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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Yes... the files really need to be exactly the same as the ones they are replacing. No you don't need a fresh save. Textures don't effect the save as far as I know. YOu can change them out anytime you wish (provided they don't come with a esp) and have no problems or need a fresh save.
  2. This thread is for anyone that has questions related to various mods for Morrowind that they have seen or heard about around the web.
  3. This thread is for anyone that has questions related to various mods for Skyrim that you see or hear about around the web.
  4. Another re-post of that work now that we know the author. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/13825-release-paradise-island-nv-by-alex3874/ has many links. some of which were discussed already along with some others. Might not be able to get the clothing set unless someone sends it to you via PM but you (the OP) might be able to get some other very cool outfits from the same author. @Kendo Too bad we can't create a "Lost Mods Thread" where mods that were lost to time could be reuploaded. However without proper permissions from the authors that wouldn't work. Too bad we can't get in contact with Alex3874 and others like him that lost their mods for permissions
  5. LOL.. A scene where you meet the witch and go to find someone the scene cuts out and I saw two rabbits humping each other... lol Of all things...
  6. Not sure about what you are asking about when you state "OG" but If I understand it correctly Kendo fixed the need to have armor patches which was a result of some part of the mesh design. Now you can have this installed and other mods etc and not have to get them patched to use Breezes. (example Project Brazil mod with their armors) I could be wrong though.
  7. http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/46-myclothcollection-31-by-alex3874/ ? If not there are some similar styled clothing there. However Only Jim can truly tell you where he got that. (there might be different editions with different shapes etc. but might look the same )
  8. I am not so concerned with the artistic approach and look. The core components like RPG elements and such was greatly lacking that was there in Fallout 3 and NV. they really should build on what they have not remove components. So sad alien. I thought I was so lucky I could get a week off from cattle mutilation so I could play Fallout 4 right at the release date and in the end it felt like such a waste.
  9. Some of us... got the game expecting it to be like Fallout Nv or Fallout 3.. The truth will be see later when they release another fallout game. I suspect the old fans won't be buying it as much or as quickly as they had this time. However I doubt Bethesda cares as they are trying to appeal to the "masses" to sell volume.. they don't really seem to care about the core of their fan base. Bethesda could add all those added features and such to attract other new members however still keep the core of the old features that the fans liked. That would hae been a compromise that could have work.. at least worked better than it did to retain the fans than they did.
  10. You know Kendo.. I am beginning to think you don't like the game..
  11. Nope .... sorry... those are poor impersonations.
  12. I have to say with about 4 hours into the game I can agree the environment and just the feel is more deep and broad than most games. Many shades of grey.
  13. We are at 7900 now... @endgameaddiction yes.. you are a psycho.. that is what we all love about you
  14. One would hope that they keep up with both. If the engine is the same which I believe they are suppose to be then what is learned for one can be applied to both games pretty easy or so I would guess. The Falout NV game engine I believe was more advanced over the Fallout 3 engine so maybe that was a bit harder to develop along with Fallout NV also most of the users seemed to jump if I remember correctly even before the script extender was being started. Also if I remember correctly there were others besides the main team working on Fallout NV. I believe Pride was working on some stuff that got into the main script engine as well as some others here on LL and elsewhere. It wasn't just the main team. Might be the reason it is so well developed even with Skyrim being released.
  15. Learn something ever day.. lol Yes.. "Pixie" I didn't know what he was talking about either... Hell many times I don't know what he is talking about... but I guess that is OK since I am an "actual alien"... But seriously.. alien probing is just my day job... I have that choice as an alien or cattle mutilation.. at least with alien probing 1 in 5 enjoy the experience
  16. With what is being said about Sony by Bethesda.. If I was Sony I'd tell them that the game wasn't going to be allowed or licensed to be made for Sony. That is if that can be done Not sure of the legalities. I also heard that the sound and other formats couldn't be resolved. However to be honest Sony is a also a pain in the ass for any company to work with or so I have heard before. they do things their way.. and you are forced to do things their way even if there is no real reason do so so. I like the fact that they have tight requirements for their equipment and services but sometimes there is "too Tight" and that isn't good. Nothing can be done. Anyway I was surprised that Sony was mentioned in the first place. Also I agree that this shit should have been worked out before any announcement. It is shit that they did so and then double shit that they are trying to make Sony look bad about it. As a business they should have dotted their i and crossed their T's before announcing this. This coming from a company that is so paranoid about any leaks about their games Seriously
  17. I had a laugh at how the cat responds to you at the Inn when you start.. lol.. even the cat has it out for you.. Anyway the story makes sense so far and I can't fault the logic of the game and how things work so far. very well thought out. Now about the horse. Have you had a horse? The next statement might sound wrong but you sometimes have to swat it or such (not to cause hurt etc but to gets its attention) A horse that is strong willed (most used for situations like this in the old Calvary etc) can think on its own once it understands what you need etc. many times has to be occasionally show who is the "lead" or herd leader. He (or she) will occasionally try to push you. Showing some strength and such along with a bit of kindness etc helps keep them / it in compliance. Roach isn't some standard wagon puller. He / she (not sure ) is a battle horse which would mean a pretty dominate spirit. Now I haven't seen much of the game yet but so far it doesn't seem too bad. Also consider how it would have been treated back in the 1200's (I assume similar time frame to our history just with magic stories etc) A whole lot worse treatment would have occurred to most horses. I haven't seen him actually mistreat the horse. In fact... lol if you are stupid it seems and start to get him hurt by fighting on saddle .. he dumps your sorry ass and runs a bit away.. lol However I do find it strange that he would call his horse Roach.. does anybody know why he does this?
  18. That us something like what I do with Mass Effect. I played it so many different ways I forget the ways I played it :P. Now I have all the DLCs and such for II and III so I can go back in and play all those over again and experience the added DLCs. Witcher looks like a very big game. I would assume if you played the different parts may different ways (It is a RPG after all) then you can possibly achieve 1000 hours or more. Now for the mods in Fallout 3, NV how much have you played those games with mods? Skyrim? I think that is what @Carabosse was trying to state made the game great for him/her. Not the actual game itself. I would like it if the tools were better and easier to create for Fallout 4 so that modders can get in and make Fallout 4 much like Fallout 3 and NV. I would also like to see the base story much more developed and refined like Witcher as well so that mods wouldnt be necessary as it is currently at least for me to play the game. For the record I went through the Institue quest to the end and stopped playing for months until some of the basic fixes (place in red) etc was created and stable enough to be used. It wasn't until after the CK was released and futher fixes were made before I went back to Fallout 4. The above has my load order. Most aren't even needed. However some are essential. Loosing a Fusion Core for 1 jump... really? Also the ammo is in short supply... you could craft ammo in FAllout NV why not here.? Power lines so f*****g short that you have to have poles so frequent it is hard to navigate the settlement? WTF.. Seriously. At least it should be more "realistic' and be able to be spaced like they are in the real world. You can't do that unless you go through and wire the entire house.. seriously? Spend 1 hour wiring the entire house to have power in the front of the house when power connected in the back? So as you can see other than the cheats mostly a few minor issues that are being fixed by mods. Stuff that really could have been improved on when Bethesda seen that it was poorly received. Armors not being able to be combined when making sense. Like some of the clothing. Can't place a shoulder pad over a dress/ shirt? These are some of the fit and finish things that are annoying and require fixes in the form of mods. Those that dis Fallout 4 or Bethesda games see them getting weaker on the RPG aspect, having more bugs than before, less fixes by them and now the main reason most love the game... modding.. having less options due to their changes to the engine and using proprietary tools (Havoc) instead of assisting the modding community by helping to provide modding tools beyond the CK. In my option if Bethesda built on the modding tools and aspect providing easier access to or actual tools to work on the game without modders having to reverse engineer the game files (FNIS for example) then we could say they are doing their job. I don't see them doing any part of the game process well from modding aspect to the fit and finish of the game or even the RPG element. I can work for the Brotherhood and the Railroad constantly until some of the very last quest without even a single comment or action from either party. Not even a warning. Is that realistic? Is that really RPG? I should at least get some comments on my assisting what is essentially two different groups with totally different philosophies. The older games I believe actually created by Bethesda (correct me if I am wrong) actually had penalties for working with another group. (Morrowwind) So it isn't like they don't understand the concept. The fans from that era are upset with the watered down aspect of RPGs that they are making now. The appearance at least to some that they are just slapping together whatever is popular currently for the goal of mass sale. I don't personally begrudge them making money.. In fact I would happily send them money for all their assets going forward if there was better structure and more focus on their RPG elements in an advertised game that is historically RPG game. Most fans of this game would... ;). Some that might say it cost money to create such a game... well many indie games do it for far less and many times far better quality. Money spent on project isn't going to = excellent.. one has to focus that to where it is needed. Game wise I would have preferred a much more limited game with better more developed story line and RPG elements with the possibility of more tighter development and modding tools. Now I am not going to bash the game entirely. I have been playing it for over 200 hours though many quest and the DLCs (not the add on packs actual DLCs with new worlds etc Far Harbor and Nuka World) and there are some gems in the game but way less than those found in Oblivion, fallout 3 and yes even Fallout NV. Far Harbor wasn't bad (not like OLB bad, or Point Look out) but it wasn't as good as it could be but acceptable. Nuka World looks like they cut half the game away. It is Raider centric.. when there is no real Raider options in the main game... (the main game pushes you to be good for the most part) and if you get rid of them ... the entire experience is so very empty. Even the radio which was enjoyable for a time (too small needed much more content) was removed .. (however that does make sense) with nothing to replace it with. I really wanted this game to be great ... however it wasn't. I remember playing Fallout NV for hours upon hours without a single mod when it was released. I had it the first day.
  19. You have every right to your opinion just like everybody else here. Don't worry about others opinions Or how many of them are posted (You even answered the question to how long you'd play without an unmodded game Double points lol. )
  20. Question... Would you have played Fallout or Skyrim etc as long if you didn't have the modding ability? To be able to change things so much that it is almost not the same game anymore? See Witcher games is different. Like Mass Effect (which I have spent countless hours on and have gone back to time and time again to play it when I get board of other games.) These games have limited modablity or alter ability. Comparing the games with Fallout, Skyrim when discussing community mods isn't fair. Bethesda didn't create those mods the modding community did. It is more fair to rate the game as it was released. I personally wouldn't have even completed Fallout 4 more than once under one faction without the ability to change and more importantly correct shortcomings with what Bethesda produced.
  21. It is on Origin currently on sale. I am also not concerned by playing a single character without any customization. So long as the developers do their job and create a fantastic world and game play. I am not concerned that they have a tool kit or that it isn't "on par" with the CK. They appear to have done their homework, created a game that works well and plays well with great story so if they are a bit short on the modding option... I believe that is there right. Bethesda on the other hand advertises the availability of modding their game and claim you can do a lot. (which you can do more than most other games) which is great. however it is on an seriously aging engine, with a story that is weak with many issues with the engine / game play. If they recreated the engine, made the tools that are currently having to be built (reversed engineered) by the community. Basically a solid modding environment with what is necessary to make all the changes desired ... they too would be doing their job. Even if the story was weak or strange or otherwise not appreciated by the users they would have what in my opinion Bethesda is selling, a modding game. Then the engine and modding would work who cares about the game play. They introduce some interesting characters and situations etc... the community would take it from there. When I get around to it I will be playing some of the Witcher game. So far it looks kind of like Assassans Creed. edit... It is also on Steam for the same price except on Steam you can get the rest of the Witcher games as well.
  22. That is the "defacto" game of the series to play? Never mind got it anyway...
  23. Oh... you were talking figuratively... Dam.. Oh well..
  24. Glad you got around to introducing yourself. Hope you are having a great time here. I am sure as soon as she is able she will update the tutorial, however until then by all means ask questions on that thread and others that have updated their load order might be able to chime in what good updates would work well.
  25. Hello Dada... Welcome If you need anything let one of us know. Oh and enjoy yourself..
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