10. Hopefully, I will be able to wait even longer if whatI would like to do (I can figure out how to do it) can be done. (Use Linux as daily driver and VM Windows 10/11 for those items I HAVE to use in Windoze. Pass through the graphics card and Windows HD and I should be near 100% the speed of the windows on bare metal. Unfortunately, with gaming (and xbox) I am pretty well stuck to have some form of windows running for the foreseeable future)
  21. It has been awhile since we celebrated our growth. Just hopping on to celebrate the fact that we have jumped to 28000 members, 8000 members since the post above. Note, that we aren't interested in being the largest or most popular site. However, this is encouraging that there are 28000 people that think our site is pretty cool, That it is wroth the time and effort to sign up. I think it is safe to say as a moderator and part of the admin ere on NSFWmods.com that we think all our members are pretty cool and awesome as well. I'd like to take a moment on the admin/moderators behalf and thank all those that decided to join our humble little site/group. Have an excellent day, week, month and year.
  22. ritualclarity

    DD MiniDresses

    Hey, maybe rework that so that you odn't have to rely on this bS.. literally and figuratively... lol
  23. crap.. lol I went off on that thread https://www.loverslab.com/topic/171138-for-the-five-users-that-still-think-the-nexus-is-your-buddy/?do=findComment&comment=3433579 I couldn't stand the lies that member was spreading. (especially when he wanted citations yea... right )
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