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EA Instates New Disclosure Policies for Game Reviewers

Kendo 2

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In a bold move game publisher Electronic Arts has instated new rules for streamers, Youtubers and other "influencers" to use full disclosure about compensation paid by the company.


"Gamers and viewers must be able to see whether they are independent and editorial content, supported placements of messages, or advertising.”

The original article in German.

Read an English translation of the full article at KeenGamer.com.

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13 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

So what does this mean for the consumer / viewer?

It appears to me that EA is attempting transparency as far as game reviews go.  So if a streamer or Youtuber got a free copy of the game or other goodies (like cash) they'd have to disclose that fact when they posted their review.  Honestly I think this is a corporate response to what happened with GamerGate and the recent attitudes of some developers.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

It appears to me that EA is attempting transparency as far as game reviews go.  So if a streamer or Youtuber got a free copy of the game or other goodies (like cash) they'd have to disclose that fact when they posted their review.  Honestly I think this is a corporate response to what happened with GamerGate and the recent attitudes of some developers.

I thought that was the case but wanted to be sure. EA has a horrible rep with some customers and I am one of them. However if this is enforced and is actually done they do deserve complements for their policy which will give the viewers of the videos and blogs etc better info on what is happening and why a blog might or might not be presented in a specific way. Full disclosure is a very good thing. Great info and a benefit to the gaming customers.

This is a nice approach. Perhaps other corporations will do the same instead of making wild off the wall policies changes that only harm the customer in the end. (Looking at you Bethesda with your one day review copies )

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