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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. YOU CAN'T DELETE THE MOD YOU UPLOADED. They have always been able to delete mods. I remember them talking about their being able to remove a mod that went against their TOS.
  2. Yep, he never mentions that the modding community is the reason the success of these games. That would mean that he would also have to address the fact that many authors fix issues and such, like the simple removal of the green hue from Fallout 3. Not to mention bugs that continue well past the time that bugthesda decides to stop supporting the game.
  3. Yes. This. BG3 didn't make a big deal of it. Just gave you options because they could as far as I can see, not because there was an agenda to do so. From my hours of playing it, they show they give you options because they could. They don't try to make you be something. They just give you a game where you can be what you want and do what you want (within the game mechanics of course) They have mods as well. Not as complex as Bugthesda but they give that option because they can. Nothing that I have seen shows me otherwise. Hogwarts gives you a game that is well written and their shit works and if something is a problem so far they have fixed it promptly. They give you a lot for your gaming dollars and don't play you for a stupid fuck. No real agenda and the Trans character everybody keeps pointing out isn't shoved into your face like most woke games. You can pretty much guess but nothing comes about from it. Another highly praised game that very likely would have flew under the radar except for the SJWs calling people transfobe. That shit got the game much attention and many SJW tears and IMO rightfully so. In recent months I've started looking for games that SJW and left bitch about regarding gender and shit and see if it is a well put together game. Generally the more they bitch about something regarding the game (Hogwarts in this contex) the more the game actually looks good. Fuck, I don't even like harry potter franchise but can't complain tha tit isn't a good game. Starfail is the typical bugthesda game. With the standard bugs. The videos where Todd proudly Skyrim is still going 12 years later doesn't say it is because of the fucking mods not because the game is great. It is the authors that make the games continue and anyone that plays Skyrim can atest. Remember how they bitched about the UI when the game was first released?
  4. They can come here if they want to upload mods that remove pronouns. Hell, they can come here to upload mods that add pronouns. Sites that let politics infiltrate their site deserves to loose members. Unfortunately since Nexus is the larges most recognized mod site they think they can bully people and impose their politics. The announcer is correct regarding BG3. BG3 is very flexible to what you wish to do pretty much where you want to. Even for those that want go more SJW and have a tyranny or change your voice to a different one male or female. It did it, and did it without getting in your face about it.
  5. The thing is it doesn't only look like they failed them. (not the first time this happened) it looks like those in power actively harmed them so that they could then take over an area and develop it to make more money.
  6. Bethesda created a crap game. Doesn't run, bugs that they have had in the engine for more than a decade. With this, you wonder why people are blowing up on They/Them reference? Baulder's Gate 3 has the gender set in. Select the voice (I think there are 8 options, for feminine and 4 masculine) Depending on the race, there are several options, you can give your character a vagina or a penis. Or ignore it all together. The game gets better as you play it? This doesn't work. Your period of time for return is very brief. Mostly intended to make sure that you can run the game and not a lot of time to make a decision if this is a game you want. Have a shit opening, log cut scenes etc all counts. No wonder people demand their fucking money back. Empty planets? Lazy IMO. How hard would it be to have random encounters? It has been done by mod authors since Fallout 3. Why the fuck would you allow a chair of the spaceship have such problems with collision causing the player to get stuck so much in an area that they will have to use all the time throughout the entire game? How can they play test the game and not see that? How can they ignore that? Lazyness? Incompetence? Bethesda's woke philosophy, this also includes their "victim mentality". That they are unjustly being called out. It is part of the wok philosophy. Micosoft should sell / rent off Bethesda's IP's to someone else. They are doing nothing more than wasting money trying to create something that will only come out as shit.
  7. That does it. I will get Starfield. If I wanted realism, I'd go outside.
  8. Basically an EVERYTHING re-placer. LOL Oh, and by the way the greatest game of this decade is about to be released in a couple of days. (sarcasm LOL)
  9. Yes, I thought so but I also remember a fan from Mass Effect when you go up some stairs. Can't remember if that was the same voice. It was Sticky? Yes, I thought I heard that voice before in Bugthesda games.
  10. Isn't that from Mass Effect? Also does anyone feel that it sounds like a character from Oblivion? I can see it as a high elf with the uncomfortable close face. Also, just realized that you can get access to this if you have XBOX pass. So the only thing you'd waste is the network bandwith to download this game to give it a try. Even if it is just to cringe at the bad game. LOL>
  11. I have seen some sites that are talking about them setting up a scripting system and access to the engine. So it would have to be set up to be able to mod. As for Bethesda, I don't see them doing it either, so long as the fan boi keep following and allowing them to put garbage out. Shame really, If I am correct they can really set up some serious mod tools and have a much more modern tool kit. Have something that they can new employees easier considering this is something most game developer would know about or at least something (like a previous version etc) The down side (or upside for Bugthesda) is mod authors likely won't be able to add scripts to the game etc. ... wait a sec. perhaps they could create a engine with the tools and have an import function from the game. Kind of like TTW does?
  12. They are shipping a mod content creator in the game? Wow. However, it has to be activated and setup by the game manufacture (or so I believe the article states. I wonder if it can be added by someone after the release. (Forced) Also, If I am reading this correctly, they may be setting it up for their desires. Say skins or such, not full low level like was done for some of the bugthesda games. (Where mod authors added scripts to extend the play options) Much of the most popular mods rely on such extensions. If there is an ability for those that know the engine or willing to dive in and learn it, to add such components to the game when they release. (even add mod-ability) then It would be a good time for bugthesda to release their games in this engine. Hell, I'd even like to see them release their games (yes Skyrim again as they could use that to say they were learning the engine) again. Fallout 3, NV even Fallout 4 and 76 (I believe Unreal engine has mutiplayer ) as well as all the TES games as well.
  13. My comment was directed at the game looking good. The game, that is different. Some would love it.. Fuck, there are fanboi of Fallout 76 as well. (Don't know what the fuck they are drinking or smoking but whatever it is,... it must be GOOD ) It doers look really good. (the video) To be honest, I can deal with the Bugthesda bugs.. but not their weak stories and such. They keep getting more and more lazy with each release. How's the modding for unreal engine?
  14. can you imagine if Fallout NV was redone with this engine?
  15. Bugthesda would be hard pressed to do worse story wise than 76. You can bet dollars to donuts that they will have the same f**king bugs that they had for 76, F04, NV and even F03. It doesn't look like they changed anything (much of anything) based on the game play. Buy it after a year? ... I still haven't bought 76. Lets remember that they put bugs back into the game that they fixed (Fallout 76) Also managed to introduce new bugs (for multiplayer) as well. The gift that keep on giving ... .headaches that is. It has been years since 76 was release and even new fan boys videos that are on SnoopTube shows more problems that I want to deal with.
  16. Im offended that you want to be offended with me.
  17. It is sad that Bethesda doesn't have any creativity anymore. They went from fun easter eggs to just copying ideas and stuff from other game studios.
  18. The following shows this g ame just hits differently..... https://nichegamer.com/baldurs-gate-3-lets-you-have-sex-with-a-bear/
  19. Yep.... lol FYI there is no guidance through game mechanics. I had a hard time finding something and had to go back (to a previous save as the NPC wouldn't say it again) to find the info then explore and try to figure it out. So far, game actions has consinquences. If you do bad, you loose some companions. you can fight and even kill your companions as well. (don't worry, you can get hirelings afterwards only thing you loose is romance options) No gender block bullshit with romances (from what I have read, not far enough along to have much personal experience with that but so far, seems accurate) There is racisim in the game as well. Sometimes quite strong. Sometimes you have benifits depending. For a Drow, you can enter the goblin camp much easier than you can say for a high elf. The cut scenes are pretty good. Keep in mind this is a third person top or side down game. The graphics are decent but not to the level of those cut scenes people see. Nothing horrible sometimes the camera gets some issues but excellent or at least on par with other games like this.
  20. Update about 20 hours and two hard crashes. Had to do with scene changes both times. Had to reboot the computer. The game doesn't hold your hand. One of the most common experiences so far from what I have heard, seen and read is you pass up your companions (you can have 4 and so far they work reasonably well ) I was getting my ass handed to me and I didn't know why. The reason.. I missed some good companions before I advanced (also added experience to raise my level ) to be able to continue. It is easy to miss them as well. You have to solve problems and there isn't any hints and in one case of the top of my head, you wouldn't think it was a good idea and miss an opportunity.
  21. I needed something new to play so I got it. It is pretty good. Well made but not perfect. There was one minor issue (the dead body flailing around due to mechanics) and a strange crash that went to black .. didn't load and couldn't use task manager to kill the game, had to reboot) This was over about 10 hours of play. The customization is good, better than most games I have had any experience with or checked into, but not perfect. There are a series of faces to choose from. Not customization of the individual features of the faces that other games have. hair is another option has a lot of choices but not everyone will like those choices. I had a hard time choosing what I wanted for my character. Skin and eye tones are decent for your selection, and something I haven't seen with other games that I can remember, you can open up all the colors for all the races if you choose to do so and select one of those. Scars and such, decent. Has freckles and other such but could use some more options and choices. They did a decent job on race options and choices and combinations. Decent on transfering D&D rules over (notice the movement and some other options are different if you are an avid D&D gamer. However, If you are like me, you can catch up well. If you aren't a D&D gamer, it might be more of a challenge to get to truly understand what is going on. The spells act differently IMO than I would expecet them to but still decent. So out of a 1 to 5 punch the monitor I'd give it a 1 (lower being better of course, don't wan tto replace the monitors of course :P) There are game play videos out and make sure it is a release verison not the beta that was out when you review the video. Check your favorite review channel and see if this is something you'd like. Well made but won't be the cup of tea for everybody. @endgameaddiction It is a third person game at least. That and reasonably well made considering what has come out in recent years.
  22. Not only complete and functions quite well upon release, extremely customizable AND has mods? Consider myself blown away. I am considering getting it. It will break my "no new game" rule. Where I don't get the game when first released usually waiting for a sale etc. However, the more I read, the more this company/publisher deserves my $$$. Several people at my place of work has gotten it and stated it was quite good. These people usually are on track (most of the time) with game I also like.
  23. This game is reported to be awesome, well developed and lots of options. Now other developers are stating not to use this as a "new standard". I guess having a game that works and does what was advertised.
  24. The same thing happens here with the target push and others like that. Nobody wants something shoved down their throat. Most don't care about what someone does but like the reporter states, the more it is pushed down someone's throat, the more push back you will get.
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