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The combat is more involved than what Bugthesda puts out.  Spamming spells and mindlessly flailing at enemies with weapons won't work.  That means the typical Skyrim fan ain't gonna like this game.  'It's too hard.'


  • Agree 1

Our vision is for Isles of Adalar to become known over time as a nearly endless RPG experience rich with narrative driven content. With this in mind we've designed our game to support mods and user generated content from the very beginning. Everything that exists in game is created using the same level editor that ships inside the game, so the modders have access to all the tools we use ourselves to create campaigns.

Just shipping tools for modding is not enough to realize our vision. We are going to be actively working to build up a creative community around our game. This starts with making tools as user friendly and efficient to use as possible so that small teams of only a handful of people can make large scale campaigns. But in addition to the tools we will also be giving players extra content that is not used in the base game so that their campaigns can feel unique. This will range from environmental biomes, to different styles of architecture and even new enemies.

Choice and consequence is at the core of our dialogue system. We use a hybrid (mostly) text based system that features non specific voice lines for NPCs. This allows us to have in depth dialogue with the characters in the world but also gives the player necessary feedback to reflect the NPC's general attitude and response to the player. For example, you may try to intimidate a bandit and if you fail the speech check you may get a voiced response saying something like "I won't stand for this!" but the text can be more in depth and context specific.

Instead of using a speech skill to determine dialogue choices and persuasion success, the player can assign multiple personality traits to their character and these traits will give unique responses. The success or failure of a persuasion attempt is determined by both the player character's level and if a specific type of persuasion logically makes sense in the context of the situation.


Posted (edited)

The faces for the females are terrible. It's just as bad as potato faces. Them men aren't as bad but not that good either. You can't lock on target as far as I know. Each attack is based off your stamina bar. The voice acting is meh... The graphics are okayish. Maybe it's my potato PC but it's up there with Oblivion/FO3. I ran it on low settings and then ultra. Though, I don't remember noticing a difference. The character creation is  very basic. Not a lot of options. It's all preselecting like you see in the clip above. The attributes is a cool feature. It has an impact on your dialogue like the speech skill and SPECIAL would for Fallout 3/NV. I'm not sure how it runs on a better PC but when you log out, it slow the crap of my PC down and I have to wait a bit for my PC to speed back up.

Combat is pretty fun, though I haven't used a bow and arrow yet. I just got it and saved my game shortly after but upon launching the demo there is no loading your save so I have to start over... This was a few days ago so I'm about to get back on and start over. The lock pick is meh... It's more annoying than challenging.

You can choose to play in windowed mode or full screen. Going to try this in windowed mode this time. But multi tasking makes my PC lag. my CPU isn't that great though.

Once installed you can choose between 8Ram or 16Ram depending how much you have.

Edited by driftscape
  • Thanks 2

If they have solid mod support and aren't doing shit like Bethesda is doing with their games. I can deal with a potato face and some lack luster voice acting.  If combat is better than Bethesda then that is a plus.  Brainless combat is ok for a casual play or just fooling around but for serious play, I need more realistic combat. Spamming spells as @Kendo 2 stated above just get boring after a bit.

With good solid mod support the community can upgrade the potato faces and some of the other aspects of the game where needed. ;) Oh provided they don't create plots that are stupid like needing to find your infant.. then be told to help out the entire wasteland before you do.

@driftscape would you mind giving some specs of your low end computer. I know some that state their computer is "low end" but they are pretty good computers. (not the best and not great for gaming) It would help understand how the game might play on someone else computer based on this.

  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, driftscape said:


Intel Core I5 750

GTX 970 (not overclocked)

8GB Ram

Been running the same PC for over 10 years now. Only upgrade is GPU


I've lost interest in testing the demo. I'll wait much later to see how it turns out. But so far I'm not impressed.

Thanks for the info ...

That isn't to low end. :D  I still have a 970 in storage and might pull it out for a secondary computer!  I am still working on a i7 4790 so not to far off of your processor either.  It's amazing how much people were able to get out of their older Intel processors and the 900 series of graphics cards. For that matter I still know some that rock some old GTX 580's  (yes, SLI) and doing fine for most of their games. (not the newest and greatest of course)

It is very good that someone could play that game with such computers. :D  To many times the gaming companies develop games for super computers forcing people to settle for crappy experience if they can even play the game or not play it at all.  This isn't due to some development or better textures and graphics (some are) but because they are un-optimized pieces of chit.


I agree with you @Kendo 2 I do want this to be good. Might be the next major mod-able game coming out.  If I understand things correctly, it might even be better to work with (mod) create mods and generally use. If this is the case, I would even venture to state this is what should have been Skyrim.

T heir changing some of the tools and such as @driftscape stated makes me more hesitant however, much more optimistic and hopeful that things will be better as it seems as if they are making major changes to better tools and such. I am still a bit on the fence on the Praise crowd as I have been disappointed by CD Project Reds current project, all be it slightly. On the hope meter.. I'd put this above that.  On the Praise meter.. I would put it above CD Project Reds' projects considering how new they are (or as I understand it) and know how hard it is to create a game much less the tools to edit it. Any company that does that should be commended at least. (even if they fuck up the tools in the long run.. looking at Bethesda)  and then wait until they show their evil side. (again looking at Bethesda)

Not quite where the Meme of Fry saying "take my money" but, that is due to many, many recent disappointments from companies, not to mention their products. Had this been 2~3 years ago.. when I was much more naive then I would be so ecstatic.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

With all the crap that was going on in 2020 and onto 2021, I forgot about this game. It released as an early access back in October last year on STEAM. I went to play the demo again, but was wondering why it wasn't available until I checked. Anyways some videos of early access.


Posted (edited)

Also, I know I gave it a lot of flack when I tried the demo, but it's understandable since this game was still in early development. I do hope it turns out good. Even if it's a decent game, i would like to give it a try and see how supportive it is for modding. Though, like always, not going to hold my breath as things can always change in the last minute.

Edited by driftscape
  • 1 month later...

They should really showcase decent NPCs though. I mean, helps with marketing. If they've got a bunch of hot NPCs chasing them down it goes a lot farther than... whatever those were. 🤣


That said, looks extremely promising.

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