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The Electronic Arts thread


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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

You missed my reason for the quote... ;)  Also that article wasn't about the gambling. I was using it for the fact that it was unreasonable and forces use of their loot boxes for any reasonable play. I even went ahead and explained the issue. The issue that is mentioned in other articles...

The first part of the article was about loot-boxes and gambling, which you tried to dismiss, the rest is basically complaining about a product, which has nothing to do with what I'm arguing about. Complaining about a video game, because it's either too expensive to obtain in-game items or it takes extremely long to unlock things is very childish, you can simply say that it's a shit game and never buy it. The practice may be despicable but there's absolutely nothing illegal about it. In the end, they've changed the game and fixed those issues, not because it was illegal, but because they wanted to sell the product.

1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

Yes, European countries have stricter consumer laws.. Your point.. just because it is legal in one country doesn't mean it isn't miss representing the product in other countries.  They misrepresented their product... I never said to which country... Seriously... you are trolling me now. 

It's the country's laws what dictate a person or a company can or cannot do, if it's legal, then they can do it. I'm the one who's "trolling" for just stating an obvious fact?

The relation between capitalism, so called free market and shady, anti-consumer business practices is, which you apparently fail to realize, when you want "government hand" to regulate the "free market" to protect consumers, you basically admit the fact that the "free market" doesn't really work as well as you thought and it needs a pinch of socialism to make things right, which is what those European countries have been doing.

1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

I am done discussing this. The info is there. You can read (as well as others) and believe what you want to believe.

Fine with me, because you don't even bother to read the article you post, you don't even try to understand what I'm arguing about, don't know why but happens with you all the time.



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11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I said.

Is English you second language?  If not you are a troll by ignoring the rest of the statement.. THAT THEY HID THE FACT!  Game companies make games for gambling... they do it all the time, there are laws on the books for that. They lied. They lied so that they can sell their games to a selected market.  They can create gambling games... not the issue. Lying is the issue. That is the meaning of the above statement. (selective interpretation Troll action on your part. Unless English is your second language. )

is this reasonable? Is this something that a normal person would expect from a game? Doubt it... It is obvious to me and most other "sensible people" that this isn't reasonable. Reasonable is an objective definition when most of those that play the game state it isn't a reasonable expectation? Answer.. no, it is a commonly held belief...  ;)  Troll comment from you.

4500 hours or $2000 dollars to play the game you spent $60 to $80 or more to buy in the first place. That is a very reasonable expectation. Yea, right... what universe are you from? Not from any I am aware of.

One has nothing to do with the other, at least not in this case. EA lied, omitted info, twisted facts, exploited the system whatever you want to call it to get their games into the hands of minors where in some countries that is called illegal when you place a game of chance which require real money in the hands of a minor.  It is violation of laws... Again, companies are welcome to create products.. and sell them (Capitalism) just they have to follow the laws of the land.

English is my third language and I was hoping that you were done arguing with me...

This is the EA thread and there are multiple different issues that have been discussed through the pages about their bad practices, but on the very page in which you claimed that the loot-boxes and gambling "wasn't the real issue", there are two videos about that issue discussing it and you only focus on one of the issues and keep saying that they lied and hid things about how the micro-transactions and unlocking things worked in a particular game. The question is simple... Can you or anyone else take a legal action against them for that? No? Then the case is closed.

11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Also most countries today (including US) is a varied mixture of Socialist and Capitalist societies. (Welfare isn't part of a true Capitalist society framework)

Hate to burst your bubble .. but the US has been doing the very same thing. They also have a bit of socialism.. (Welfare, Healthcare, public aid etc etc as well as other features)  USA hasn't has true Capitalism since before the Great Depression.

Yes, I'm fully aware that the US and many European countries have mixed economies. All I've said is that you can't defend capitalism while criticizing greedy, exploitative business practices. Was it really all that difficult to understand?

11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Also that is quite a jerk thing to say when some have bought it and realized it was the second worst game (opinion) in recent history, next to MEA ;)

Why? Because they're too stupid to ask for a refund?

11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Another Troll comment... Turned to Legal when we were discussing Hiding or lying.. Magically changing the subjects.

No you are a troll for changing the reason for the original conversation. for those that have short memories.

"I don't understand what you're talking about therefore you are a troll"... Right...

11 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

You are the one that changed the conversation mid way so that you can "win" the conversation or continue being a Troll. The original conversation was about lying and hiding not legal rules and government economies.

You are also the one that "don't even try to understand what I'm arguing about, don't know why but happens with you all the time. " which is the reason I stated this in the first place. You've done it here and on LL and had many issues with people on both sites like this occurrence .. but that means it has to be "their" issue.  yea right...

You're the one who tried to correct something which you didn't even understand, and now accusing me of changing the topic of the discussion while it was you who did it in the first place by changing the topic into "lying, hiding", while my post was about "legal rules and government economies" and then jumped into a pointless discussion with me.



When I first came here I couldn't remember why you were in my ignore list back on LL, and now I know. As they say, history repeats itself...


Edited by bjornk
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4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

The start was you asking what they were lying about.. I explained it.. you were the one that brought legal and economy and all sorts of other shit. You were the one that brought other shit into the equation.. All I fucking wanted to do was answer your simple fucking question. Jesus Christ! WTF... LOL

The capture above is all I was trying to explain after YOU ASKED...  you were the one that brought laws and shit into the equation.  You were the one that went full on Psycho on the article linked about shit wasn't even asked above. About gambling, then moving into governments, European countries and USA and all that shit.  I'd continue but I don't think this forum has enough space on a single page to post responses to all the random shit brought into this simple question posted in the question above. "What exactly are those companies hiding or lying about?  It might break the site.

It was after you tried to correct me for no reason, you stupid little fuck. Do you see anything about your "EA lying" bullshit in the three posts that precede yours? No. Because I was arguing about greedy practices, legality of gambling and capitalism. Did anyone ask your idea about what "the real problem" was? No. When you brought that up, I asked about what they were lying about and you posted an article and I said that they could do it as long as it was legal, you of course didn't get it and kept babbling about it while mixing it up with legal actions about gambling, which at that point were totally unrelated. Yeah, really, WHAT THE FUCK?

I've tried to kept it as civil as possible, but I'm tired of your bullshit, your patronizing tone, stupid accusations and constant insults, so I've given up. I don't know what you think you'll gain with all this bullshit you've posted on a forum with less than a handful of people posting, but I don't need it. Find yourself another Millenial of your age and argue with him instead.

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If either of you have a point to make NOW might be a good time.


@bjornk  Imagine having this kind of conversation on LL or Nexus.  Would it even be allowed?  That said, don't think for a minute that you're doing 'something wrong' by standing up to RC.  He's not right by default and neither am I.  We don't operate that way and you CAN NOT get in trouble for standing up to us...unless you're breaking a rule...which you're not.  The staff can't bully anyone here because we can't hide behind our positions (DZ is the only exception since he owns the joint).  If you think you're being fucked with then give as good as you take.  You have nothing to fear.  Would the 'because I said so' dorks at LL and Nexus say that?  NOPE.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled monkey dung fight.

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@Kendo 2  The reason why I came here was to avoid this sort confrontations altogether, especially for something as pointless as this. There's obviously a misunderstanding going on, maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I really don't want to deal with a person who replies with a wall of insults. I really don't need this. Will probably delete my account and move on if I can figure out how.

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1 hour ago, bjornk said:

@Kendo 2  The reason why I came here was to avoid this sort confrontations altogether, especially for something as pointless as this. There's obviously a misunderstanding going on, maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I really don't want to deal with a person who replies with a wall of insults. I really don't need this. Will probably delete my account and move on if I can figure out how.

There probably is a misunderstanding or a clash or personalities going on.  BUT don't feel that you HAVE TO LEAVE.  If there's something going on then ask for a private mediation.  No one is going to take RC's side or yours in this.  You're both grown ups so work it out on your own...somehow.  I don't wanna see you go but I'm not gonna pick a side; not what the site is about.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

That's enough. I'm not changing my password. Fuck that. If someone hacks my account, I'm not gonna do anything. That would be the best reason not to "buy" anything from EA or use Origin again. If I ever want to play DA or ME again, I'll pirate them.

Edited by bjornk
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

EA is having a rough year, and we're only 4 months in.  I think this is the second or third round of layoffs in 2019, not that I feel sorry for any of the slobs who work for them.  Get wrecked bitches.  I would say 'learn to code' but some of them probably already know how. :D


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