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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Also in case it isn't clear... this also includes commissions for doing work etc. No money should change hands for any mod or other work distributed through this site. If there are any specific questions related to this... please ask beforehand. There are many sites that turn a blind eye toward this act that one can go to if this is what they desire as Kendo stated above. To be clear... this is r/t to money not to distribution of members uploaded works. Those works remain the property of those that created them. I mention this just in case someone thinks "forever free" means the content is "free to use" we have many uploads here where this is the case due to the kindness of the author/creators but not all of them are this way. Hopefully, this helps clarify the issue. Good question. @nsfwmodszzz Feel free to ask other clarification questions if you are confused on any other policy or rule we have.
  2. Reporting would be fun, however, I don't know how much that would help. We both know how much of the games original assets have been "used" to create mods and other assets even ported over to other games (from Bethesda) and know that they know this is going on and nothing is happening. I doubt they will do much to prevent people from hiding mods behind paywalls. They are too busy fucking around and such to actually take care of business (making decent games and protecting their assets) Edit: Kendo likely knows of more assets that I am unaware of that has been "used" ... I can really only tell the most obvious "use" assets and am aware of others that others have broken down and shown me. I am just a dumb alien with this "stuff". Which is really bad if I can see these "used" assets and nothing is happening...
  3. I believe the average "beth loving fanboys" can't handle CDRed games. They are too hard. They sit in their corner crying and/or pack their bags and move on. They can't handle a complex, rich and diverse game. They need it simple, dumbed down and easy to beat and play. This was the trend with the last few games (look at Morrowind then Fallout 4 you can see where things got simple. Where your actions really didn't mean much except maybe a slight different comment. Also, modding CDProjectRed's games are much more complex to do not to mention actually working on creating mods. It isn't for the faint of heart. I don't see to many "beth loving fandboys" moving to mod for that game. Also over at "that other site" they are trying to come together to create a game of their own instead of dealing with problems of possible future releases of Bethesda games. This tells me that this is the case. Now, real talented mod authors with real skill and determination, might very well move over to CP2077, and that I would invite. People with the skills to make mods and such. Not the individuals / people that come to mind when someone mentions "beth loving fandboys" Anyway that is my 2 and 1/2 cents.
  4. Just a bearded woman... How else to better stay warm...?
  5. Well It appears that that the site has been taken down for "maintenance" I never even heard of that site until this happened. Guess I didn't really miss much
  6. I understand but, why make something if you aren't into it? Just make what you want to make. Kendo made a few pretty quickly awhile back (at least released them close together) and then seemed to take a vacation and now, it looks like he is coming back. I assume he has some new inspiration and based on the example above, I am pretty sure I will be... interested... in what he has to offer when/if he does release a new comic. I am fairly confident that you will be able to make some pretty good comics as well. So what if they are limited or few and far between. We (the reader) just have to take what is offered. Take George R.R. Martin, he creates what he creates when he creates it. It is awesome (even if you aren't interested in that type of story) when he does release it. His fans have learned to accept this fact. (for the most part. ;)) If you have some finished comics from before, feel free to release them (or not) and if you get some more ideas, and desire, great. However, if it isn't in you, then it isn't in you. That is just fine as well.
  7. I really like what Kendo does with his comics, might not be along my taste from time to time but I still find them interesting and entertaining. Having a different direction in making comics is great! I am pretty sure there are some here just waiting for what you have to offer. (Also Kendo don't do to much with Skyrim in comics as well) Different is good. You will gain your fan base, just be aware... they will likely be ravenous and desire more and more comics...
  8. Good info. I am sure it will help someone trying this tutorial.. Might help her if she starts reworking the tutorial as well. No problems, sorry I can't help more. I basically stopped modding Skyrim (using old setups here and there when I get a urge and then shortly later, stop :P) so I don't know anything about updates or newer versions of mods unless they happen to be due to my needing to update for some reason what I have.
  9. Yes, there is a need for an update but she hasn't created one. However, it is a good start for someone to do some research and give an idea on how to approach the task of extreme modding of Skyrim. Random crashing could be just stress due to the large amount of mods and scripts you have. Might not be able to do any better than that. However, I don't know how to read the log. Hopefully someone could take a peek at at and give some ideas.
  10. good luck. I pulled a MO profile from about the time of this tutorial and had lots of problems with some new mods. It ended up that I needed to refresh all the mods. I think it had to do with time perhaps some bit rot or something. ONce I updated them (even if they didn't change) the game started to be more stable. Might be the same with you. Also I don't read Papyrus... Perhaps someone could see something there, but I know I can't.
  11. Depending on your desires, you might have to changed out some components that she suggest with the tutorial. In the case of the Bodies you would have to be sure you are dong the best and have the best set up. Determine if it is better to install over, (after in MO) or unclick and install your favorite bodies and armors. Remember to changed out of the other armors as needed. "loose files from Previous mod" is easy fix... with MO, just unclick the mods in question. With the game (manual install or previous game install...) just delete all loose files and any files you don't know about in the data folder and verify cache. It will re-fresh the game and get rids of those pesky loose files. Feel free to indicate your changes when you come back with a Sexout build. Let people know what you learned and what you are using so that they can use your suggestions as a roadmap to get their Sexlabs action on.
  12. She isn't very active and stated I could make a few comments on her tutorial as needed in her absence. I had some of Sexlabs on the test version of her tutorial (slightly before the final polish) and it worked. Keep in mind that it is even more stressful on the system and your results might be undesirable depending on your rig you are using. Sexlab has many scripts and they are running at the same time as some of the tutorial setup not to mention textures etc, etc. So... Test the tutorial, make sure you have a solid and useable system. Then create a new profile and then install Sexlab and a few select mods (keep it low) the ones that you must have, don't install the entire library of Sexlab mods over on LL. Check it out and make a few tweaks on location in the MO install (left side) and the load order if needed (right side) and see what you are able to do. Feel free to come back and show your load order and work and mods you are using (Sexlab) so that others can follow and work on their load orders and include Sexlab as well.
  13. If you are honest, you would find some similarities. When you search for others famous people with that same personality you will find that you liked those people or admired them. You are similar to them. Remember Jung did create this as well as the other early inroads to psychology. Much has been learned in the past years that makes some or most of his work outdated but still it is a good foundation and the info is useful to some degrees. Much like Freud's theories have been debunked or newer more precise ones have been introduced expanding on his works in recent years. We have to keep in mind that these were the founding fathers of psychology. A model T is all but useless now a days however, it is an interesting work to examine and understand. A basis for what came later. At least that is how I "pass my time" on this matter.
  14. No, check the web. there are tricks you can do to make someone self conscious and touch their noses without actually asking them to. There are other tricks you can do as well. At least to people that aren't expecting it. Typicaly people do these things. Like yawning when others yawn.. etc. Try some of these. I haven't tried all these yet. https://brightside.me/article/13-impressive-psychology-tricks-that-will-make-your-life-easier-101055/
  15. INTJ both by proctored testing (class) as well as professionally review (specialist which was the instructor) private personal test as well as re-testing years later. Sometimes I border on INTP but that makes sense. They are so close to each other. That is one reason I am an Alien... This is one of the most rare personality types. My instructor after asking a series of question for testing conflict and such to place people into groups which would have difficulty in resolving a complex issue was disappointed that my counter personality wasn't present in the room. He expected that. He was a ol' school behaviorist and even a psychoanalyst as well. (Started practicing in late 1960's) Well he wrote the answer we would give for our groups on a paper and numbered them. gave the task and waited. An hour later... we was called on and he handed the paper over to the group,we stated what we decided.. .and opened the paper only one group was slightly off, most were dead on. Pretty scary. Nice, I haven't heard of this process used before. My default mode is Adult, most of the time it is very rare that someone could put me into a Adult mode and even more rare that I get pushed into a child mode. When that happens... it is usually very short lived (seconds) mostly thought then my default kicks in. However, I am evil and many times I figure out the triggers of some ... and use my evil side and trigger them into their modes mentioned above to get what I want or need. The entire time I am usually in control of the process. (evil alien I am) I like that video.It is an easier follow and understand than other things I have read or watched before. My favorite trick is to make someone touch their nose or ear.. lol. Or make some involuntary body movement.
  16. This wasn't to get you to use it. It was an addition to Jung. It was created as I understand it by Jung for the purpose of self exploration. At least the first steps. No attempt was made to get you to "believe" it was just a discussion. yes, this is also very useful for the younger generations as they are learning about themselves. Many times as you might well agree, it is difficult for them to quiet themselves enough to get meaningful insight to their personal inner self. They can get some understanding but not as much as you might after years of practice. You are also correct. At least IMO it takes years and years (actually your entire life) to continue to practice the task of self examination. It is quite useful if you are willing to commit to the work to self examine. It is also quite hard for many. Mostly schools and such use the Personality profile to help students (mostly High School and College) get a better grasp on what might be productive and comparable future occupations and such. I didn't mention that above. There are people that try to use the process to categorize people they meet into one of the personality types. This isn't a good idea. I know of some people that try and unless they have extensive practice and are a mental professional in the field, they usually fail and the "expectation" usually fall short. Hell, even people taking the test often times errors as they don't truly know themselves enough to truly answer the question. They get close, but sometimes not on mark. I find the theory and testing interesting and somewhat useful. It has helped me a bit in understanding some of the aspects of my life. However, I don't hold it to great importance.
  17. Gave you a like... so you can get a hit of dopimine.. lol
  18. If done correctly, it would be done without ego and as honest and truthfull as possible. You do hit on the main problem of these test / theory, that is people sometimes answer the questions with what they "think" is right and not truthfully. This leads to wrong results. Much as what happens to many other such test and even one on one consultation. However, with one on one consultation or led testing a professional can get better more truthful results as they likely will see some of the tell tell ticks and other indications of dishonesty even if they person don't realize they are being dishonest. Think of this as a entry level quick checkup to the quiet self exploration. your comment from quieting the ego and exploring your inner self is indeed a deeper and more reveling process than these test. It can give you some info but not as much as the full Monty (your self exploration)
  19. Not exactly.I think he would be happy what he created and the fact that people use it currently. (professionally as well) here are some grey spots but it is a way to tell differences in people. It is used by people to help determine personality and likes. It helps clarify what fields someone might be interested in, types of work and interactions that they might like, and even how they might respond to problems or tackle a problem. Unlike some (most) of Jung's work, it is holding up and is used as a tool (not exclusively) today. Gandalf is many times contributed to being an INTJ. INTJ https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types ^ More info. Check it out. It is confusing at first but it is used even today ... To great effect if the person understands the concept well. It is even loosely used for the movie Divergent... If you notice they are separated by types... which are loosely based on personality types. Only thing is they don't have 16 types. They consolidate like types into the groups.
  20. I can see Butch from Fallout 3 having a crush on her. lol. This makes me think... one person on the game (Fallout 3) which would really fit (this mod) would be Brick.... http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Brick
  21. To add something to this thread. I find Jung's personality theories quite interesting. http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality/type It is interesting to take the test (honestly) and see what type of personalty you are. Even with this ... I am an alien... lol. Test http://www.humanmetrics.com/personality
  22. If some are confused, I moved the documentaries and other intellectual videos to a thread for such discussion leaving this for more light discussions of movies. Quick link
  23. ^ Moved and assembled (to the best ability I could) all the intellectual, discussion materials I could find for those that wish to have higher level thought discussions with other members here. Hope I didn't confuse anyone... too much...
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