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Witcher Coming to Netflix


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Won't catch it since I don't have netflix. And I would pass on it since they are using Emma Watson to play as Ciri. I have to agree with others. They should of picked a Polish female to portray as Ciri instead.

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Emma SJWatson in the role of Ciri was pulled from a Forbes article about who THEY want to see cast, not who's really being cast.  The timeline of the series' story hasn't been revealed yet.  Ciri might be around 10 yrs old, like she how she was portrayed in the first book.  Nobody knows.  I've done some searching and aside from the series being in early pre-production there isn't any info on the story arcs, the cast or anything else.

Also some of the directors from Witcher3 cinematic trailers WILL be directing episodes of the Netflix series.  The author of the Witcher books has been retained as a creative consultant, and that's all.  I'm certain the producers of the series understand that the GAMES are what brought attention to the books; not the other way around.  I'll also assume the target audience is players of the game since they far outnumber fans of the source literature.

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They could be branching off from the book and game and use some other characters than the main characters... Perhaps a cameo but mostly new material. Using the Witcher world. There doesn't seem to be much in the way of good solid info yet.

I mention that because it is a series not a movie. Being a series I would guess would need more material for a longer running time than what would be given from a book.

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Andrzej Sapkowsk, author of the Witcher books and consultant on the series has 'left' the project.  Not a good thing.


And now the SJWs on IGN want Geralt to be played by a black actor...any black actor...as long as they're black.  Let that sink in.

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18 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Andrzej Sapkowsk, author of the Witcher books and consultant on the series has 'left' the project.  Not a good thing.


And now the SJWs on IGN want Geralt to be played by a black actor...any black actor...as long as they're black.  Let that sink in.

Sure... the next episode of the Black Panther and his associates have to be played by white people... no better yet... Asian people. With Asian accents wearing the traditional African outfits.

In all seriousness... If it goes like I think... they (the people that create this movie) will tell those SJW's to polity go FUCK THEMSELVES.... ;)

Next thing you know is if they created a lifetime story of Hugh Hefner, they'd demand that he be a flaming guy gay... (aka, Bird Cage movie ;))


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'Altered Carbon' was a pretty good Netflix series; but i didn't read the book it was based on.  I don't think it has the bloat and concept creep some of their other series have.  Maybe the Witcher series will be good..I HOPE it's good anyway.  I also hope they don't knuckle under to SJW pressure and insert ehtic actors who have no place in the setting or lore.

I'm going to go ahead and state this, the cast needs to be white.  Just like if a story is set in Africa the cast needs to be black, or Asians when set in Asia.  I don't care if saying that makes me a racist in today's jacked up retarded world.

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Altered Carbon is pretty good. The main character was Asian (half, part eastern European) but, the "sleeve" was a white cop.  This is what the book was about (as I understand it, I also didn't read the book but did see some of the PDF examples from the book)  A story like this, can have characters swapped out as needed (for a desired actor and even actresses via "cross sleeve") This works, provided it is written well.

The Ghost in the Shell I can see (as far as I know the story) people getting upset that a white woman was used for the main character. However, Witcher is based in medieval Europe using primarily white people. It just won't work if using anybody else.

@Kendo It isn't racist to expect a story to be told using the races, and settings created by the artist.

I just thought ... It would be hilarious if a black man was used for a documentary for Nathan Bedford Forrest... For those that aren't aware... he was the first "Grand Wizard" or leader of the KKK when it was founded. If that sounds stupid to you, then having Geralt being played by someone of a different race or since this is an SJW issue, sex should as well.

Stick with the characters in the story as they are intended when it is clearly defined race, sex, age, etc.

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I must be the only person who think Altered Carbon represents the typical Netflix bloat.  To be fair, it is not as bad as I think it to be but everything in that show reminds me what a shitty experience I had with Ghost in the Shell  (lead writer now show runner).  A good Ghost in the Shell movie should be Ex Machina with kick ass actions but instead we got Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch of Big scenes, Big Sets and Big Speech.  Characters and small details are what make the Big Concepts ticked in sci-fi.  

I actually don't have a problem with Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell.  Besides that no one in real life could look remotely like the characters in the manga, Major's ethnicity has no bearing on the story or the character.  Ghost in the Shell is just a terrible movie.  Character motivation is what matters, which is why I think Idris Elba could make a good 21century Bond but James Bond would never work as a female. 

It's been a long time since I played TW1 but aren't witchers society outcasts feared and discriminated against by "normal" people?  So a non-white Geralt could make sense even in a medieval European setting, especially now that through genetics we know the "original" Europeans have dark skin and blue eyes (fair skin genes came from Central Asia much later).  Geralt and witchers could be from an ancient bloodline that is mostly extinct.  I am not saying that I want a different looking Geralt from CDPR, which I think CDPR also took liberty of the Geralt from the books, but I don't see it alters Geralt's motivation. 

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I didn't see a problem with the ethnicity of Major either but, can understand and wouldn't mind if there was an asian actress in that movie role. It could work. Those that complained did bring up a good point... there are many very good female Asian actress that could have played the part.

I haven't seen the manga and didn't really get into the movie. Can't be sure about the story, content or acting. SJ has done well in other movies so not sure if it is her or other reasons for the movie not being that good in my opinion.

I enjoyed the Series Altered Carbon. It was unique but not out there. It was a bit confusing at time and had some complex elements that required some time to let things sink in or to play out. I felt out of place many times as I am not a fan or have read the original books. However, they did a good job explaining much of the process if someone was patient while the show played on. I will agree it seemed slow... (perhaps that is what you are contribution to bloat? ) but it had some fine points as well. In other words I fully understand people not liking it and feeling it was slow and at times might even be boring. :)


I think Idris Elba could make a good 21century Bond but James Bond would never work as a female. 

Not sure who that is, however, I don't see a reason a female couldn't play James Bond. Of course it wouldn't be a traditional James bond.. it would be a Jane bond... ;) but it might be a fun attempt. :) "Girl Power" and all... lol. I can imagine some sexy chick chasing some handsome stud and having her way with him... lol. then slapping him on the ass as he leaves the hotel room the next day... Hey, they are thinking of creating a female Doctor and I was told there was even a marvel universe where Thor was a female. O.o However, this isn't changing the fact that James (or Jane) would be British. ;)  In comparison to having Geralt being black It just won't work at all. Also, this is an adaptation of the story not a rework or an alternate work (as Jane being the new James bond would have to be. There would have to be some background reason etc. )


It's been a long time since I played TW1 but aren't witchers society outcasts feared and discriminated against by "normal" people?  So a non-white Geralt could make sense even in a medieval European setting, especially now that through genetics we know the "original" Europeans have dark skin and blue eyes (fair skin genes came from Central Asia much later).  Geralt and witchers could be from an ancient bloodline that is mostly extinct.  I am not saying that I want a different looking Geralt from CDPR, which I think CDPR also took liberty of the Geralt from the books, but I don't see it alters Geralt's motivation. 

Witchers are outcast and I believe it is possible that a Witcher could be of a different race.. however not Geralt. He is mentioned being pale.. he is even called the "White Wolf" having a black man being called the "white wolf" makes no sense what so ever. Sorry. I don't see it.

The original Europeans were darker skinned but that was thousands of years ago. before the mutaions which lightened the skin to help aid in Vitim D production. Witchers were set in Medieval Time periods. AT that time they were white.... perhaps tanned from working on farms etc. but they were classified as white. The Witchers lines weren't  ancient in any way... they were a thousand or so years old at most. Not thousands of years old and .... they are infertile ... there is no "bloodline" to be taken from. They (the Withers) take their members from the society they are in. In this case, white Europe.

CDPR is stated to change the character a bit from the books. Gerlt is suppose to be very thin and pale (perhaps even sickly looking to some) (part of an added mutation that occurred during the Trial of the Grasses) however, in the video game he is a slim but ripped person. Not seriously thin.... as some have stated the book implies. There are many things that can be done and changed but changing the race is too  much. And changing him to a female... not possible at all. (Witchers can't be female according to the lore. A slim chance they can be an Elf but almost no chance to be a female. at least not  go through the trials. Honorary title can be bestowed, as  in Ceri's case. )  In this case an adaptation of the story needs to have a white Geralt. Now, if they want to use the Witcher universe and have some reason for a different ethnic witcher to be used... then that can work in my opinion. Witchers, at least from what I have seen aren't racist as they don't seem to care about Elfs, or different cultures. Geralt even has the opportunity to strike up a nice conversation with someone of a different culture (middle eastern, I believe) and treats him quite fairly and openly. (game) If someone from the Middle East or where ever when through the trials of the grasses, I suspect they would be treated with respect by other Witchers at least until they proved otherwise. So changing the race of the main character would mean a different Witcher and a spin off of the Witcher universe. Geralt however, if ever shown, would have to be a thin very white male witcher.

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Nice to get a reminder of Witcher lore.  The origin story was barely talked about after TW1.  I've never read the books but it makes more sense that the author imagined Geralt (or witchers in general?) as sickly looking to infer the fear and disdain of the Plague among the general population of medieval Europe.  This I think works much better than the yellow eye Nordic god of the CDPR interpretation, but probably with less visual appeal in a video game or live action movie/series. 

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I am not sure about Witchers being sickly.. Only that they have the cat eyes. Geralt is the one that is very thin and pale. Just to be clear about my above post. I believe Witchers look pretty much like they would normally except for the universal eyes. Like normal people (although perhaps more  athletic due to the nature of their job.) I could be wrong on that matter. I am basing my info on a combination of game play references, as well as general Witcher references from Video and other sources.


The author did or does seem to want to Separate Geralt or make him stand out as both different looking and acting from general Witchers actions and responses to the world. it works well IMO with the book (imagine it would) and really well in the game.

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  • 6 months later...

The next shit storm will be the 'woman of color' to play Ciri.  The Netflix version of The Witcher is gonna tank.  I knew it was gonna be bad (it's on Netflix) but the SJWs are the shit icing on the cake.  Netflix fucked up Death Note without even trying.  Imagine what will happen to Witcher once the put their feeble minds to it.

The silver lining is CDPR has intellectual rights to the game franchise in perpetuity.  As long as the Pollacks stay the course the games are bulletproof.  Millennial busy-bodies can put that in the vapes and choke on it.

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Unless they're in upper management there's no way for them to push their agenda.  The CDPR dev system is like a pyramid; teams work under a team leader and those leaders are reviewed by higher ups.  The farther up the pyramid the works goes, the more bottle-necked the review system becomes.  Anythi g that does pass scrutiny gets passed back down.  Also, Poland is not SJW friendly and challenging 'the system' gets people fired.  A few months ago there was some internet stink about how CDPR treats its employees.  Later it was revealed the people doing the complaining were Western ex-CDPR employees who basically hated the company culture and living in Poland.

There probably are a few SJWs working for CDPR, but they have no stroke in pushing their pro-commie agenda.  Poles won't tolerate it.

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SJWs are trying to get ahead of the curve on the 'Ciri won't be white' thing.  There was an article in Forbes berating and shaming people for something that hasn't happened yet.  I'm not gonna link it because Forbes doesn't deserve the traffic.  They know this will torpedo the series and they're doing it anyway.

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With all this discussion about actors for characters. I can't believe they choose Superman Henry Cavill . That shows me that they don't understand what Geralt is, or how he looks.



Jared Leto is the one I most see as a Geralt character. Bleach his hair, add some scars and he fits the lean pale character that Geralt is from what I know of the stories. What do you think.

While at it, who should be Ceri, and any other character you think would show up. I believe she would be 16 at this time so it would have to be a young character.


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