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Am I the only one suffering from a case of pop culture fatigue?  Every time I see something about a movie studio or game company I'm like 'Oh...this ignorant shit again.'  It's like the people making movies, tv shows and games are intentionally fucking up.  No one can be so stupid as to piss off the customers...but evidently they are.

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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Am I the only one suffering from a case of pop culture fatigue?  Every time I see something about a movie studio or game company I'm like 'Oh...this ignorant shit again.'  It's like the people making movies, tv shows and games are intentionally fucking up.  No one can be so stupid as to piss off the customers...but evidently they are.

Yea.. I feel the same way.
Do you also often yell at kids to get off my fucking grass as well. I know I do...


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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

Do you also often yell at kids to get off my fucking grass as well. I know I do...

In my case it only took once.  Little bastards were playing chase and they kept using my hedge row to hide in.  They don't do that anymore.

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Let me guess. barbed wire hidden inn the hedge? Glass in the dirt.. Kendo terrorizing the kids..

Anyway, I was super busy when I posted that joke before and coudln't really get deeper into your original comment.

I don't believe they think it is stupid.. and in many ways it isn't.. from the Horse Armor to EAs loot boxes.. they are winning for loosing. Each time they advance the line.. they get the shit kicked out of them and the retreat.. however, they only go back 2 steps not the 5 they tried. Each time advancing on their path. In reality they are quite clever and the consumers are quite stupid and those that aren't.. they don't give a fuck about. As long as the mass public is still on their path.. they win and won't change.


kind of like the movie "They Live".. lol. Hidden agenda that we aren't aware of. Not until you put on the glasses and let me tell you .. they aren't rose colored.

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These companies are just one side of the coin. How can these companies stay in business with these blatantly obnoxious business tactics? Why do people still spend money on these type of games? I only have one possible explanation, either people are getting more and more stupid or stupid people are getting more and more money, or both.

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People's fixation exceeds far greater than standing up for the right cause. That's why I walked away from this war that we'll never win. They can have their unfinished games. They can have their games filled with cosmetic and pay to win microtransactions. I don't care anymore. Because I don't believe the industry will ever crash again. Corporations have plagued the industry. There's too much power and money involved in it and too many weak minds who will forgive and forget.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/18/2017 at 11:22 PM, Kendo 2 said:

Well, next year will be 'the year' for games.  Cyberpunk 2077, Vampyr, Reddead Redemption 2, etc.

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And from what I've read Vampyr will be like if Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines and Witcher3 had a love-child together...and there won't be any DLCs, loot boxes, microtransactions, season passes or other shit publishers want to insert into games these days.


A little necro ...

however, I seen it on EA and have a pass so I tried it. Not bad however not Witcher (haven't played the other games) There are some glitches that occur but not any beyond what I would expect a finished game (that has had time to be patched) would have. I haven't been able to replicate it.

One thing that annoyed me (due to my being lazy and used to being spoon fed with today's modern games) is the game gets you near the location, but doens't tell you exactly where what you are looking for and in many case it was hard to find the quest item or NPC due to the game design. Made you really look.

Also they actually have a "Story Mode' which is setup to play and explore and harder modes (which at least not will kill me very shortly) There is a slight learning curve to figure out how to do things (not sure if I like the keyboard mapping)  but lord do they have conversations.

It is interesting in that it doesn't require you to protect much, (you can kill anyone) but has some protections cleverly part of the game. You have to gain a skill level to be able to kill some of the people. once you reach that level.. you can "feed" Doen't matter how important that NPC might be. There are also serious changes when you kill someone depending on their importance in the game. (some .. most of which you might not even realize)  as that status of the area drops... it starts to get bat shit crazy with attacks and other combats... (but when you "feed" .. they call it embrace, you gain XP which gives you more options for character upgrade.. ) So far I am playing a goodish person. Killed 2 for upgrades as carefully as possible. (needed the XP :( )  the game rewards you for good or bad acts. Not sure about the repeatability of the game.  The Roll play is getting on my nerves.. searching out and having leghty conversations with everybody for the next quest..



Not sure if it has repeatability but it does have a very unusual and creative ending.  Not quite a witcher but not half bad. (not worth full price though IMO)

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