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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Need to have proper schools first... where people are taught where sperm comes from and other shit like that.
  2. Willingness to buy the crap and even praise them. Willingness to pay more and more and more for extras and DLCs and lootboxes.. then wondering why the companies keep on dishing out more and more games with more and more of those features and creeping into the game more and more until you have to pay more than the cost of the game just to be able to reasonably play the game. People keeping on letting the bar be lowered and say.. x but not y.. then when y becomes common state y but not z. The publishers know the general consumer has shit for their brains and weak wills so they just have to pull back a slight bit on this edition but added to the next game.. just move the line ever so much each year and watch their profits soar I haven't bought a game (mainstream one) since Fallout 4's disappointment. I haven't played games much at all shortly afterwards. When I do i play either free Indy games that are good or games from my large library of previously purchased games. There hasn't been one "have to" game since that time. I am afraid.. there won't be one for quite a very long time from now.
  3. I don't think they (Bethesda) actually cares. Their various actions during this indicates they have little care for what they do or even how they are viewed currently so long as they can find ways to make money off this game. Having a glitch piece of shit game is one thing.. having exploits that rip people off of their hard work and shit is quite a different thing.
  4. I believe the video stated that they were told about those issues (checks on the server side, verification of Authenticity etc. ) and ignored the issue.
  5. There are stupid people born every minute.
  6. I can't find the discussion of the Witcher series from Netflix but.. I know it is around.. in any case. They released it. I was greeted with this "news" as soon as I decided to settle down and see some flicks. Not sure how good it is.. however, from some of the previews and such... doesn't look much like it. Also I personally can't get over the eyes.. They are all kinds of wrong. The character is wrong in my opinion but I might have been able to suspend that.. the eyes though.. It looks like he has a bad case of Jaundice or something. it reminds me of all the comic book characters being converted over to movies by people that have no clue about the comics or what makes them so go. Wasn't until they got their shit together and started making proper movies and linked worlds recently did the movies actually become worthy to watch (with exceptions for some of teh series etc)
  7. I can unfortunately only place one like on this ... or I would crit hit the like button as many times as I could.. Until something broke..
  8. The game has been out for quite some time and many have played it for many hours, but like many good RPGs there are things that might have been missed. Little treasures. I started this thread for this discussion. for my part I found a video that shown some interesting facts that I didn't know or wasn't aware of Do you have something that might not be known about Witcher?
  9. maybe Bethesda sold him those servers.... It just works!
  10. To be honest I haven't had an issue with his premium members or any hostility from members for that matter. I don't usually stay there or interact much. I usually act politely and respectfully while there (as I would as a guest at someone's home etc) and don't give anyone a reason to get hostile. Mostly it is due to my lack of activity there other than to download a mod. Can't remember when I requested support for a mod last time. You are correct if they are going to monitor and restrict hostilities and other actions there. they need to put hostilities for non premium members in check as well. I know some people in RL that have a premium user account and they don't post shit they shouldn't be there. They aren't dicks.. however, likely since they are cool in RL they re cool on the site. Perhaps dicks are dicks regardless. ? I agree adblock isn't working and can be used and if he manages to get around that there are other measures to use. Proper encouragement couldn't hurt.. I believe addressing the main complaints of their staff and members would do wonders to the bottom line. they seem to be better than in the past as I remember it but again, Not active there so might be missing a ton of shit. Isn't it still like 2 or so dollars to get premium membership (total cost one time ) or something like that. That isn't really that horrible of a cost provided you like the company and what they were doing which so many don't. I believe it is the overall preception that is on-going that is the thing that is hindering his goals. Other sites have people offering support without any arm twisting and or work to do so. Because they have a following and the members love the site. Nexus should work toward that goal. What they are doing isn't working well or at least as I see it. @driftscape good idea for a subject !
  11. I understand and I understand that it is expensive to run a site as large as that. However, from what I know, they are .. well... pushing it really hard, harder than necessary. Also making it extremely annoying in the process for those that don't support them through some process. This is the sucky part and totally UN-necessary in my opinion. If people like me go there... they just get the mods. They would rarely contribute to the community in any meaning ful way so the fan boys / girls and aliens can kiss ass, suck dick or whatever they so desire. That is a problem.. selection of a moderator and any other community leaders and such is very important that the proper person that reflects the values of the site and purpose the admin/owners decide should be the tone and feelings of the site or... there is a disconnect and it is harmful to the site. NSFWmods this is the case. Each holds the others to the same standards of action and acts as a mirror to what was decided this site was to be when it was first started. Lots of discussion and thought was taken regarding rules, and the way we enforce them and any other actions we take. This is however a known thing and any site that doesn't take care in this, can only have their members believe that any negative actions and condoned responses from any leadership entity is desired and sanctioned. The best advice is get your mods.. any support if needed and leave. That is unless you are of the mindset of Nexus (fanboy/girl/alien) then and only if.. they also appreciate you, do you stick around. Most it seems isn't fitting this and shouldn't be active there. I will be honest, I used to like interactions with them and some of their moderators early on .. (late Oblivion, Early Fallout 3 mod era) and some of there moderators at that time were cool. (old different log on credentials which I forgot the pass word to and decided to just create a new one after they seemed to lost their fucking minds... I believe it was due to hacking issues and security upgrades. They forced me to reactivate my account as well there. Had to create a new (and stronger ) password and such since I wasn't there for a long period of time . It sort of pissed me off since I just wanted to check something fast.. however, for security.. I can understand it. @bjornk did you reactive your mod profie? got mods there? if so there are something going on that if you get x # of downloads or something where they remove the limit s and such if you aren't a supporter etc. or so I have heard.
  12. Don't believe I have heard of this one.. Thanks.
  13. Now you have a topic opened for you! LOL. I originally thought you were posting that we were assfaced minions operating this site.. How embarrassing.. lol
  14. The only thing I can say about Bethesda games like Fallout 76 is that there are extremely tallented people that make songs about the game that is 1000's of times better than that game will ever be
  15. starfield will be an supernova of an explosion of memes. Fuck.. Bethesda... they cursed my 's" key on my keyboard. I blame Bethesda for everything that goes wrong from now on.
  16. Maybe that is how Bethesda discovered their next game.. Starfield. It is Skyrim reskinned using the stars of that game as a base... lol.
  17. He needs to come to where I work... If "He/she did, 15 seconds later, the cops would have been called and he would have been charged with disturbing the peace. As well as given a trespass notice. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Disturbing-the-Peace.htm We have done it before ... There are people that have spent and are currently spending time in Jail for doing stupid shit at the place I work. Visitors as well as employees. It is a shame that most places are afraid to push their rights when faced with such actions due to possible repercussions from social networks. It only serves to empower and embolden such individuals. Fortunately for the most part in what I do.. I don't have to deal with such stupidity.
  18. Apparently so... If they paid attention to history of Trump.. this has happened time and time again when giving him any press negative or positive..
  19. They are going to get Trump elected...
  20. UP.. didn't the say they wouldn't do that for this game? The question is .. they mentioned that this is for the regular game. Not the multiplayer part. Does someone have source where they mentioned that they wouldn't do it for the multiplayer part? I don't care they are "consumer friendly" .. in the way they mean it. In my definition of "consumer friendly" is following the statements and promises they give us. Changing things.. after stating something is slimy. I am already seeing red flags. He mentions .. compromises .. I believe they have already shown they are.
  21. Fair enough.. Also there is the following scene where some boys run up to the detectives and claim they found the dick,.. and toss them a hotdog. At least if my memory serves me correctly. I haven't really seen the entire movie since it was released on VHS. lol What a bout children of the corn or The Shining? Yea or no.
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