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Also when installing the 2k Legacy of the Dragonboarn there are some selections available and not sure of the direction you are going in. so far I believe it is the "integrated Mods/None" option. However there are many settings and options and no info on which to choose to get the desired results with your tutorials



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15 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

Also when installing the 2k Legacy of the Dragonboarn there are some selections available and not sure of the direction you are going in. so far I believe it is the "integrated Mods/None" option. However there are many settings and options and no info on which to choose to get the desired results with your tutorials



Yeah, I'm going to get to that tomorrow. Tonight is going to be a night off for me ;) he he he 

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19 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

I fired up the game after Phase IV was done and now have a windowed section, is this intended. If so it is too big and can't see the entire screen. I had it set up non windowed. Don't remember changing that in the settings as doing this tutorial.

For some reason spINI isn't directed at your MO folder. Especially if you're getting a window. 

IF all of your other .ini settings are taking, you may have to go change this manually in the ini (happens from time to time)

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28 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

It is set up correctly but having a problem I didn't notice with msvp110.dll. missing. Perhaps I need the injector version.


Just reinstall VC++ Redistributable 2010. That will fix it. This is a bug that happens sometimes. Idk why.

I THINK 110 is x64, if not get the x86 anyways just in case

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If i remember right Legacy of the Dragonborn will detect other content mods..so need to install those first...do not install MoonPath too Elsewhere as its already included, Airship Dev is included too albeit watered down.

I cannot reiterate at how huge this mod is, i started it at Lvl 0 from Live another life too Solitude's docks...i'm at lvl 97 now with most major vanilla quest lines done and i'm still doing Legacy quests...last major one was the Rkund/Planetarium quest

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Hey I just have to say that I'm grateful for your guide! It's pretty awesome so far and I hope you will find some time to finish it :)

Even though I do have experience with modding this has been really helpful!

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1 hour ago, Sundancer said:

Great job, Anatriax. Looking really good so far.

Although in Phase 6 you are using:

UNP Armor Replacer Package

Wouldn't it make more sense to use:

Kendo 2's UNP Armor and Clothing Mesh Replacer Fixes 1.0.0

for the mesh files instead?

I don't think Kendo's package is an actual full replacer. I think it's just mixed fixes. 

@Kendo 2 feel free to correct me on this if I'm wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Pkatt said:

I just finished phase 2.    Trying to go slow and learn what each mod does as I'm installing.   I love that SPini thing, that is cool!


really, just thought I'd check in and let you know I was still here!

I appreciate it! 

If you encounter anything that doesn't work as intended, please let me know.

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4 hours ago, Pkatt said:

I just finished phase 2.    Trying to go slow and learn what each mod does as I'm installing.   I love that SPini thing, that is cool!


really, just thought I'd check in and let you know I was still here!

This is really the way to do it. I advise everyone to read the entire OP or instructions from the download pages to get a better idea of what is going on. Now sometimes she will be doing things that might not fit how the author of the mod wanted or designed it to do, keep doing what she is telling you to do because there are some reasons. If you keep reading and asking questions you will begin to understand more fully. Who know perhaps in time you can do your own tutorials for the perfect Skyrim for you :). The only way to learn is to explore, read and attempt to understand and ask questions.

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Small thing, step two with the LOD's, (vanilla, vurt, SSBT) make sure to rename them as you install them into MO (the default is that they're all named the same). Might be obvious to some, but worth stating as MO asks you to merge them if you don't, which mucks up the load order later. 

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Unless you need to keep them separate you can merge them when you install them. Just be sure to install the main module first of any mod then the add on's in proper order and you would be fine. If something goes wrong just go back and reinstall them again. No harm will occur.

Now this is if you want to keep them totally separate. I often times allow the mods to overwrite each other for the same mod. for example COT. I let install over each other It works just fine. This helps keep the entries on the left side smaller. Also if you ever wish to start merging mods by scripts (or experiment and try to merge them) it is easier as they are all int he same folder...

Also when you find that there is an update.... the entire installation can be redone. (new entry) with all the required mods installed, yet again in order and a new version given (with the name.) Test this new update and see if you like it if so delete the old one. If you have old profiles that need it.. keep it. Less difficult later to find all the little add on mods this way.

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