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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Just like Fallout predicted many years ago. Resource War. Eventually, actual war will occur. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/thirty-men-have-died-trying-leave-ukraine-avoid-fighting-since-war-started-2024-04-30/ There own men don't want to fight. Why are we continuing? They don't see the value in fighting for their freedom.
  2. Yea the problem is the recent update .... lol. Anyway they are usually very good at setting things stright. At least in the past. Sometimes I just can't see my hand in front of my face when there is a problem. Just can't see the obvious and bang my head when the answer is right in front of me. Someone else pointing it out helps. At least for me. Good luck. I don't remember a loop with that animation pack when I used it a few years back. (I was helping DagobaKing with testing AAF back then. Back during Foreplay mod days... ) On a side note. I now return with a computer that can play games and do mods (14th gen i7 with 32gigs of ram and a 3070Ti etc. ) and what does Bugthesda do? They do an update that bones Fallout 4 WTF seriously? I mention this as I will be banging my head against the wall setting stuff up again. Also might reach out to you for advice on setting up some of the modding tools etc. I might be shit at it, but still interested in screwing around with it anyway lol)
  3. AT the end she is stunned by the pastor mentioning even God wanted Trump in the Bronx when she invoked the very same thing in her tweet! This is the shit that people need to look for when they, if they honestly want to review if someone is worthy of being in office and be given the responsiblity to take care of serious issues that need to be dealt with on a daily basis. She deserved to be mocked. Talk about instant karma.
  4. I assume you are using AAF. If so I'd advise to use the Discord https://discord.gg/CjFXa26c Hopefully I did the link correctly! lol. I am so out of date on this mod that I can't begin to start. It might just be a bug from the mod that is causing the loop as well. IN any case the people that help there will know the current status and if there is a solution ... a solution.
  5. I was thinking that perhaps they aren't intentionally incompetent. Maybe they are greedy and just lazy. Taking the shortest path to releasing a game possible. Fallout 76 is one such example. An online game that had no NPCs (when the game started) and NPCs were only added after people bitched about it. Starfail is another example. The one thing that they did poorly but better than they did in Starfield was create areas and world spaces. With Starfail they used procedurally generated world seeing that other game do it and be successful. (after several years) Another thing I believe is causing their problems is their hiring process. Their interest in diversity over quality job canidates gives them less skilled and less tallented staff. Don't get me wrong, it is fine hiring dirvirsity and giving people that otherwise wouldn't have gotten a chance to shine and opportunity however, in such cases you need really strong employees in place to help brign the new hire up to speed and give them proper training and mentorship so that they can be successful. They don't appear to have that structure and the ones that shoudl be bringing up the new employees appear to be just as bad if not worse than the new hires and they are leading them... but not in the right direction as evident with their failure after failure and drop from grace. They are only starting strong now due to their history and fan base but that will eventually tarnish and fans will leave. They couldn't even get the tools and structure right for Starfail causing the mod authors to leave in droves and that wasn't enough. They had to fuck up the game right when they shouldn't have done so. Right after a popular show brought record amounts of fans to their IPs. It is obvious that they are trying their fucking best to remove the (outside) modder from the equation and force everybody into their ecosystem. IMO it is fine if they want to do that shit however, do it right and do it with future games or releasaes of previous games like they did with Skyrim second edition. Just release the fucking game with the creator club tools and lock out the rest of the mod authors and be done with it. Let the old games stand and gather mod authors and let them do their shit there and if they get interested in modding for the creation club they can come into the newer games. I am sure there are many that would sell their soul to do so. Just look at what people did with Nexus and their bullshit "ownership" of mods they did. Darkone took a chance and understood he would have many that either didin't give a shit or would want to do this bullshit. Eventually people will come into modding and go to Nexus as this is the biggest site and likely the first one they experienced when starting to mod. It will be the status quo and nobody will bat an eye on it (that is new) in the future. I was honestly hoping that the shitty Microsoft company would at least make sure they did a decent job at creating a game but guess not even Microsoft could right that ship.
  6. It is just another example of Bethesda not thinking and letting the gamer make decisions. Regardless of what you do, he is scripted to die. Perhaps maybe I was thinking they did that as they know that the script could bug out and if it did he would be walking around not talking to the player and not dead. In this case, it is their game engine that doesn't work reliably
  7. I love how he wants aid and manpower (possibly wanting to bring the entire world into war) but his own people are running, not walking to the borders to leave and not fight for their country.
  8. I've seen some of his routines. He is pretty funny.
  9. Wouldn't this proove malicious prosecution? Here is a bomb gif .. lol
  10. What they can do if they were smart would be to do what they did with Second Skyrim release. REbuild the entire game engine and do their changes and let people that own it have a free copy. Then they would have what they wanted. Better tools for their Creation Engine crap. If I understand this correctly they wanted to add some tools and such so that they can expand their options and be supported. Another option would be to use Unreal Engine or something like that and migrate it over on this. They have the assets, they have the quest and such so all they would need to do is to set it up in the engine of choice. From what I learned the engine cost to use for the game isn't that much. They can also add the mods (the mods that they want to add that is, not the added scripts and such) which would let them do what they really want and leave the old game fucking alone.
  11. If they are volating the licenses then why aren't someone starting a class action? (I have been part of 3 or 4 of them so far. Free $$$ lol. Not a lot mind you... except this last one was a few thousand dollars but most of the time it is only a couple of hundred bucks. Good to go out to a nice steak resterant!
  12. IMO I'd agree. Quality over quanity wins every time. Also you need some RL time as well
  13. Normal people take their dog in and have a vet evaulate it then if it is deemed necessary have it put down professionally. It isn't like she doesn't have the money to pay for the vet or the procedure(s). It could have just been a correctable behavioral issue. Many rescue agencies have dogs that have been given up (thankfully) for the group only to find the major cause of the "danger" is due to the owners ineptitude and total lack of understanding what was required of them when they decided to adopt a dog. Sometimes more often than not also abuse and neglect (of the animals needs like exercise etc. not being matched properly to the animal) The Dog whisper show had many such cases where he would correct the issue of the animal and show that the owners didn't know what the fuck they were doing. Finally, there are some dogs that shouldn't go to the general public (breeds) they require someone that really understands what they need to do in order for the animal to have a happy and fruitful life. Can you imagine a Cane Corso in a family of Karens? Yes, disaster. Stupidity which was shown in mass with her first stating that and then doubling down constantly that she was right. Regardless of her opinion a smart person would have just shut the fuck up and let it die like the dog she shot.
  14. I'm having some problems Sir.... I am ont loosing my post, having a shit time finding the stuff I was following or gaining access to the site. These are the bare minimums that are expected when you upgrade. This is unacceptable.
  15. There are baby steps that you can do to get more used to the software. Change some hairs, eyes outfits etc from the game to what you want (NPCs) Other things that are easy to do as well. Slowly work towards what you want to do. Keep in mind his skills that he uses can be used for many other games as well as other graphics work as well. He even uses the stuff he makes to make comics! Lots of things you can start to do if you just want to play around with the stuff. You can't really hurt the game. (if installed using something like MOd Organizer) Even if you do, a simple nuke of the files and verify cache through STeam and you are back to business! AT one time I took all the great stuff that I liked from Skyrim and added it to a mod which ... made the game Beautiful. Some of my captures made others think it had ENB etc. It didn't. All running on a GTX 970 of all things. All I did was find the mods (replacres) that I wanted and made sure those and only those files and meshes were compiled into a single mod. I even started to merge mods before I stopped modding. Now I don't have a rig that is going to do much of anything so I"m held up there.
  16. The really sad thing is when people start tossing around shit about something (especially when it benfitis their community) nobody stands up anymore and calls their shit. I'd imagine all it would have taken was people banding up and taking that person(s) shit and telling them off. I know of other authors that wouldn't have left the modding scene if they were supported and had appreciation shown for all their hard work. These were authors that gave their work FREE no patron or other money paths. (Not that using patron is a bad thing if done properly and respectfully to both the author and user) Moral of the story is people need to shut up about shit they shouldn't be talking about and when someone starts talking shit... the community needs to put their ass back in its place. Bullies and shit throwers aren't needed in the modding scene.
  17. Yes, many positive comments from trans people that I am aware of about this mod. Clothing as well was made to order. Very Trans positive from what I heard of. Them shitting on stuff even if it benifts them is in voge and I dont' see much changing in the near future. Sadly, a few stupid people fuck it up for everyone else. The sad thing is Kendo is extremely good at creating body models and have done so in the past upgrading the shitty bodies that Bugthesda believed was A OK when releasing the game. Very few people have the skills present to be able to do so without a lot of learning and practice. He had so many more mods released in the past that have been removed for similar reasons. Someone always had to be an asshole. Now the only way to get something is for someone to go thorugh the work to create it. They would also have to create outfits or modify the outfits that are in game to properly fit the bodies as well. Lots of work.
  18. A lot of America's problems could be solved if they were shipped to Afganistan. On a side note. I had a moment .. glimmer of hope when I seen that a university was actually calling in cops for their students being destructive and such while demostrating. The article even stated that they were going to suspend those students for the semester. (I know, I know they should expell them if they are extremely disruptive etc but baby steps, baby steps)
  19. My game pass is cancelled as well.
  20. Bullshit like that is the reason a metric shit ton of old mods created by the old school of modders are gone. Just to let you know the old school of modders were ones that colaberated easily with each other. Often times than not they would let some of their work be included into other mods to help the community and an author that perhpas didn't have that skill. All that was asked was a thank you and credit. That was it. Gone are those days when things were for a game and for pleasure and fun. Now is weaponized bullshit by people that don't even take the time to investigate or even ask one question about the mod. Gone are the days when mods were expected to be free. When an author was absent for RL issues and a bug was found someone would fix that bug for that author and upload a copy (with full credit to the author ) so that people could use it. (This goes for an game update that broke that mod). Gone are the free mods that were uploaded by people that were new and assistance given to them to help them complete their vision. Now $$$$$ and bitches are what people will get. It is ashame that there are many people with a wealth of knowlege to give that just won't put up with that bullshit. @Alson3erfs This is for you specifically. The mod you are asking about would easily been kept up even if Kendo wasns't active here or elsewhere. Like other mods mentioned above. So long as someone trustworthy was willing to watch it, babysit it, it would stay up for everyone to enjoy. I've helped keep many old mods up on another site. Just because I am someone that was active and trusted by people to not shit on what they made. One mod had some cliping on an outfit. Someone in the community fixed it and offered it up (free no strings) and after checking it and verifying it with others that know what the fuck they are talking about regarding outfits and textures/meshes stating it was good. I added it. Others wanted to do all sorts of shit to another mod and it was shut down until the leadrs of the community or even better, the author(s) stated it was good. It didn't past muster and didn't happen. TL;DR: once people stop shitting on authors, weaponizing mods etc. then mods can return and everybody benifits.
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