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  • 3 months later...
33 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

I am of the belief that eventually they will just convert over to full "Service" fee for access and not sell (rent) the games to you EVER.

Well, what Steam's been doing for the last fifteen years is pretty much a game rental service and people had no problem paying the full retail price for games that are tied to one account on a service which isn't guaranteed to work forever. I'm sure many people won't mind what EA's been doing either, might even love it more.

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If you think you have games on any digital platform, think again.

If your account somehow gets hacked, disabled, deleted or whatever, you either say goodbye to all your games or will have to deal with the idiots at the customer service for who knows how long... If you're persistent enough and lucky enough you might get your things back... what a nightmare... and we pay for this shit...

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Keep in mind that DICE is a Swedish developer and what Soderlund actually means by "uneducated" is probably the people who aren't brainwashed by the Swedish education system.😩

By the way, it's probably safe to assume that as the number of female developers increases in the industry, getting hardcore realistic war games becomes less likely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope the people who asked for a TPP option in CP2077 and were denied, will do the same when that game's released, as CDPR's attitude on this has been basically the same, "accept it or don't buy the game". Doubt it would happen though, most people are hypocrites...

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Forgoing the complex conversation wheel of previous BioWare games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Anthem will only allow for two dialogue choices in conversations. The two choices aren't aligned with a morality system of any kind, but do differ in tone slightly. 

The "COMPLEX" dialogue wheel was too much for Bioware! So, you now have TWO dialogue choices... Let that sink in...


If one day someone comes along and claims that video games haven't been dumbed down, I will probably strangle him/her with my bare hands... and enjoy it immensely.

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8 hours ago, bjornk said:

Is it though, at least it seems to let you say "No".😂

Okay, I'll give it to you on that one. Fallout 4 gives you multiple yes.


7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

How is that even fucking possible?

In the age we are living of gaming, it shouldn't come with a surprise. We have developers competing for the worst consumer friendly and who can be the biggest liar on stage at E3. They seem so fond to continue to spiral down that direction.

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