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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I have that reaction daily when dealing with public. They ask me for something and I have to ask 20 fucking questions because they can't speak properly, clearly and concisely. Originally I was surprised when I was complemented when I gave support over on 'the other site' . Then even more when I wrote official support threads. One person even went so far as to asr if I wrote instruction manuals. Meanwhile I loor at my writing and see shitty example of the English language in action Also side note, one of my letters on this reyboard just went out. I am not ridding. Can you guess which letter is out on my reyboard? I am going to checr to see if the reyboard was somehow swapped or changed without my rnowlege. It litterlly stopped worring in the middle of this post. (Strange thing is r now worrs in two locations. (seriously, this is too fucring weird to be a jore I made up. FUCR!
  2. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4258723-biden-campaign-joins-trump-truth-social/
  3. Have you tried waiting a bit to see if it expands? I went to the page you linked copied the address and posted it into a spoiler. It worked for me and as @endgameaddiction stated I waited a bit. My computer I am using for this is slow. If this is being done. I am puzzled. I'd try another browser, clean install if possible. Something else in case the browser or add ons are causing trouble. I have some sights that won't stream the video for me. P.S. either adblock and the like is not keeping up or sights are actively and seriously working to make things "incompatible" so that they can have someone remove the ad block and like programs. (disclaimer, I am very heavy handed with my add ons to prevent ads but more importantly the virus and shit that sometimes comes through those sources. Only opening up the system for selected sights like this one. )
  4. I don't understand. Are you talking about like what I did? I literally copied what you posted into a spoiler. It just worked. Could be something with your browser settings. Perhaps try another browser or double check your add ons.
  5. Psycho Killer It's been that kind of day.
  6. In the future, her future boyfriend/husband. He will be singing this. Looks isn't everything. Just ask anyone that has been married for more than a couple of years. Most will have some degree of this if they bought the bullshit that some women sell. Much like this girl.
  7. OH MY GOD! She is soooo fucking correct. Nobody knows what it is like when you are beautiful! Nobody unless someone else that is beautiful. Gospel. Also nobody ugly can even fucking comprehend the trouble of someone that is great looking! It is so strange that someone that ugly is aware of the plight of those that are beautiful. Why is she speaking in first hand regarding this? Does she thing she is Beautiful? Seriously? At best she is Meh. Also, what the fuck is going on with the center of your forehead? All I can say honey is someone fucking lied to you. They really, really, lied to you. Girls like you are a dime a dozen.
  8. First thing to check is to be sure all the mods are properly loaded and not nested too deeply. (meaning files inside folders, inside folders inside folders etc.
  9. My history is off so it doesn't do much to suggest except similar videos that I have watched during that session. Of course that doesn't mean they aren't watching me. I've watched some serious shit
  10. He was an idiot. Either way, if he approved the Nazi actions during WWII or if he didn't know. He was an idiot because he didn't do the proper research and checked what he was doing before he stopped parliament and praised someone. Let's be clear for a moment. He is THE LEADER and has more than ample resources to verify any info, much less clearly easily obtainable PUBLIC INFORMATION before he opens his mouth. This wasn't some interview where someone blindsided him. HE CHOSE to and PLANNED this well before he did it. He is a FUCKING IDIOT. What if his support staff didn't give him the proper info? Well. Unless they were hired the day before there there would/should be signs that they are not right for the job. HE is responsible for those that are below him. HE is responsible for the actions of HIS employees and contracted support staff.
  11. Na, it was nerfed because grandpa Todd couldn't keep up with the game. It was too hard for him.
  12. Well then it is a hand held pip boy then. I just thought a colorized pipboy for the outfit would be awesome. Different, and stand out. Not sure how hard it would be to make such a thing for an outfit though.
  13. You could colorize the pipboy and place it at the wrist. Make a nice clean shinny pipboy. That or just have someone use a handheld mod to do the same thing. Depends on the artist preferences.
  14. The secret is out as to why Bethesda makes crappy games. Todd Howard sucks at playing games. He has to make AI stupid so that he can get some hits in. He likely has problems with complex games as well so the story has to be weak. As he gotten older, the story gotten weaker... notice the change? He just got more and more sucky playing game as he got older.
  15. I was thinking they could use Unity since it has modding capabilities. https://www.kodeco.com/14494028-introduction-to-modding-unity-games-with-addressables Lots of tools and tutorials to do these mods. Bethesda would have to create the layer for the assets to be, well, accessible but that is only a tiny bit of work from what I understand from what I read. When considering the creation of the entire game that is. If they are able ... they could create every in game asset accessible. Allow new cells to be created and filled with these accessible items and be done. Of course I am not an expert in the system so there might be some limitations. However, Unity is a modern game system and is used in many popular games. Perhaps they don't want to change the engine due to the fact that then it would show that they are shit designers? LOL OH. the programing is C which is a very common programing language that most programmers would be very familiar with.
  16. I was referring to the SJW stuff they feel compelled to put in the game. Flags, pronouns and such. They will NEVER be able to fix the issues that the engine has until they change it to something more modern thats not hobbled together with various shit from the early to mid 2000's. (tools that are more than 20 years old)
  17. It is just another thing that will be added to the modder's list to fix.
  18. Is it me or is this not metal enough? Listening to this made me think I was an orchetra playing.. anyway a bit of a slow burn
  19. it would be nice if we had a remaster of something instead of Skyrim...
  20. Japan doesn't fuck around when it comes to laws. If you wanted to propose to "Defund the police" the citizens would call you crazy!
  21. Not from tax... but it is Grants... yea. Bullshit. If a company that is successful shutting down. Now a goverment opens the same thing. That won't be unprofitable? Of course it will. Well except for those who are in charge and pocket all that money from the grants. Now, what happens when they do open the stores. Watch them change and increase policing to protect these stores. Yep. A way to get out cooporations and make extra money. I fucking hope all these companies do a class action lawsuit for this bullshit. How about using your fucking brains. The policy didn't work. Change it back. Go hard on crime. Make it safe again for companies to come back. Give the grant money to help them return (one time pay ment instead of a constant drain that will be what the Mayor will have) Return back to what was and call it a day. Honestly, how stupid do they think people are? Apparently very stupid (which many are)
  22. I am sure that someone was chewed out for having such a crazy person on the show. lol. I know they want energetic people but that is just plan fucking insane. (Price is Right) (1990's commercial) Come on, that shit was funny. Those of us that are older, that was comedy.
  23. Yes. The reason is simple. They want to keep the mods regardless of what you want to do. People were leaving their shitty site due to pollitics and shit they pulled and they wanted to make sure that any major author couldn't delete the mod and fuck over their "community". Some time around that rule they were working on that system that allows someone to setup the mods and one click downloads of a entire mod system. Deleting mods would mess up those one click downloads. (Also I knew you were making fun of them. I wanted to poke at this a bit more so we could talk shit about some of the stuff they are doing.) Also it is fun to go to their site and do my shit with the same name as I have here, and nothing happen. LOL I am sure they see this stuff about their site from other sites. I am confident that people go and report this shit to get added points. However, to be brutally honest, I don't fuck with them on their site. I follow whatever rules that DarkOne and the others choose to make. The same goes with Lovers Lab and other sites. Its their site. I go there I respect their rules on their site.
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