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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Now it is getting to a point where I can't imagine what they can screw up going foward. Honestly, they would do better to licence the IP to some other company that will do it justice. I mean they can still make good $$ doing so with minimum effort. Now it isn't something that is funny, that they just screwed up and people make fun of the results. It is getting extremely sad. Everybody is just so deluded about reality of the situation they just won't be able to move forward. They just can't even do something that is basic. They can't even provide the basic modding tools so that someone else can come along and make it great (or at least fix the shit) Just fucking sad.
  2. Trying to find actual, proper and unbias news on anything much less this trigger toppic is dam near impossible. You would be lead to believe that Putin eats babies for breakfast or or something along those lines while Ukraine cannot do any wrong regardless of what they do. They have an excuse! Are you saying that there is a coo in Poland? That those backing supporting Ukraine is tampering with the local elections so that they can maintain their agenda? Not letting Poland decide for themselves what they want to do about the Ukraine/ Russian war. That can't be, we all know the EU (and the US) cannot do anything wrong or improper. They would never interfere with enemies much less allies goverement processes. Your sources must be on crack or something just as strong.
  3. He is wrong. The blame can be placed on one person. That blame goes to the top guy/gal in charge of the entire project. They set the stage, they hold the employees accountable. One example is the policy of not having approprate documentation which would allow everybody know what is going on (as I understand it)
  4. No like they did with Fallout New Vegas. Use their IP to create a game. I am sure they make some money.
  5. Is it just me or does this person remind you of Gilbert Gottfried?
  6. Question, if Bethesda allowed someone to make a game on their IP. They (Bethesda) gets a tidy sum of money for basically doing nothing... correct?
  7. Yep.. Bugthesda never gave NPC the ability to jump.
  8. Sorry for the above wall of text and any spelling errors etc.
  9. I am an optimist as well but th evidence shows that the individuals that were behind the Fallout 3 and even to a degree Skyrim no longer works for them. The story, the characters etc. As bad as they were (looking to the main quest for Fallout 3) they still had very interesting encounters. I found events years later that I missed the first time I played through. I mention as bad as they were as there was little concenquence to your action. Not as much as other games during the time the game(s) were released. they had a reasonable framework and Bethesda had tools and opened the game in a way that few other producers did. Now with the last release of Starfail they don't even have the tools and framework that mod authors can start to work on. They don't even have the willingness to work with mod authors to help shore up the modding options. They are releasing mostly bullshit leveling crap and not working on the core so that others can start working on making the game interesting. Help fix the bugs etc. They should be working hand in hand with the modding community. Fuck, they even want to create a modding store. How can you do this and not have a great relationship with the community. I'm not talking about them giving away the game and unlimited changes to accomidate them, but not having the basic tools and structure for mod authors to do their thing and/or dialogue with them to help them understand the changes so that they can do their work. This is all pointing to ever increasing failures from them going forward until they fire those responsible and get proper responsible indivduals hired to do the basic job. I mean FUCK, their fans are willing to eat shit to get a game from them but there is only so much that even they will accept and more and more people will leave. I'd suggest that they hire those mod authors with the deep undestanding of the engine and modding and work with them to properly shore up at least the mod tools and documentation so that at a minimum mods can be made for the game. The community can take the game in a direction that they want. Am I lying to say that a boring game for 50~60 dollars with excellent moding tools and a vibrant community would be bought without much of a complaint? Add a few proper character and some basic BS framework and done. Jesus Christ, they don't have to write much of a story or shit. Look at 76. All they did there when it was released with console notes and stuff. NO intereaction with any NPC. People are liking that game and playing it still unlike starfail which is rapidly falling off the charts. 1. Better engine. Excellent documentation of commands and as easy as possible scriptiong etc. Increase limitations on scripts etc as much as feasible. 2. Excellent mod tools. Close to what the devs would use. Released AT THE TIME OF THE GAME RELEASE. 3. Large area, with intereresting quest, NPC. Goal here is to help create a vision of a game world that is being released. Not pin you to some major quest for example find your father. Major and minor quest should be able to be started at the customers decided time and choice. 4. Stable, Stable, Stable. when game released. Perhaps chosen individuals in the community given the option to play test it and give feed back. Fuck at this point I don't even care if they use Nexis simps. With a good engine and tools this should only be needed to make sure the colision map and memory leaks are addressed. Floating gun, chest not refreshing , NPC time and schedule wrong etc. Also good to test different hardware. 5. PROFIT. Release the game. First 6 months work on bugs FIRST. then worry about exploits etc. Most games released are SINGLE PLAYER. Who GIVES A FUCK IF THERE IS AN EXPLOIT IN A SINGLE PLAYER GAME! They release the game with console option and commands that can givd FUCKING GOD MODE, ACCESS DEVELOPER'S AREA ETC. Let the customers have some fun. If a complaint occurs, first you are working on bugs let them know that. Then you will fix the exploits. Only time Bethesda should address exploits is when it is a mutiplayer. The really fucking stupid thing is they can release games (gamebro) quickly without all this delay. Focus on a strong game engine with modding tools that can be relased. Perhap even the ones that the dev are using (approprate modifications of course but keep it as little as possible) . Hire some writers that can create some interesting quest that the customer can enjoy. Hell the main quest could be as simple as escaping the vault. For TES. escaping a dungon. Leave the tutorial area, get the prompt to edit your character. (where most save so they don't have to go through the tutorial again. Add option to join a faction etc. (like alternate start) and then leave. You can start the random quest etc when you leave. Their updates can be simple additional quest, equiptment etc. DLC is nice new large areas that quesst can be tied into. Not as hard as they say. A person created a major DLC (actually larger one) for Skyrim that exceeded the quality of the actual game. A FUCKING SINGLE PERSON AND HE ONLY TOOK A YEAR!!!!!!
  10. Maybe broke even? perhaps but not the money that they expected and projected I am sure. They were still selling Skyrim for almost full price 3 to 5 years after it was released. AND selling it. Microsoft needs to fire all those people that is in charge namely Todd Howard. Has one or two games left in him... NO. he doesn't. Proof in the recent decline from Fallout 4 to now that he doesn't. Fire them to prevent further damage. BUT, cooporations don't do that. They fire the employees and blame the customers because they can't admit that they fucked up and allowed senior managers to continue to work without being responsible for the results.
  11. Hey even if the game play sucked. Which in recent years all of the games (gamebro) that they released has sucked story wise. All they needed to do is create a functional game and really strong modding tools. Fuck, they even have a fuckign store to sell mods. you would think that they would at least get that shit right. I know that they have heard that the mod authors not only create new content but fix shit. They can't even get that right. with mod tools and empty planets they (mod authors) could have added interersting landing zones and other stuff. In time, even entire quest liines (looking at alternate start) and other stuff. They aren't even sticking with the core thing that is working for them. How stupid can a company be?
  12. WE don't need to know how to create a Hostess twinkie to say it taste like SHIT. That we don't like it or want to buy it. How stupid can you be?
  13. Is it ready for mainstream? I'd like to play it but my new computer shit the bed. Just over a year old. Gonna be a hot minute before I can fix it.
  14. Hey, here is an idea. Stop fucking around Skyrim and adding shit until you fix Starfield! If you are fucking around with the code in Skyrim, don't you think you should fix the game that is currently fucked up!
  15. I just had video freeze and not work properly on Firefox. Had to finally reset it to get it to work properly. WTF. First start in safe mode and test. (Shift + open Firefox) If it does work in Safe mode, you can then select the reset option.
  16. Unlike Todd Howards Version it really does just work A perfect quote if I say so my self. @Doublezero how stable is this ?
  17. The time it took to update it wasn't worth it. If this occured after Fallout 3... (Fallout NV done by another studio) it explains why Bethestha is shit now. Sounds like it is just a ploy to save shit ton of $$$ as someone has to update it and keep it up to date cost money.
  18. "You can mod anything except pronouns" Excellent quote IMO... lol
  19. I have to agree with @endgameaddiction I like this the best out of all the work you have done. I assume you can use this as a Spriggan replacer? Also, the old Skyrim ... all the way.
  20. YES uploaded it to YT! Then people could upload it to their favorite sites (including Nexus). A permaban would be worth it! I would love to see their site crash with post of this on their forum threads, all over all the site. In comments and such as well. 100's and 100's an hour constantly 24/7/365. Work their moderators to the bone!
  21. First it was "no pronoun change" now they are moving to gender swaps. Let's take a moment. In cyberpunk for example. A male wants to play a female V and get with Pam. Wouldn't that be more inclusive? It isn't hate. Also, a perma ban without even giving a warning. ^ breaking news.... LOL
  22. I have both because it was given to me. I wouldn't have payed money for a re-issued game that is basically the same. Big Fluffing deal it is on the "new engine". Bethesda has proven time and time again that the "new engine" is the old engine pushed more and more which means it is more and more difficult to work with and more and more likely to break and crash. They are still trying to live the old glory days and not waking up to the fact that their shit stinks and that they either needs to create an actual new engine in house or use one of the other engines that are modern and actually work. Most of them have the modding options available as well. They just need to open those parts up. Unreal and the other U engine can be modded. Maybe not as easily as the gambro but it can be modded. Work a bit with the creator of that engine and I believe it can be worked on to add the features that they want. However, that would mean some $$$ and with what they have shown, they are one of the worst (at least to me) companies trying to do money grabs. AT least those companies that have those ingame purchases are delivering a functional game. (Looking at you Origin )
  23. sO 12 gigs and days of maintance so that they (Bethesda) can give sell you horse armor. Sad thing is someone will say this is a good thing. Also sad that they didn't test Playstation to make sure that it at least fucking booted and ran before they decided to upload this patch... Sure having editions in Xbox and Playstation is going to create more work. Of course it will. It will also give more revenue. No brainer just like making sure that all the games boot. I might be able to see some (rare) configurations of gaming computers might have some glitches but correct me if I am wrong. Playstation and Xbox has tools to help develop and they are pretty much standardized (for editions of course) hardware. So should be easier to at fucking least make sure the dam thing runs. I am waiting for Howard to make some comment along the lines that you can load more than a hundred mods than you used to. Meaning the absolutely smallest single asset item like a knife. Lending people to think it is a HUGE amount of space only to be maybe a gig. It is so sad that people (the majority of people) even fans of Bethesda automatically assume the worst possible outcome with anything Bethesda does now. Some other modderes I know told me not to get the Xbox service to try the starfield (free) as it was broken and doens'st work as well as the paid game. Seriously? Microsoft bought Bugthesda for the IP and Bugthesda can't even have their new IP on the same level on computers and xbox? Wow. just wow. *I sometimes pay for the subscription to have a couple of months of gaming then I take a break. Makes it so that I don't get depressed at some piece of shit I buy and I can rapid play 100s of games at my leasure.
  24. I was at work and was struck by what Todd Howard was stating. It was Cannon. They have to be referencing their contribution to the IP. Much like what Disney is doing to Marvel and other IP's that they aquired. They are revamping and reworking the IP to fit THEIR (political) THOUGHTS AND PREFERENCES. Microsoft with their head up their asses ... like they have had for the past 20 years or perhaps more, don't give a fuck so long as the IP makes them money. That is really the only reason they bought it. That and something to add to their offerings with XBOX.
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