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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Ive had that same issue with some other games as well. Witcher for example. I loose my carefully practice combos and such and have to relearn it again.
  2. If not, you might be able to copy the script that does it It is basically the same engine if we are talking about Skyrim (original) Also there is a girl that is a ghost in Skyrim. Might have some ideas to follow as well.
  3. If that would be wrong.... I don't want to be right lol
  4. Don't upload adult materials onto their systems (photos or whatever) and you should be fine.
  5. typical.. . Also a great excuse to try to sell us DLCs. later... with the content that they had removed Why won't the developers wait until it is done and then ship. Or, at least not promise what they dream will happen then show how limited it is.
  6. He is currently unavailable so give him some time and I am sure he will address this.
  7. Maybe after everybody kept on bitching about the mod not working due to them letting the game update... he might have decided to quit and walk away from the mod. The dude is on vacation, give him some time off and a bit of time to things fixed. Or the above might very well happen. I have seen mod authors walk away from their mods for much less.
  8. Exactly. what has gotten into people these days. They see SOMEBODY get something and think they should get it too. Regardless of skill, knowledge or the like.
  9. Like that reporter stated, even the women on the show with him didn't know who was playng against the women's team. Nobody watches it, at least not as much as mens. If they did, then the women's team should get more money but considering how popular they aren't then it explains why they don't get the same.
  10. how do they expect to be paid the same? As far as I am aware there isn't as many people paying for tickets or watching it. It isn't in as much demand as male soccer. The only thing I can see them getting is the same ratio as the males based on the total revenue that comes in or some formula like that. Example if I was a programmer, I can't expect to be paid the same if I worked at a tiny company compared to a major company (like Google). A fortune 500 company can pay more it is just common sense. Speaking of, I'd love to see the female soccer teams square off with their male counterpart.
  11. First I heard of it. Might be a system issue with the Wiki not the actual page. If so it should be up shortly. If I was you or anyone that is interested, I would go to the Discord channel. If he is going to check something it is very likely he would check that first before going to different sites. Just saying.
  12. You paying his salary? Last I checked this mod is distributed FREE. So there will be times that there might be a delay in getting a fix or something you desire.
  13. Running something through bodyslide is beyond me lol.
  14. Wow, your composition and lighting and ... well everything has massively improved. Not that what you did prior was bad but the latest crop of captures are next level. Did you port the outfit over to Skyrim? Also is this SE or original.
  15. I worked at a hospital and sorry to say I'd see that as well. As awesome as the outcome was, I believe they did it due to it being so close to each other. Minimum chance of harming them. Keep in mind they super stupidly glued themself to what is essentially a rock. If that rock cracks or breaks it could put serious pressure or even break something. In this case, bones. People often looked shocked when you see someone with something protruding from their body being brought into the ER. Very well secured and stabilized but still in their body. Same reason. Those working in the field with situations like these, make minimum effort to resolve the issue and maximum effort to secure the patient. They let the doctors, nurses, and staff laugh help the patient with their issue where there is the proper equipment to address their stupidity issue.
  16. and you called yourself fa lazy bastard. I'm happy to see you are back at your work.
  17. He forgot to order his food from the furthest restaurant.
  18. ritualclarity


    You haven't seen @Kendo 2 years ago when he was active in modding. Look at what he created most of the items are custom assets created from scratch. Bodies, outfits and entire mods and their assets. Only a handful of "mod authors" I know of create assets from scratch. Most use something then modify it (sometimes to a great extent but still modified) From what he did prior, he is a lazy bastard... LOL. If I had 1/10th of the knowledge and skill he has, I'd be better at creating mods than like 80-90% of the mod authors today. (really pointing to Nexus here) edit (Sorry Kendo, just letting everybody know how much of a legend you were in the modding community years ago. Now, instead of being a legend in the modding community, you are handling more important real world shit! I'm way more "lazy" than you by that definition Between support theads and out right support not to mention testing... including some of your mod assets... I am doing jack now. .... now I am depressed alien
  19. They may be finishing up their series like they did with Sims 3. They pretty much covered all the options they had for 3... am I missing any? If they are, they might be pushing to get all the bugs and such done so that they can move the personal to a new project.
  20. Updates to a game will very likely break mods. This is the nature of modding a game. Once the author goes through and fixes the mod to work with the updates then it will work again. So don't update games until the mods you are using are updated so you can install them.
  21. Hey, does anyone know how to bypass this red screen for the site? A site by site basis? It would be nice if I didn't have to go through the extra steps to come here as I know that warning is meaningless.
  22. We still have people joining even with the warning... : )
  23. That site is legit, correct? Why would Google flag that? I ask as it seems more like they want to go after sites like ours that have adult modding. Could be wrong. (often am ) Also, has it slowed down the traffic to our site?
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