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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. True... if it keeps up it will be like Venezuela. you need a wheelbarrow to buy a loaf of bread. The problem started when companies started trying to pay low for all their jobs... previously, they would pay an "adult' wadge where someone would be able to live and those that had "minimum wage" would be those college students and those that just want a little extra. Those times you'd work maybe 15 to max 20 hours a week. When corporations started trying to take that and make it a "job" is when the shit started happening. https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/ Inflation source. The better choice for people would be having those companies and billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes. Create programs that penalize corporations for extremely low wadges. Goes ofter companies that break unions like Kellogg just recentlydid. Previously, there would be a government mediator. Where is Biden? someone needed to wake him from his nap and get him to do something about that. What is the use of organizing if the companies can basically say fuck you, we tell you what will be the wages and benifits .. we don't give a fuck about your union. We will just hire people that will be willing to work for dog shit.
  2. Pay is the problem for supply problems. Shortages on the docks for the ships to come in. there is plenty of "supplies" out on the water just waiting to be unloaded. Yesterday I saw an news video from a owner of a company stating it took 3 months to get something shipped to a country. Now it takes 3 months to get a container reserved, and another 6 months for it to be delivered. In some ways, I have to laugh at some of the corporations for moving their companies overseas instead of keeping some local to help supply the local areas. now they are crying that they can't get their product into port. People are trying to keep pay crazy low while trying to raise the prices ... if my info was correct inflation was at 6% in the past couple of months. Many companies are making record profits more so than the past 50 years but still keep the prices up blaming "covid" and shortages. Cry that nobody wants to work, cry for the added unemployment pay given during covid. Think about it. more money given so that people can survive... doesn't that tell you that your expected wage pay out for your employees are insanely low? The GOVERNMENT is giving more. TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC not special pork deals and corporations and such. Recently Kellogg is breaking an union... to pay lower wages, from what I have heard they are making great profits if not record breaking. Supply chain issues are caused by cooperate greed. Failure to pay a reasonable wadge. People aren't stupid. They see the record pay outs for CEOs and record returns on publicly traded companies. The sad thing is these companies are raising the prices and gouging the communities they serve without any thing being done about it. you can boycott a company or two but you can't boycott everything (easily... ) Most companies it isn't necessary... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dan-price-gravity-payments-ceo-70000-employee-minimum-wage/ People aren't even asking for that. Just a good living wage. Pay the people a good wage and the rest should take care of itself. .. oh.. and get off that covid restrictions .. they are going way overboard on it. There is a vaccination and if someone doesn't want it... then so be it. They are adults and and able to take the responsibility for their actions. Those that do, can easily get it (in most countries... sad that some of the more impoverished can't get enough for those that want it. .. (possibly because those countries that have it are trying to shove it down the throats of everybody there and ending up wasting it. Instead of filling the demand. ) Rant over..
  3. You should consider getting into 3d printing yourself. Print your own models ... Then paint! I am sure it cheaper than buying premade models. Also, with a bit of practice and some guidance (from many here that do 3d models) you can possibly create your own custom models to paint to boot! Also your friend did an awesome job at creating those models.
  4. Why would the Department of Agriculture ban sugar cane? Curious, why would you line the trenches with Biocar? Is it some process to help prevent pest (worms etc) from eating the plants? I am not a farmer, barely capable house plant care taker.. (at least I haven't killed any of them lol) but if I am not mistaken biocar is good for soil and the environment but can't it take some time to become in sync with the soil? also doesn't it prevent the worms from doing their thing helping the dirt get/stay healthy? (being inorganic .. well at least mostly ... carbon if I am not mistaken)
  5. Yea, that might be, butI don't want to loose my eye sight! lol
  6. Couldn't stand the live series can't expect to like the anime. I believe it is on Netflix if someone was curious could check it out. Report back. I don't want to claw my eyes out myself.
  7. I know of 2 families etc that have moved from blue states to red states (specifically Texas ) because they weren't able to have the opportunities that were provided in Red States. the blue states are lying their asses off. ( I live on one) and beyond what is being stated in this video, they like.. no LOVE to dictate what you can and cannot do invading even your personal lives.
  8. Thoughs about the new series on Netflix? Cowboy Bebop.. Might give it a look over myself. On that subject, any good movies on Netflix or Amazon (series) ? need some more binge watching. Watched what I wanted off my previous list.
  9. He has a few more years before someone could hold his beer...
  10. There was a time where I lived where they were called thongs. The issue is the american was from the far east .. they talk strange to begin with.. lol!
  11. Thats because china is going to release Covid 2.0 this winter...
  12. Thought so. The voice seemed to be similar.
  13. Was that voice actor used in Skyrim? He did seem familiar.
  14. finally had time to find the source info https://wegotthiscovered.com/tv/flash-supergirl-gets-prepped-surgery-new-crossover-clip/ Also, why mess with characters already created.. there is plenty of room for new characters that can be introduced for the sJW / Alternate lifestyles One more from the heavy SJW Netflix Supergirl
  15. Super girl introduced the idea that kryptonite depletes the energy from the sun which makes Super-girl powerful. This makes her as weak as any person. They even introduced and episode where that was used to make her primed for surgery for her double. If they can do major surgery (for transplant) then they could cut of the dick. (Netflix series)
  16. Hey after they lied about what Cyberpunk was and released it in a form even worse than Bugthesda does for their games for the PC and totally unplayable on the consoles to the degree that Sony removed the game from it's storefront... What do you expect? The golden child has changed. From my understanding those people that were at the helm during the Witcher releases are no longer there. Many of the individuals that were part of the group to create those famous games, are also not there. There are other things as well that have happened. Major changes and of course a major directional change towards the western game development view. Soon they will be releasing games with Horse armor type of DLCs and micro-transactions.
  17. Flagged another apparent human user posting link to escort services.
  18. Also, if you do something good, people will tell 3~5 people... you do something bad, they will tell 10~20 people. Fucking your customers not only pisses off those that were loyal but costs you potential future customers as well. Making that cost to get customers even higher. Stating the fucking obvious.. (you don't like something produced, don't buy it) is also calling your customers stupid (indirectly) Make what you want to make. Accept the results. Star Wars went down that path with their recent movies... I watched some, but they just stated going off the rails and I just stopped. haven't even watched the reviews. Perhaps, if someone I can trust mentions that they went back to the old forumla I'd might check it again, until then, do what the fuck you want. I won't be a part of it. I suspect many others will take the same path. Most that grew up on the stories and are loyal fans. Same with Cyberpunk. I wouldn't have bought it as recent changes in management and comments and leaks lead to the conclusion they were drinking the SJW Kool-aid. I wouldn't have a copy now if wasn't for someone being so kind and thinking that was right up my alley and getting it for a gift. They are right, the "Advertisement" were right up my alley, their promises were right up my alley. Basically, the perfect game for me, exactly what I'd want to have in a game. Perfection. however, they didn't deliver. In this case, they (CD Project Red) had the talent and skills in house with the Witcher releases but lost it when they changed upper management and forced many of the employees to move elsewhere. Lost of great talent and serious mismanagement resulted in a seriously fucked game.
  19. That's what you get when you fuck with your customer base. Keep it true and honor those that have been loyal and most of the time they will be loyal back. Start fucking with them and they will start saying "Fuck you" and leave. The real stupid thing is there is ways to expand your business and customer base without offending. Also there are plenty of ways to add some alternate lifestiles and the such into mainstream media, just make it meaningful and not shove it down someone's throat. Speaking of that, CD Project Red fucked up on that account when they added strong SJW elements into their Cyberpunk 2077 when they already had a proven process to add various lifestyles and such into their games through Witcher 3. It basically covered most if not all of the LGBTQ alphabet group and did so in an entertaining and meaningful way. Lazyness and stupidity is the only answer to why this is happening now.
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