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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. what makes these files being loaded into your game folder even more horrific is the fact that you can remove the DLCs pretty easy by simply unclicking them in the panel labeled "DLC below the Play button. When you do this you get Disclaimer... I did delete the "CC" crap but other than that nothing else. On a side note if you experienced the addition of the High Texture pack and it completely fucked your game causing CTD and other shit... just unclick it and be done with it. It will instantly delete it from your Steam folder.
  2. It might very well be. I don't have the tools (or care enough to extract them) to see if it is indeed included in the BSA records. However their format with BS2/ESM is pretty consistent through the Data file. Not sure if they can include the entire thing into the BS2 file to make it work If that is the case then that is even more stupid. People can rip these out and even have the files (records) to rework. P.S. I can't find the Eula file (raw in the folder.) to upload it here to see it was indeed changed as @Kendo 2 believes it to be.
  3. yes, they should have waited and sent out invites for the program to those mod authors that they wanted to work with and worked on "flagship" projects that would properly represent the best of the best they had to offer before they rolled out the program. This would have been the best path, however, they have a history of not following the best path. I also did confirm for those that don't have the game and those that won't load the game anymore that indeed the BSAs are installed with the most recent update.
  4. Update... @endgameaddiction was correct. I thought it wasn't possible for them to be that stupid as to preload all the content into the computer but apparently their stupidity knows no bounds and I am giving them too much credit. AS you can see above after the most recent update... a ton of shit has been added to the game. All start with CC. (Creators Club) much like the rest of the games would show DLC(DLC name) what the item is format. The second capture is how much space you are using on your SSD for the crap that you don't want or need or will even use. It appears that they placed the assets (textures, meshes etc) into your game folder but not the esm/esp. Likely that is what you are "buying" So as mentioned above... you should be able to extract those fuckers and then just add it to your own game record... if you wanted it. WTF.... really? They (Bethesda) isn't even holding the files for those that purchase them... Hell just give the assets out to everybody so that it would be much easier to pirate the content. Wow... It is SoOOOOO very difficult to create a record for an armor / weapon ... Yea.... @Kendo 2 comment above applies pretty well here.
  5. Yes, it was their claim at least. However, lets understand this. Even back in Oblivion days they released a "Horse Armor" so what they are offering is "DLC Like Content" at least in perspective of what they have done in the past. I was thinking about this when I seen the videos here and elsewhere on this subject. I believe it was those in power wanted to roll out the project and didn't have larger content and decided to do this with the smaller content to "test the system" so to say. To get it out there for people to see and start to interact and to help iron out any glitches etc. (that is if they were a proper company wanting to be sure their product was functional Which I doubt this is the case.) There is a backlash... and it is inevitable. It is the nature and they understand this and will continue. They tried the Steam way and such and failed. Once they created their site and started setting it up I was fairly confident they would be the source. Might have even been their original idea to do but was afraid that there would be more of a backlash due to them being perceived as trying to take over for other modding sites. Hell they might have even wanted it to fail. (Insert favorite Doctor Evil quote here) So far based on what I have seen and the paths that they have taken, I believe this is exactly what they had in plan since the beginning. They hope that others will come and help increase the content but in reality they need to get it out there and starting to be functional before that can happen. I am of the same opinion as most here... however, I can't help but to understand that they don't have this super large content as they only started this a short time ago and this type of content from mod authors takes quite some time to develop. Honestly, look at the amount of time and man hours it took for your favorite "DLC Sized" mod from Skyrim. I want to bash them harshly but will reserve my rants until they have had a chance to prove what we all pretty much are willing to bet on... they will fail with this project, before I really tear into them. @Kendo 2 Yes, I agree with your rant above. In fact their actions and changes have left such a sour taste in my mouth that I was looking at a game for purchase (on sale) at a store.. I was reading it and know it was fairly well regarded but when I read the Bethesda logo on the back... I put it down... I will check further before I buy it and likely will place it on my "wish list" etc for a 5 or so dollar purchase if it is excellent. (I forget the name but it is the one where you are an assassin and the cover has that weird mask. The first edition not the recent release. ) I didn't realize how bad a number they did to me (well to be fair combined with EA's MEA nonsense) FUCK! Not sure that is the case. However,I have an update to take care of (after zip theFallout exe etc first) Is there a listing of the new files? I am doing an update and have taken a before update capture. I'll check later after the update (perhaps ) and see if something new dropped. I believe you have to go and get the file and sign up first before you get the added files. Now once you do that you do get the files and then have to buy them first. I was already pissed at the size of the Textures pack for something that is almost undetectable.
  6. That is either an extremely romantic date... or the most embarrassing one... depending lol. That makes me wonder... can someone (Average person) carry a Barry White karaoke? His music is through and through 70's... but I don't care... lol. You will never (at least so far for close to 40+ years) have a woman complain about playing this song... Added benefit... she knows what is on your mind when you do play it when you are alone Here is a a song that is very romantic and more able to be sung buy those Lesser Men (and women) from Al Green
  7. There is already a Hell fire mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26251/? and the others are re textures of the pipboy? It isn't even useful micro-transactions.
  8. You know as I thought of this... I think that CD Project Red would do a awesome video game of GOT. I was thinking about how you (Kendo) stated it being created in the way Witcher was made. This could work. I believe they could do the job...
  9. Please don't make me think about that.... I would have nightmares from that.
  10. I'll add #3 (At least for me) Not providing proper solid reliable tools to perform those updates and fixes to their messed up games, add mods, extended features (which have been added for a number of years and they still haven't gotten the hint and implemented some of those script extensions to their engine when they rework them for a new game) That seems to be the ongoing trend (it appears to be part of the younger generation) where they HAVE to have RECOGNITION. Getting likes is their life's blood. When I get a like or thumbs up or whatever, I am like ... "Cool, they liked it" or "They think like me", "We are on the same wavelength" etc, etc. If I don't get a response (post reply, or a like or whatever) I am like "meh, guess I wasn't interesting there." and move on to perhaps something else I can contribute or converse on. (which is pretty much like, in my opinion, what a normal conversation is like a give and take) The younger generation, at least on forums and such, seem to have to be the center of attention all the time. That must be so very frustrating, stressfull, and tiring for them. Can't see someone wanting to live that way. Guess they don't know any other way. Disclaimer: In real life I meet some very interesting younger generation and they don't act this way, must be a forum thing.
  11. Maybe when it gets to 10~15 dollars perhaps... (and only if the modding community fixed all the crap that was broken and just plain wrong with the game until then I will agree and now lump the EA related games in that category as well.
  12. Perhaps a shot across the bow of CD Project red making CyberPunk 2077? I don't see any reason a gaming company would make a Game of Thrones game it is popular as a series, book and such but that doesn't mean that it will translate well in any form to a game. (unless CD Project Red was making it even then I don't think it will be great. ) however, I don't watch that movie or read the books. I am basing it on the style of the story. It is a better "story" and not really useful as a game... Now if they opened that world up and created a different story line from GOT then perhaps. That world is rich and interesting, so if they made a interesting story to play inside that world with references to what might be going on with GOT then yes, it might be something interesting. However, sad to say that Bethesda has lost whatever story telling skills they had in the days of Morrowwind, Oblivion, etc. so the results would be like a remake of Fallout 4 in a Games of Thrones universe.
  13. ^ Interesting having those two together playing/singing.
  14. ^ another different rendition of Thunderstruck.. this time with Tesla Coils Back in Black You can see the Tesla Coils working better in this one. Also since there are two there is more differentiation in the tones and notes.
  15. You've made a "Convoy" of music on this thread. Actual movie released 1978 ;P However, with all this country and other music, Perhaps it is time to move on to "Heavy Metal" An actual movie that has the theme of Heavy Metal and uses many of the most famous and some not so famous heavy metal songs from that time. Promo
  16. As long as it is related to "Music Lovers" it is good. Keep on, Keeping on. LOL.... You can find almost any combination of words in a song...
  17. Yep, they say "Only the good die young."
  18. Likely it will be of lower quality and more repetitive since they seem to be giving the finger to those that will advance the offerings and bring fresh items to the new system.
  19. I don't normally like Westerns... However, I did enjoy the Good The Bad and the Ugly. Mostly I would guess the music made the difference... lol It was hard to find a good copy... You'd think they would have a great copy on You Tube.
  20. ^ Those Stevie Wonder are some songs that you don't hear often I don't think I ever heard Cactus... Thanks.
  21. classic Blues Singer... JohnLee Hooker
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