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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. ritualclarity

    New Girls!

    For your comics? (I assume)
  2. Will not contain microtranstions. that glitch is so cool... lol
  3. Cool. I thought you might have decided to give a screen capture of what could be shown...
  4. You have to do really serious acts here to get a thread deleted or yourself banned. Simple trolling isn't one of them. Harassing someone even a moderator within reason isn't one of them. Serious acts showing an intent that you aren't here for any reason other than to cause problems with the site is one. As I see it we are here to protect the site and the forum... not individuals regardless of who they are (including other members of the moderation team) or what they have contributed to the site or their number of post. NOBODY is special (well except DZ which can pull the plug on the site that that is a whole different matter ;)) The key to remember is we protect the site not the members. We don't play favorites as there have been member that left because we didn't give them something they thought was needed or wanted. All the moderators follow this rule and we discuss various activities on the site on a very regular basis as needed. Rarely is something done by one member. (except spam blocking ;)) Banning, rules changes, status of member, disciplines etc etc. all discussed as much as possible and a final decision is made at the end. I don't have the same experience as Kendo and DZ have in moderating a site (I have moderated for one other site) but from my experiences of being a member with the various gaming sites I honestly believe this isn't the case on those sites. or at least not as in-depth One alternate case in point.. where a person was clearly qualified for banning for violating our rules upon further discussion we decided to give him/her a chance for various reasons related to the particular situation. Yes, a "particular situation" not break the rule you are gone Nexus policy. Everything is considered carefully on a case by case basis. In his case he/she wasn't able to access the site for a few days as we judged his/her act and make a final judgement. In short you can say we (moderators DZ included) take our moderation rules and policies harder and following them more strictly than we do the community rules. Since DAY 1 we haven't violated our core moderation policies and procedures. That is one thing I believe really separates nsfwmods.com from other gaming sites
  5. ^Gives new meaning to heavy metal
  6. I think everybody that thinks that the report is wrong go to Nexus, download the mod and rate it as good... Give positive feedback to the author on his mod. Be nice and positive... If you are afraid of the SJW moderators... then create a fake account to do this with. Just use some free vpn or something to mask your IP. There are still ways to find out who you are, but doubt they (SJW moderators) will go beyond just checking the IP.
  7. The one thing we have done here that make SJW have a very hard time is we don't "protect" them. They can come and post but they will likely get their asses handed to them if they start any comments that make no sense.
  8. WTF... Damn. I feel like I was in an orientation to a cult... lol.
  9. You trying to make me rip my ears off?
  10. bjork... you are lucky there isn't a down vote option on this site.... lol.. DAMN that is annoying. This is suppose to be an APPRECIATION THREAD.... not make people's ears bleed thread... lol.. I thought I knew some horrible songs.. .but this takes the cake...
  11. Thanks... for the added detail. Hopefully this gives the info needed. Might be a bit before Kendo is able to respond. I never looked "up there" before that i can remember... lol. so I am not sure about if I ever had that problem...
  12. As far as I know there shouldn't be any UV issues with Breezes armors anywhere. However, if there is any, I would assume Kendo would need some examples of what you are experiencing, the mods being used etc, etc. so that he can understand the issue before any answer can be given or any "fix" can be done. Note: I haven't ran into any issues with Kendo's Breezes bodies regardless of which faction etc was encountered. This is the reason I state there shouldn't be any issues...
  13. Ah, I see. I bought mine last December as a little Christmas gift to myself. I got them before they were inflated in price and out of stock. In all reality, sounds like you got the exact card you needed for your monitor which will work great for years until you decide to upgrade it to a 2k or better. That graphics card is a beast for most uses. Oh, don't be afraid to upgrade your monitor. I was rocking my Gsync 2k monitor with a 970, just had to downgrade the resolutions to 1080p with some of the games (like Witcher) to keep everything up to ultra or maximum graphics. This really only applies to the newer games.
  14. I wasn't aware you were having problems with your PC.... Glad to hear you have a newer and better computer. I am still on a 4790K. however, it works quite well A 1050ti should do quite well on a 1080p monitor. Quite well indeed. However, if you want to move to a 2k a 1080 or 1080ti is advised in my opinion.
  15. ritualclarity


    They are such "Dolls"
  16. Hey, what ja know... we have similar accomplishments.... LOL
  17. I am not sure about Witchers being sickly.. Only that they have the cat eyes. Geralt is the one that is very thin and pale. Just to be clear about my above post. I believe Witchers look pretty much like they would normally except for the universal eyes. Like normal people (although perhaps more athletic due to the nature of their job.) I could be wrong on that matter. I am basing my info on a combination of game play references, as well as general Witcher references from Video and other sources. Opinion. The author did or does seem to want to Separate Geralt or make him stand out as both different looking and acting from general Witchers actions and responses to the world. it works well IMO with the book (imagine it would) and really well in the game.
  18. I didn't see a problem with the ethnicity of Major either but, can understand and wouldn't mind if there was an asian actress in that movie role. It could work. Those that complained did bring up a good point... there are many very good female Asian actress that could have played the part. I haven't seen the manga and didn't really get into the movie. Can't be sure about the story, content or acting. SJ has done well in other movies so not sure if it is her or other reasons for the movie not being that good in my opinion. I enjoyed the Series Altered Carbon. It was unique but not out there. It was a bit confusing at time and had some complex elements that required some time to let things sink in or to play out. I felt out of place many times as I am not a fan or have read the original books. However, they did a good job explaining much of the process if someone was patient while the show played on. I will agree it seemed slow... (perhaps that is what you are contribution to bloat? ) but it had some fine points as well. In other words I fully understand people not liking it and feeling it was slow and at times might even be boring. Not sure who that is, however, I don't see a reason a female couldn't play James Bond. Of course it wouldn't be a traditional James bond.. it would be a Jane bond... but it might be a fun attempt. "Girl Power" and all... lol. I can imagine some sexy chick chasing some handsome stud and having her way with him... lol. then slapping him on the ass as he leaves the hotel room the next day... Hey, they are thinking of creating a female Doctor and I was told there was even a marvel universe where Thor was a female. However, this isn't changing the fact that James (or Jane) would be British. In comparison to having Geralt being black It just won't work at all. Also, this is an adaptation of the story not a rework or an alternate work (as Jane being the new James bond would have to be. There would have to be some background reason etc. ) Witchers are outcast and I believe it is possible that a Witcher could be of a different race.. however not Geralt. He is mentioned being pale.. he is even called the "White Wolf" having a black man being called the "white wolf" makes no sense what so ever. Sorry. I don't see it. The original Europeans were darker skinned but that was thousands of years ago. before the mutaions which lightened the skin to help aid in Vitim D production. Witchers were set in Medieval Time periods. AT that time they were white.... perhaps tanned from working on farms etc. but they were classified as white. The Witchers lines weren't ancient in any way... they were a thousand or so years old at most. Not thousands of years old and .... they are infertile ... there is no "bloodline" to be taken from. They (the Withers) take their members from the society they are in. In this case, white Europe. CDPR is stated to change the character a bit from the books. Gerlt is suppose to be very thin and pale (perhaps even sickly looking to some) (part of an added mutation that occurred during the Trial of the Grasses) however, in the video game he is a slim but ripped person. Not seriously thin.... as some have stated the book implies. There are many things that can be done and changed but changing the race is too much. And changing him to a female... not possible at all. (Witchers can't be female according to the lore. A slim chance they can be an Elf but almost no chance to be a female. at least not go through the trials. Honorary title can be bestowed, as in Ceri's case. ) In this case an adaptation of the story needs to have a white Geralt. Now, if they want to use the Witcher universe and have some reason for a different ethnic witcher to be used... then that can work in my opinion. Witchers, at least from what I have seen aren't racist as they don't seem to care about Elfs, or different cultures. Geralt even has the opportunity to strike up a nice conversation with someone of a different culture (middle eastern, I believe) and treats him quite fairly and openly. (game) If someone from the Middle East or where ever when through the trials of the grasses, I suspect they would be treated with respect by other Witchers at least until they proved otherwise. So changing the race of the main character would mean a different Witcher and a spin off of the Witcher universe. Geralt however, if ever shown, would have to be a thin very white male witcher.
  19. Altered Carbon is pretty good. The main character was Asian (half, part eastern European) but, the "sleeve" was a white cop. This is what the book was about (as I understand it, I also didn't read the book but did see some of the PDF examples from the book) A story like this, can have characters swapped out as needed (for a desired actor and even actresses via "cross sleeve") This works, provided it is written well. The Ghost in the Shell I can see (as far as I know the story) people getting upset that a white woman was used for the main character. However, Witcher is based in medieval Europe using primarily white people. It just won't work if using anybody else. @Kendo It isn't racist to expect a story to be told using the races, and settings created by the artist. I just thought ... It would be hilarious if a black man was used for a documentary for Nathan Bedford Forrest... For those that aren't aware... he was the first "Grand Wizard" or leader of the KKK when it was founded. If that sounds stupid to you, then having Geralt being played by someone of a different race or since this is an SJW issue, sex should as well. Stick with the characters in the story as they are intended when it is clearly defined race, sex, age, etc.
  20. You should look around the site more... LOL.
  21. Sure... the next episode of the Black Panther and his associates have to be played by white people... no better yet... Asian people. With Asian accents wearing the traditional African outfits. In all seriousness... If it goes like I think... they (the people that create this movie) will tell those SJW's to polity go FUCK THEMSELVES.... Next thing you know is if they created a lifetime story of Hugh Hefner, they'd demand that he be a flaming guy gay... (aka, Bird Cage movie ;))
  22. This sums up gaming industry standards pretty dam well. (from video above) It would be nice to have them release some ful version of their devkit... even if it isn't fully their dev kit (I understand why they wouldn't) A kit that is stable and has the tools similar to GECK/CK would be good. However, If they continue doing what they do with full quality games with loads of content, I will be very happy with them for years to come even without the ability to do any mods. To be honest, I haven't used a single mod for TW3 at all. I tried a bit here and there but soon cleaned it up and went back to the regular game. The game has so much content and I have spent hours and hours (more than I did in other games namely one game :P) until I was fully played out and am not interested, currently, in playing it. I have gone back months later , after playing to my hearts content and played it again and it was as about enjoyable as it was the first time, even more that I have learned more and are able to do and understand more. It is a game a player can grow into. large learning curve but if someone is willing to fight through that curve, they are rewarded with a fantastic game even with out mods. Tour of CDProjectRed
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