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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Anatraix is currently not active here at the moment. good feedback though.
  2. Between Tuesday and Friday (today) we have 200 members added. at this rate we will be well over 4000 members by the end of the Month.
  3. And....... It appears that we will likely have 100 members signed up before the day is over for a total of 3100 members. It seems as if we are getting between 25~50 or more a day. We might very well be at 4000+ by the end of the month. @Doublezero might start looking at that server upgrade, and soon
  4. Celebration time we just reached 3000 members. Time to break out our Happy Dance!
  5. Told you Karma... keep with your GECK studies. Good things will come. It isn't that hard considering the end results... Check Kendo's chicks ! Once you understand the process it is a few clicks and some work then test. The hard part is knowing if you are even doing it right
  6. She isn't here on the site currently and might not be here for awhile. The tutorial is a guide to get a beautiful Skyrim. The rest of the added mods are yours to discover. If you want I would suggest a new profile and save set and have at it experiment with the various options you can add to the game.
  7. Two times now.. 20 times later. Kendo can attest that I was very weak in my skills when I started over on LL and now I still am but I am able and do provide testing and support from time to time. Continue plugging along and you will be able to provide more and more support. Even quicker if you continue with your GECK/CK studies
  8. Step on my Soapbox Being easily converted to console isn't the issue in my opinion. Bethesda isn't doing their job. The thief of a mod requires it to be uploaded onto their "sanctioned" site, correct? In order for it to be able to be uploaded into an Xbox or PS4 as I understand it. They started the paid mod crap earlier but allowed others to take the lead (Steam) and got bitch slapped when Steam wasn't handling the situation correctly so I believe they decided to host the entire thing themselves. yes.. that is the ticket. Lets "Assume Direct Control". Well that would work if they weren't incompetent. The bitching will happen. Lets face it Console users just don't know, they are "users" and just click and play. One of the main attractions for users of consoles. No need to think just play. Nothing wrong with that. The game manufactures choosing consoles over PCs isn't their fault either, I would even go so far as to state the current "crybaby" situation and even downright thief of mods isn't directly their fault either because without an outlet for these stolen content or mods (Bethesda) the assets would be useless. The blame here is solely with Bethesda. There will be stolen content, there will be bitching and perhaps at the beginning loads of bitching and exploitation. However it is through their system after they "Assume Direct Control" so it is something that they need to address and they are proving seriously incompetent in this matter. There will be some "growth pains" as it is hard to predict what will happen when a new feature like this is introduced however this should only take them a few weeks to sort out. I suggest that they would: implement some more standardization on the discipline procedure(s) and make sure it is easily available and understandable in the various languages that is served by their system. implement a more rapid resolution of complaints of theft. (mod can be hidden from users until sorted out any donations etc would be also held that haven't been distributed until the resolution of the complaint has been resolved. Frivolous claims can result in instant ban. Those found with stolen content will also be banned and all donations/monies etc not already distributed will be given to the correct author) Establish a "Procedure of intent" where the mod author can establish if or if not they will be porting their content to the Xbone or PS$ on the mod download page clearly. After that has been done people posting or PM'ing them to change their mind will be met with warnings. After an established # of warnings (total not per author/mod) the member will be banned and all attempts at keeping them out will be taken. The procedure can be increased (# of warnings like say double) if someone post on the same thread within 2 pages requesting a port to Xbone/PS$. More responsive "Report" procedure and moderators that can and are willing to enforce the rules without bias those that don't get removed and others established. Strong enforcement of policies and procedures, changing those that aren't working to more stronger ones, getting moderators that will preform their task will result in the site and the content being properly controlled limiting theft, bitching about not having a Xbone or PS$ version of a mod. There is no need to "remove the option" for future games just moderate the dam site properly. That is all that is needed to be done. Any failure is the direct result of Bethesda now. They took the responsibility for the process and they are the sole party that can provide the content to Xbone or PS$. They are the ones that can and should set the standard for processes and show the communities that they respect the content of the mods that people make for their games and will do all they can do to provide a proper environment for this. If they fail they will be the ones that feel the pain as mod content creators will start to move from modding into retirement. Their games are "incomplete" and "empty" for most users. Without the mods being created which create in massive replability their games won't be as popular. Lets face it They do provide a platform that is one of the best ones (currently) that provide for modablity however that doesn't mean that people will mod, they will just stop like so many have in the past because of dicks and pricks that feel entitled to be jerks and assholes. Time to step off my Soapbox
  9. That is valuable assistance for the mod content creator. Very valuable contribution.
  10. Looking at some of the captures of the game some people put up one would think that all races are horribly mutated.
  11. One thing you can do to show your appreciation is help others that need help on thethreads etc. Helping the author give support for those mods you love and know about. That is one hell of a thank you to the author. Another is to offer to beta test their mods as well. This is very important as they have been face in the mod the entire time and many times can't see some of the issues that others might when released. This makes for a much easier time after releasing the mod. I have regularly beta and sometimes even Alpha tested the mod for the community.
  12. What the mod content creators need to do is figure out a way, script or something that will royally fuck up the console if it is uploaded on Beth's site but will work fine with regular PC :)this will work quite well as I believe most theifs are no talent jerks and wouldn't be able fix any issues. That or a class action lawsuit for Besthesda not providing adequate protection and verification of works uploaded. Much of the stuff would be under their rights as the EULA however much of what is being stolen was and has used outside materials and such which makes it copyrighted and not protected by the EULA. They have lawyers on retainer if not on salary for this so that isn't the issue... the public humiliation is the issue here. Can't beat them in court... destroy them in Public Opinion.
  13. It is an "or" situation it is an "and" situation Well part of #4... according to the author and those working with him on iHuman.. the 64bit CK is changing the ESM on the fly. Something that isn't suppose to happen. So it is moddable somewhat. Likely what the issue with mod authors jumping on the modding scene as strongly as they have in the past. There is some issues. However... to be honest the 64bit CK is Beta so there will be issues.
  14. Thanks for not only reporting the problem you had but working through it and reporting back the solution. there indeed might be many others that have the wrong version of TES. I am not used to all the mods and setup that she uses in her tutorial but do seem to remembe now that I had a similar problem because I just used the version I had downloaded already.. Which of course didn't work.
  15. It hasn't been mentioned because it is outdated. The HUD manager that is mentioned is the one to use now. It works constantly and seamlessly. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57174/? Review the page and I believe it even states it is outdated. It also works with MO very well without having to jump through hoops which you have to do with the other managers.
  16. with the way I look I am lucky to ever have a stalker...
  17. Ah.. in any case that idea you have is pretty good. I haven't explored the BOS questline yet.
  18. Now all you need is some gambling tables.
  19. Finally a stalker... dam I have been stalking the mod sites for years. Welcome and enjoy the site.
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