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Fallout 76

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Yet it's funny how civil dumbasses on LL want to be towards Bethesda. 'I don't understand why the hate towards the devs'. They are all trash from the pubs to devs. Anyone who hasn't up and left the company like writers who leave a trash company to find another studio. Anyone who develops Beth games is part of the problem. They don't care about the quality, they are there for the paycheck. They aren't there for the passion. You want to be passionate about game developing, you avoid Bethesda for sure.

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If the rumors are true, there may not BE a Bethsoft much longer if they spit out TES6 too fast.


I've always kind of marveled at how bad a lot of Bethsoft stuff ends up being. It's as if they throw their huge budget at a given game but have extremely poor management. The result being everything is a hectic mess and they barely manage to push out something coherent. And then the rumors about it being just that during the development started popping up. Sure, they're rumors, but it makes some sense if that's how it really is.


But yeah, better stop here. I can write entire books full of rants on Bethsoft. From Oblivion to FO4. (Thankfully didn't buy FO4. Skyrim was my last bought title. Only played FO4 because my job had a spare copy that nobody wanted. The first clue is nobody wanted it! haha)

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5 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

That makes two of us...

But... it's like FO4. Without NPCs! 🤣 🤣

I can't help but think the rationale for that decision was: "Well, we only make garbage NPCs anyway. Why not have none at all?" "Yeah!" 😁


Aside from the usual Bethsoft nonsense, there's always something about online games like FO76 that bother me.  Assume I'm a stupid fangirl and I spent $60 for FO76. (The thought disturbs me.) Then they ban me for creating too many items or finding a way into their test cells (which shouldn't have existed at all). Because it's not through something like Steam, I don't get a refund for my for purchase right? So... Bethsoft just stole $60? 🤨

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I knew this game wasn't going to completely fail. If they take their time with an expansion, a new world to explore, it will lure in disgruntled gamers.

Last thing we need is restoring fate in a company only to eventually repeat their predatory practices once again. I for one am completely done and would rather see Fallout and TES in the hands a more competent developing company so that we can actually get a overall good game. Even at the cost of no mod support. :/

Edited by endgameaddiction
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14 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Last thing we need is restoring fate in a company only to eventually repeat their predatory practices once again.

There's no undoing the damage; Bethesda's reputation is shit.  The handful of people who bought FO76 (maybe 1.5 million) might go back to the game so they can try to get their money's worth out of it, but it wont be drawing in new players.  I'm confident that ship has sailed.  And FO76 has sparked a mini-Mandela Effect ripple where people are questioning just how good Bethesda games really are.  'Was Skyrim really as awesome as I thought it was?'  Spoiler Alert: NOPE.

Other considerations; Bethesda is intentionally behind the technological curve.  They release games in a buggy unfinished state and no one thinks it's cute anymore; and the Tod the Sweet Little Lies meme is no longer cute either.  People are pissed; I'm still mad about the 60 bucks I wasted on FO4.  And FO76 has split the fanbase into two camps; critical thinkers vs. the shill brigade.  And the shill brigade lost the internet war; where all culture war battles are fought these days.

All told, Bethesda will never recover from FO76.  They've joined the ranks of EA and Blizzard; customers giving them a free pass is off the table.  They did it to themselves.

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4 hours ago, Doublezero said:

It looks like in light of the Epic Games Store controversy Bethesda wants to regain the good will of the fans by releasing F76 on steam. Too bad the game is garbage though.

Likely their "store" isn't attracting as much attention and customers as they thought it would with exclusive offers on games. Biting off more than they can chew again, showing how little they understand the industry they are working in.

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3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Let's not forget #saveplayer1.


Already forgotten...

Seriously.. I have no clue what you are talking about .. lol.


Ah... lol..

The best part of this is Linda Carter... after that.. all downhill.

I remember when I walked up to the lounge singer and was like "HOLLY SHIT"  Unfortunately... there isn't a "proper" emoticon for my feelings lol

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12 hours ago, Doublezero said:

Fans are angry? This game should have zero fans at this point.


Not possible... there will be people that will follow about anything... Shame but true. No matter how stupid it is. History is full of it. There will be people that will be "fans" just because they HOPE things will turn a corner and get better.. as if Bethesda is somehow just having issue and not a soul sucking gaming company that doesn't give a shit about their customers beyond the money they bring. Really a shame considering that is the very thing that can get them to do the right thing if people woke the fuck up and started demanding (across the board) them to do things right. Negative press and customers running from their offerings will cause them to change to the better and give what customers want.. however, they are protected by the fact there is always a fool born every minute.

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That's the problem. And it's not a millennial+ generation issue full of stupid willfully blinded morons who know little to no basic economics. You have grown ass adults who cater to these predatory practices so long as they continue to get their fix.

Frankly, I'm at the point where I don't even care about the game industry anymore. We, those of us who constantly argue against this are always the one who's paying the price because of them. It happened with DRM. The corporate shill won't get their dirty hands off of it because the dumbasses who play into their scheme continue to do so and the rest of us have to accept what we are given or continue to bitch which solves nothing. I'm not so sure that people are woke because of 76 now. Not after all these years of constantly trying to get them to see what Bethesda really was for years. Bethesda spitting in our faces for many years and fanboys in turn 'Oh, I love me some Bethesda, they treat me S.P.E.C.I.A.L.!'.

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