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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Effectively banned? Oh and I assume you are the Carbosse from Lovers lab... I understood your position on Polls. just stating that was the only thing available.... there. Gotta follow their lead there ... you know what I mean I for one here would like to see some Fallout 4 mods uploaded. (yes boo hiss from some member :P) If you have troubles finding smiles here let someone here know, we will help you find them... and WELCOME to NSFWmods... It seem as if CPU is chasing the Lovers Lab members over here... For once I have to agree with Kendo2
  2. Of course I will place the link towards the top for those that go there for the tutorial that really needs Italian. I had the same problem when I started the GECK the first time. I fixed it easy enough but can't remember how I did it I also use the GECK power up as well to give some added features. I doubt you need it currently since you are only doing some basic things. When you resolve this I would advise you to create a small txt file / word document with some steps you took to get to where you were just in case you have to reload the OS or start over. It is something I wished I did when I started before.
  3. That he is Karma.. He does pretty good dirty tutorials. See you asked for some info and you got it Actually if you started learning for your favorite game just making a few personal changes that suit your taste, changing damage, eyes, hair etc on one game you will have a pretty good grasp on how to do it with other games. It might be slightly different and a few things might needed to change (like armors and bodies from Fallout to Skyrim differences) but you would be moving in a direction enabling you to do more. Hell even opening up the GECK and using Kendo's tutorial he can make for the faces. He also has a tutorial to import an armor and setup in Fallout NV. Those are two pretty good starts. Doing that and you have modded. There might not be tutorials in Italian but there is an Italian modder on Lovers lab ;). Does some pretty heavy work as well. At least I believe she stated she was Italian. her name is A.J. Perhaps introduce yourself on the forums (profiles) let people know your native language and ask for others to contact you to help each other out. That is what I would do if I needed help like this. As for translating the tutorial I had go for it and upload it where ever you want I hold no claim on it. Nice if you reference me for the source along with Halstrom etc.
  4. I also took considerable effort to keep it as simple English as I could. If you wished and after you are comfortable you can create a translation of that tutorial for those that speak your language (which I don't what what it is as you type / write pretty well). There are I am sure some tutorials for other languages just a matter of finding them. Or finding others that speak your language to converse with and ask questions on. I admit it would be a bit harder to do but still doable as there are many modders from Russia, Japan, Korea, Germany, and France to make a few that make not only some mods but some pretty dam awesome ones as well. One of the individuals that makes animations that have been added to Sexout is French and uses translator to communicate on LL ;). Mostly in the Western / English it tends to be the reverse. The story, etc then description, installation , conflicts and then requirements lol. I have used mods from other languages Japanese being the hardest but using a translator (page) works pretty good. At least good enough to give me what I need. It is a bit more work though I will agree with you there. That is up to you. After learning how to install the mods you are then left with the mods that are available and the settings and such the mod author gave. To go further, get custom faces and such that isn't available. Change some stats (armor protection, ammo damage etc) you have to jump into the GECK/Xedit to go further. There is no way around it. I have dealt with some people like this as well. Except they couldn't read well to begin with (learning / cognitive difficulties) which is more difficult that what you are describing. They just ended up having to post a single question and those answering posting a very simple statement /photo etc to give the answer. With this he/she was able to get there mods installed and enjoy some modding. There are sites all over the web in many languages and many members (even in English forums) that speak other languages. Just takes more time to find them, find the proper resources, get connected with those that can help you and then finally get the help you need /want to get the results you desire. Oh and that modding fiend I mentioned... English isn't is first language Other than the most basic use of the GECK/FNVedit etc I can't help much more, however still chime in if you do have some questions. perhaps someone here can answer. If not try other sites as well until you get your answers. It is up to you.
  5. Not joking. I believe that is pretty much the only way to really get down and dirty to make a perfect face. There might be some ways to import the face from other mods if there is something you like. Not sure how as I also don't use GECK. As for not being able to use mods you are doing fine. It takes some time and patience but if you do give this you will be a champ in installing and figuring out many of your problems in a very short time. Same with GECK. Just watch videos, read and get in there and get your hands dirty. I am on LL and there are several members which I helped (encourage :), give links etc) that now are modding their own game and distribution of mods as well. One is a modding fiend. He never thought he could mod. Created a few quest changes, then he thought he never would be able to script, created a few minor scripts, now he is doing complete mods and even working on some art on the side. ;). You get what you put into it. If you only want to game, that is all you will do. If you want to change the game and put time into learning and doing... you will change the game. I doubt even Kendo automatically knew what to do with his modding. It took him time to get to the level he is at. ;). Same with DoubleZero or any other mod author out there. Even professional artist and game content creators needs to learn how the game works with the files and nif formats and all that jaz to be able to make a mod for the game ;). The question is do you want it bad enough to put some time in to get the results you desire. In my case I am satisfied with what I can get from the modding scene and my own humble skills learning how to install and resolve problems with the game.
  6. Learn the GECK and go in and make your changes.
  7. That has happened many times in the past. Perhaps you have ad block or something blocking it. I get the same thing, sent email to him for response. Try to follow the steps and if you have questions (like how to install NVSE do a bit of research first). The order of steps cover all that is needed for a base Sexout install.
  8. Well today ( I believe ) is when their "big DLC" has been released. I wonder if they decided to step it up a bit and make it a better story or continued with subpar story lines and quest.
  9. From Friday to today we have more than 250 more members. However what is most important is all our members are totally awesome and cool
  10. Anatraix is currently unavailable for major changes like you mention above. That being said by all means members chime in with minor fixes and confirmations on what is needed and works well with updates and alterations.
  11. Well.... The title states "[Tutorial] SCR Resources Folder Creation 2015.06.30.1. With a title like that... I would think it was a guide about creating the "Resource Folder", and not how to install SCR ;). You also forget that almost everybody that uses SCR including the mod content creators advised for use of this tutorial for the SCR Resources folder creation so that all the content that is needed is available. They have also gone over the files and instructions many times. Before the tutorial was even released Halstrom, DoctaSax and BruceWayne worked and heavily discussed the assets and clarified many aspects of the tutorial to be sure it was as accuate as possible. Below the Versions there are many upon many corrections and credits for corrections and points that were missed along these past several years. Yep, something like that When following the tutorial the key is not to overthink it. In fact for the most part modding and Sexout itself is basiclly that. Don't over think it, just follow the instructions if something goes wrong it isn't that hard to fix most issues. With my tutorial you can just drag and drop the files again into a new folder. Just keep the original folders (key hint here as many have gone away in the past) and all will be good. For Sexout I would advise the tutorial by Bruce Wayne. For added quest mods for NV I would advise you check into SomeGuys2000 mods on nexus.
  12. There are support threads for this on both Loverslab (for sexlab questions) and STEPS for more general questions. I am sure a few selected questions should get you up and running. If you can handle the GECK and get mods done you should more than be able to handle MO.
  13. That is the date of the first upload. I have made revisions as time goes on through the years. It is as updated as I can make it. It is based off of Halstroms report on what is suppose to be used as resources. There is/are some files that aren't mentioned as they aren't available anymore on Nexus. You would have to search those and I am not mentioning them because rarely anyone does anything that uncovers the need for those and ... they aren't available for distribution anymore. The download has greater detail on what to do with the files and if you do run into questions related to the tutorial (not scr, missing assets etc not included in the tutorial) then by all means post there. (or here :P)
  14. I suspect it is more opinion and/or lack of understanding of MO features. So far everything I have seen can be done with MO if done correctly. That being said it is completely up to him to support the manager or not with his tools. I am also not experienced or knowledgeable enough to properly review his statements. I believe I have come across videos that shows how to do this and I believe it was in MO. Check on line for various resources to be sure you are doing it correctly with MO. As a general rule I ignore any comments that bash mod managers in general because for the most part it is fanboy actions. I am using NMM for Fallout 4 because for me MO isn't ready for that game. I use MO for the rest of the games (Fallout 3/NV/Skyrim) and likely will look into using OBMM / Wyrebash for Oblivion if I ever go back to that game. If indeed there is issues with MO then you might be able to run NMM for the tools and get them to work the way you need them then go back and collect the results and shut down NMM and then import the new ESP into MO with the correct assets. Might be a bit more work but it might make the task easier if you are having problems with MO. I haven't used any of those tools yet so I can't be sure.
  15. Lets be honest... wasn't Fallout NV and even Fallout 3 4,5, 6, and perhaps even 7 years backdated compared to the current games released. The body's where (are) horrible without replacers and indeed most of the entire game is horrible without proper replaces right from the start for almost any of those games. The game engine was actually outdated towards or around the time of Fallout NV and was by Skyrim already. The NPC and Enemy AIs have always been bad. The difference is they have been progressivly getting more "cheap" I guess the word would be on their content and depth of character development/Story. Even though Fallout 3 and Fallout NV was essentially developed by different groups they both have way more content (unmodded) than Fallout 4 does. The depth of character or world space is also better. I see your point and it is ashame that they have this old engine and NPC and crappy AI but really think the problem at its core is the content and development. It just feels more a chore to complete many of the task and the little gems that you find is much farther between than ever before. When considering what other companies provide yes I agree they can be fixed but should be in much better shape even if the game is being ported to Xbox and Playstation 4. Both game systems have way more power than before and having these issues is just bad. And yet many still are modding away regardless. I suppose if there is a way to mod a game there will be people doing it. It is better even now. Not to any point that I would be willing to recommend you revisit the game yet Kendo but better none the less. I have started another play through to explore another part of the story line (haven't decided yet) last one was siding with the Institute. However I can only actually play it for 1 or 2 hours and do a quest or two a day. Not because of time constraints but more so not as interested. Got some interest but nothing that makes me go " OH my god I can't wait to get home to finish X or Y in Fallout 4" I am however working towards clearing out some of the base content and getting my new character up so that I can explore the new DLC Far Harbor. I liked working with Nick before and think I might like this. Lord I hope it has at least some story. I will be so disappointed if it don't. It has some strikes already as it reminds me so much of Point Lookout.
  16. It states in the tutorial I didn't place it there. I placed it in C:/LOOT and ran it from there however I believe she intended it to go into your Steam folder where you see "steamapps". In any case it has to be properly extracted and then that folder placed into the location where you wish it to be. Then when you follow the instructions to run LOOT you find the EXE in the folder and then follow the instructions set forth on the tutorial. By the way you shouldn't have three "///" in your file.
  17. Now that there is some fixes for some of the graphic shame that they gave us and some other fixes for the game itself it is getting more bearable to play. Barring Bethesda creating an awesome DLC the last hope of making this game more bearable to play is the modding community.
  18. It can if Doublezero decides it can be an optional pack ;). We'll just have to wait and see what he thinks
  19. ritualclarity

    White Bird

    Cool now when I reload and setup my NV folder I can have it all covered
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