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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Nevermind.. I was in error. You don't have to pay for a Creation Club DLC. It is just credits. The way they laid it out made me think it was another DLC. lol
  2. I love the question on the intro 'How are you a vegan" lol.
  3. I will wait until I can see some serious, reasonable, reliable reviews and game play. Someone that I agree with their reviews. This is the only company that I will do this with. With Bethesda/EA whatever the crap other company.. I will really wait. I usually wait until things are ~30 ~50% or better off to buy the game. Some I wait all the way until they become combination deals. If this game (and company) go to shit.. then I will loose all hope... I will only buy a game if it cost less than a cup of coffee. Regardless.
  4. I noticed a slight slow down before and reported it earlier... however not horrible. I am however getting the double notification I believe some have asked about for some reason. Not all the time just some of the time. (Running Firecrap web browser) Chrome runs better and faster. Haven't used Explorer. It could be due to our success
  5. Yes, it would be tempting... until they try to sell you the trees and plants for this open world land along with the armors and weapons and perhaps even spells. Basically they give a flat world and a few quest and yo have to pay for the rest in micro transactions. They will even blame the users by saying that the users want a more open world that they can enter and change to suit their wants... Now other than the base, you can grow and develop the TES world the way you want it. Between them and EA twisting their words so badly.. I can't understand why more aren't angry or even someone suing them. I mean the majority of players of these games are mature, adults * They should be seeing how much shit is being thrown at them, shouldn't' they? Now.. if they came out and stated the DLC type would be smaller records to equal to Xbox and playstation restrictions etc, etc and was honest... then I wouldn't have a problem with them. I wouldn't like it but liking something is totally different than getting pissed at being lied to by a series of double talk.
  6. Well hopefully they will do that and shock all of us.. however, I seriously doubt that will ever happen, especially with the current admin at that company.
  7. Even if someone was a fan boy, I can't see them fixing this. It works. (suppose to at least and so far from reviews does) Why add textures and shit to it. Create your own,hell they had to do almost the work to create it. There is a free mod available on Nexus. If you have to fix something give a hand fixing that up. Now I can see people going ... cool. I will get the Creation Content (pay for the DLC on top of that) and then get x and y mod to make it better. These are the same people that bitch because they have to download 2 or 3 mods to get one to work. WTF, seriously. Is stupid in the water they drink? Dam, I will admit I wanted the Creators Club to be something, worthy of course with the promised "DLC Sized" content. (AKA falascaar) Little did I know they were referring to the horse armor (pun intended ) However, even this shit is shocking me, knowing as I do how badly Bethesda can fuck this up. Never thought they would do this so badly and then the community to come up and lick the shit off Bethesda's dick after it sticks it in your ass nice and deep. (sorry for the vulgarities, I usually don't go that level but I can't think of any other way to describe what is happening now. The level of disgust I have. My brain is literately shutting down at the sheer stupidity of the situation.)
  8. First... mod authors fix Bethesda's games. Second... mod authors fix Bethesda's DLCs. Third ... (now) mod authors have taken to fixing Creation Content. WTF... someone is fixing a paid Mod and making it better which ... forces someone to have to pay 5 dollars to get the original content then download the fixes and add it to the game to get the end result.
  9. They were studying the possibility of multiplayer. That was the funding. Polish government I don't believe has the same hangups for an mature video game company as some of the agencies here in the US. Also it was a grant for development of a mutiplayer if I remember correctly. It was a way to help develop a successful company which they have very few. It is an investment in their economy as much as anything. Actually a very smart move. . I don't see it being a top down or other than a first or third person game. This is the games that they have experience in and made a name for and this is what their development team has developed for the game engine. However, you are correct, it won't be a witcher game. It will be a different game. They were pretty true to the original story for the Witcher and as i understand it they didn't hire the author on like they did for Cyberpunk I expect it to be as honest and true to the actual board game as possible in a 3d world. Even more in line with the board game then they were with Witcher and its story taken for the game.
  10. The larger world gives you a prespetive that you are smaller. It adds options that you might want if you are x character, you might need to be in a different part of town as opposed to y character. Some of them need to be on the fringe others in the heat and main parts of town. You can't really have that if you don't have a large world. There are doors in Witcher that you can't open however most of the time this makes sense as you shouldn't unless you wanted to or there is some damage to the building (collapsed etc) then the door is blocked. In fact some even allow you to "blow" past these and using a sign break down the door you don't really see much as it is abandon but you can enter. Those that you can't enter ... you can still look around the building and see parts of the interior.. much like you can in RL if you wanted to do so with an abandoned building. I think the maturity will be there and perhaps in much higher quantities however a bit more censored than their past. As Kendo stated it was pretty graphic for Witcher 2 and in Witcher 3 it was more like a Mass Effect sex cut (but better directed) I suspect about the same for the new game with lots of options. If they have braindance as we know it ... It would be a very sore missed opportunity not to use it for a few Porn options.... Good ones at that.. after all it is suppose to drag you into the world and make you addicted and not want to leave. I imagine that would be one avenue to get that shown.
  11. Hey, feel free to post examples
  12. ^ I haven't heard of the above.
  13. I believe in order to get the tools for modding you will have to be a member of Betnet. It is a very good likelyhood at this point in time. No free random download. You will have to be a member, perhaps a participating member of the site to get the "privilege" to have that tool. This would minimize the "random element" a bit more than it is currently. They already seem to be moving in that direction and have been for some time. They will have mods, likely free ones and the such at least for the next one or two releases. This can generate more interest in the game and people learning and doing mods. They then can "tempt" them with money to upload some cheap but likely popular microtransaction mods. In fact, there might be people that like that way of doing things. A few hours on a computer, wip out some semi acceptable armor or other mod (less than 10 hours) and get some cash and move on. No need to monitor or support users etc, etc. Yes, many very skilled members have said fuck you and moved on not to be seen again due to that horrible event. Shame of it is if Bethesda didn't do that crap and came out with the CC now, the reception might have been better. It might have had some more members of skill that would have done a few hours of work to get some $$$ pay off.
  14. I will be honest... I loved Witcher 3 after forcing myself to learn and get use to the mechanics. It is a deep and rich game. 2077 is based off the game and CDPR is doing it right by having the author part of the development process. If they put the love and care into the game it will be great. Now, It might not be liked by me to be honest, however, in reality in today's time and age, it doesn't have to be. If a company does an excellent job with story, mechanics, graphics and such and develops their skills and show genuine care and concern... then it is a champ regardless of if it as moddability, or liked by me personally. In reality, so long as they show the care they gave WW3, I will likely buy it regardless. I will do this to support them and their work because they deserve to be supported in a time when other companies treat their customers like a number (or shit depending on your point of view) I personally believe they will put in the effort and quality that they have shown in the past so I am confident that it will be a winner(awards and such) I would like to have the game next year... however, it if takes them 2 more years... that is fine as well. Then at least they won't be releasing a game MEA style.
  15. I can't help it... when I hear your first video soundtrack I go right to Weird Al's Like a Surgeon..
  16. Since this is about music and music lovers, I was recently wanting to listen to some music. I didn't have it with and had access to a computer and internet so I thought I'd play a bit of Pandora. FYI I rarely play or use their service only when there are times I don't have access to my music. Long story short they changed their policy and are enforcing the 40hour free use policy... which is cool after all you are getting it free and they are providing a service which cost them royalties... fair enough... EXCEPT they didn't let me have access to this. It is the beginning of the month.. great ok.. perhaps it is a rolling month.. (yes I didn't believe that either) or maybe I forgot and left it on (slim fucking chance of that as well) so I cleaned the cookies from them and used another garbage email I have and opened an account.. all was good for a bit. I was listening to some Rock but the selection was much more harsh than I wanted to listen at that time so I moved to more mainstream list... then BAM.. they stopped my access. 30 minutes into the use of their account on an email I haven't used since 2012!!!!! WTF.. also apparently they are "targeting" selected individuals. Well Fuck you Pandora and bad move. I am now at a point where I want to get access (can afford subscriptions) and was considering it to complement my Netflix account. Well due to your dickery, you are not the company I want to patronize. So what subscription or free service do you guys, gals and any aliens suggest? Also for some music.. (with dancing) DAM that guy can move...
  17. Yes, @endgameaddiction so what if you pissed off someone here. This isn't a 6th grade class in some prissy upper class neighborhood where everybody get a gold start if they come to school... and if you don't but really, really wanted to. State your mind here and get used to it. Don't hold back. If at the end of the day everyone here has all their appendages... especially the most important one.. then it is a good day! I loved how you kicked @Kendo 2 right in the nut sack.. that was worth the price of admission. lol. Wow.. I don't think I have seen anyone hit him that hard ... ever... @Kendo 2 yea... you are a fucking normie.. you have gotten old and you aren't the bad ass you thought you were... (except when creating textures and meshes...Wow...you ... well are awesome there, regardless of being a normie.. :P) lol
  18. However, regardless of if you buy it or not, the new exe and system fucks up the free mods you already have... unless I am mistaken.
  19. Your post ^ made me take another look at Fallout 4... Seriously, you are making someone pay for that?
  20. They have done the impossible so far. They have pissed off their most strongest supporters and the rest of the community. They are on the defensive and just sticking by their guns. They have shown a total lack of care for what is being stated except where they can ban their supporters ( like that you-tuber that requested that something be fixed that she thought was wrong.. nothing negative) It is very possible that they would start to request mods be taken down that are like the ones that they have. Even more so with the interview where they state that they own the original concepts (Stealth armor etc) so they aren't taking already created content from the community and putting it on the CC. They are setting the lines up and showing that they own these assets so that when the do (and I believe they will ) start doing takedowns.... they will not care. The question is ... are then going to do it with the current community assets/games or wait until a new game is released with CC included. I believe if they are continued being attacked for the content on the CC as being copies they will not care and submit take down request (and then take it legal later if needed) to prove their point. They are showing that they are committed to the new program and that they don't give a flying fuck what someone thinks. They will continue down this path in one form or another (only minor alterations like increased record counts possible if they can get Sony to get their jack boot off the modding concept and allow this to happen) I believe they are showing that they are setting themselves up to take on the modding community indirectly (which they are currently) but directly if needed. They are thinking on their future (their concept anyway of that ) and what they desire for the next 1,5,10 year out and what the gaming business will be and they are setting themselves up for that. If that means that they kill what "was" for what they precieve "will be" then they will believe they are doing the right thing. They are showing very scary moves and if you read between the lines it is even more frighting if you like the "status quo". and the modding community as you understand it. Modding is a market and a commodity. Bethesda and such is a business and they will treat it as such. It is untapped potential and they will exploit it for what they can. To be honest they will succeed in their plan as they will make money on the process and that is all they care about. They don't care about the rich community or protecting it. They believe (and might be correct ) that people will still buy the game. The people they are marketing it to isn't the same people that were the focus of a few years or more ago. It is those that have consoles (or console mentality) and interested in micro transactions etc. The modding community (at least as far as Bethesda games and the way things were in the past) is in its final death throws and many still ignore the facts but in time after the shock, anger, sadness there will be acceptance of this. Bethesda knows this and is looking at the long picture (Pete Hines interview shown me this) The world of Bethesda Modding is dead as we know it.
  21. Dollars are no good here, says Pete Hines/ Bethesda.. lol. We need Creation Club credits (showing that they drink their own cool-aid. The only explanation how they can be so far off and do so many stupid things)
  22. Credits will do fine, No they won't... Yep, Bethesda isn't going to buy that
  23. That song about sums it up. It sums it up quite well. Now I am sad Knowing that I will likely never experience the pleasure and joy I had in the past with Fallout 3 and to a lesser degree Fallout NV. I was never really a fan of the TES series. so now ... I have nothing to look forward to from Bethesda... except watching the crash and burn that they seem to be having on an almost daily basis.
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