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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Hello, I know you too.. lol What is this site that you are talking about... LL something, something? Yes, the engine/game is horrible with this however at least Fallout 4 is suppose to be 64bit.. at least it doesn't have the restrictions that FNV has for textures. Right?
  2. Not a bad little machine you have there. Strong enough for Fallout NV, Oblivion, Skyrim and such. I agree, with its age it might be better to build from the ground up. I did that a few years ago (one upgrade before this one) and gotten the USB3.0 case so I am good there. I don't care about USB c or 3.1 yet so don't need to upgrade a case to handle those I can use a cable to the front from the I/O ports in the back if I find I need that... lol. Yours however based on what you have, likely don't have USB 3.0 or such available. And with cases becoming so good (for a cheap case) with excellent cooling and low noise (thanks to the larger fan diameters ) you would do very well with a new system from the ground up. IN fact, I'd say keep the old one around to play your older games (using the older OS) and only use the newer one for the newer games (with the newer OS) as we all know the shit that the new OSs give us. I bring this up because if you use either of the new processor (newest) then you HAVE TO USE WINDOWS 10. I am not kidding. There is no driver support and such for the older OS.s Rysin and 7th gen are like this and likely anything created in the future will restrict your use of windoze versions.
  3. Apparently Fallout 4 has a High Resolution Texture pack that has been out for a but of time and I wasn't aware of it. So I am checking it out and downloading it... or more to the point... using up 4 weeks of bandwidth to download it. It is showing up as 55.1 gb from what I can see (unless there is a massive unknown update included in the game which shouldn't be the case since I have no restrictions to updates to this game due to my not using it) I am wondering if it is going to be the quality of Skyrim Texture pack. That is a little improvement for a massive FPS drop due to not being optimized and I'd need to download all sorts of added textures and such to overwrite this to get any level of performance/quality added to my game. If anyone has it installed and can give some reviews on this please feel free to comment.
  4. Before I spend money upgrading my computer...I am like Kendo, I need to know I really need an upgrade before that time. Fortunately CD Project Red is taking their time on this game... lol. It is likely the only game that I will be interested in the future that will require an upgrade. I haven't been interested in other games that are new being released and instead have returned to the older more "aged" games and playing around with modding them and mostly messing with the actual mods.
  5. Start saving.... the "RL" reason for buying a new PC ... will be CyberPunk 2077!!!! Chances are based on some of the info I will have to upgrade my rig as well if I wanted to get the best that they have to offer. My little 4th gen 4790K and 16gig ram with a gtx970 will be too weak for this game (likely) to run at acceptable levels and features. Wonder if they will be using Direct x12 on this. I think it is very likely.
  6. ritualclarity


    It is great that you add some photos from your game of mods you downloaded from this site. Keep up the great works.
  7. Yes, I agree. They needed better core content. They could have setup an example and framework and then left it to the modders to come along and add their content. The main quest needed much more meat and meaning. However, in many areas it appeared to at first look like there might be something awesome to enjoy there or some interesting quest... then it was the same lame type of quest nothing special. I wonder if they had planed to add more to the game that would have made it much more interesting but due to time and money (some of the time spent building those mini games. ) took away from that? Speaking of mini games... Witcher III card game is awesome. at first I didn't like it and was confused but as I learned the game (both the main game and the card game) I started to really appreciate it. I started using strategy and planing and such to make my end results better just like the rest of the game. That is how Fallout 4 (and Skyrim mentioned above) should have been addressed. Hell even Mass Effect Androgynous should have been handled. If it had the stories and quest quality of previous Mass Effect games and just had the screwed up graphics and shit. Even with much of the SJW (tone it down a slight bit) I am confident it would have been much better rated. People would have been in shock etc about the visuals/animations but those could be fixed with a few patches. Last time I played (with a heavily modded game, far more modded than I need in any previous game to enjoy) I found it somewhat playable. It was still boring at times but there were a few things here and there that made me laugh and think of the past (Fallout 3 and Fallout NV) and think of what could have been and then become sad People argue between the Fallout 3 and Fallout NV (development and the different people responsible) and which is better. I can't see this happening for Fallout 4 as it isn't anything like the previous two games or for that matter any of the Fallout games except in parts of the lore. Much of the dark humor is gone. I really liked that. The stores and surprises are also few and far between not to mention of a seriously lower quality. The one thing I really liked is Redeye
  8. There needed to be more meaningful quest and actual consequences. Also you needed to have an evil option for many of those events in the game to balance the play. The modders will likely be called on more in the future with the new "product" that they have called the "Creation Club". Shame is Bethesda will likely not take full advantage of the new "product" and actually improve their base games (accept scripting and engine updates ... instead of having to have script extenders they could use these scripts natively inside the engine. Likely will be more stable that way. ) We know they will take good advantage of the modder as slave labor and such. Also.. I kind of liked the mini games that you could play on the pipboy. I thought that was pretty cool idea. Likely that person that suggested that idea got fired.
  9. Dam.. they are really channeling Blade runner here aren't they... 5 things you must know about Cyberpunk
  10. Now that is something we should have gotten as a default Nord face...
  11. We know you LOVE to do these.... Also you do them so very well However, if you want to not do one... that is OK.
  12. Apparently there is an actual Witcher school that you could attend for a Weekend http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-04-08-my-gruelling-weekend-at-witcher-school Larp anyone?
  13. This is depressing Chances are Bethesda will be releasing 3~4 crapy games by that time..
  14. I agree. Without a nice selection of mods, some small armors and such but also large DLC type/Quality mods, it is a waste of time. Even more a waste of time if the quality is even below that of Bethesda's releases. If the payment is a one time and not much (no reason to suspect it to be different) then it will be difficult I suppose to get people to continue once the have put a mod or two there. Not sure, since the author might be just making a mod and decides ... What the fuck, I might as well get a few dollars from this anyway... thoughts goes through their head.
  15. I agree. For years, nobody got a penny or even thought of getting money for the mods they made. During Oblivion, most mods were free to use how someone wanted to. As I remember you could take parts of other mods add them to yours and release a new mod. Just give the credit where credit is due. Now we have swung all the over to "entitlements" where people expect to be paid. Truth however, I am not a person to really talk about this as I am not a modder so I am not one of them and it is easy to say .. I don't know what I am talking about. however, I do give extensive support for some pretty problematic/complex mods for many which has made a very big difference in their use. I know how complex that shit can become and I have helped... for free, no expectation of anything not even a Thank You or a like. I would do very much the same with mods if the work I was creating lent itself to doing so. Just go back to what makes sense. Make mods because you want t. Make what you want and drop all pretense of entitlements. I suspect the crap that will be coming out will be like that crab armor or some silly companion or NPC or such. I don't expect much from the program. However, I would pay for a high quality mod. I know it sounds bad but I don't have a problem with people getting some change here and there. I have a problem with the expectation and quite frankly I don't expect quality of even Bethesda level much less better coming out of this. It would take a great deal before I would trust that something created through this would be of the expected quality that I expect. Double Zero states it correctly. If you put a price on something you expect a certain level of quality and quite frankly few could deliver on that.
  16. I see somewhat where you are but have some issues with the path your trying to use to get there. Allow me to explain. First, Burma is free, will be free from now on. They state that they will not place it behind a pay wall. As a result, they can create a crappy mod or an excellent experience and for different people it will be likely different. They also do what they can do to update/repair/fix the issues and if they can't figure it out... oh well. You didn't pay something for it. Not a red cent so it is what it is regardless of the quality. I don't see this as a good example of what you are tying to get at other than there is a large team working on mods and there are serious issues which, I counter with they aren't Bethesda's team with access to their tools, They aren't being paid for the mod and they have no "usability" guarantee of use for the mod. If it doesn't work, report it and give the info requested. If they can't fix it .. delete it and move on. Nothing lost except for your time and effort. Just like all other mods here and elsewhere. This isn't the case with the Creation Club. They are implying (or out right stating it ) that it will be a better experience as they will have their "experts" work with the mod author through a process that will make it a solid capable and reliable mod. I have serious doubts that they can do that for the very reasons that you state in the above post endgameaddiction. Bethesda has a difficult time keeping their products functional and with acceptable quality when they sell them, how will they be able to do better for these proctored submitted mods? I agree with you on this, they can't. I will be surprised if they can do so unless the bar for acceptable submissions are so far below their normal work that a 90 year old bind modder could do it in their sleep. (simple asset additions like a gun or armor etc. In any case as with other 'products" that they sell, I will be waiting a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time before I pay for anything else from them. I will have to be thoroughly convinced that they are giving an acceptable level of product before I get anything else which especially goes for these Creation Club products.
  17. Not that important... what is more important is you don't have to search for your kidnapped child...or missing father
  18. Actually they were quite clever with what they did. That paper wall for the Hispanic teacher.. That was pretty original. If I was a teacher at that school, and was tolled... I'd complement their originality and creativity and afterwards tell them that they will be staying to clean up their mess. Oh, and if the person(s) that did this didn't come forward.... all of them would stay and clean up the mess. Yep, I roll ol' school
  19. I can't find it now but I believe the implants will be available to you to use however, depending on your choices they will be more effective or less effective depending on your class. This fits with the way CD Project Red makes games... if Witcher III is any indication. You could choose all sorts of pathways to develop your character however, you have to be really careful or you will waste some upgrades. it takes careful consideration to develop the character to how you are going to play him. If you don't you will get to higher levels with a crap spec and the game will suck. If you do, you will get to higher levels and have an awesome time. Don't get me wrong, you can easily get your ass handed to you either way however, having a nicely configured spec makes for a more engaging and rewarding game play. I suspect this will be what they will do for Cyber Punk 2077 as well. Perhaps that is the reason it is taking so long to develop. with Witcher they had one character and a few roles. Now they will have many possible roles and they will be very different from each other. For those that played Witcher, it would be like if you had a chance to play different Witcher Schools where they actually had unique options that will make serious changes in the game. That was my 2 and 1/2 cents... It will be interesting to see how close we are with our speculations about the game
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