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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. We all know ways around loosing an account. However, not causing "drama" is easy if you just walk away.. (from Nexus LOL).
  2. I'll let you know that even as a gamepass game it sucks. The opening is seriouslly a WTF moment. They couldn't think of anything more interesting? Finding something was a pain. The tutorial was so brief it was hard to follow for their bullshit setup. It was boring from the very start. I don't think I played it more than 20 minutes. Just to let that sink in. I played broken games that are completely unplayable for more than 20 miinutes. This game at least worked ... somewhat. If it was at a minimum a game like Fallout 4, I would be playing it now. ON a side note. I was told that the Game Pass game version (xbox) is better running than the PC version . TL;DR Bethesda Sucks. Nuff Said.
  3. The user still deserves a "your a fucking dick" post for the comment of maybe I'll remember it after an endorsement bullshit. And rightfully so. Dam just when I thought Nexus couldn't get worse.
  4. They want their employees to actually work and not spew hatrid.
  5. I believe they do . Its been awhile but I don't remember having to get special animations.
  6. Your statement made me think. There were easy ways to add this to the game. Kellog battle and death could have started an arch where the player has the opportunity to find out the origins of themselves. Find proof. (perhaps dead copies that were used for testing before the final release) Then the supermutant could have had some information, info found in an old part of the institute or another off shoot base they had (for testing such things) It would have been easy to add this if they would have only added some more story archs. Yea, the writers were very lazy and lost an opportunity to wow the players and let enjoy the game more. KTOR is an example that I ran across of excellent writing. Thte game seemed to be fine as I played it but there was the scene where a flashback occured and all the interactions played out to show what really was going on. What really happened. I remember my hair on my arms standing up it was so good. I had to stop playing for a few minutes and ponder how such things went past me and I didn't noticed. Another is Bioshock. Would you kindly. A bit lazy but still worked and gave the player some added meat to the game.
  7. I can't deny that. I will never state that Bugthesda has great writers. In the past they had OK writers. The one liners and some easter eggs were fun and interesting but they keep on getting more and more lazy. The proof is those DLC (and better) sized mods that were created for Skyrim and Fallout NV. IMO if a mod author and their team can make someting on par of or in several cases better than a AAA company main IP releases.... then there is something wrong with the company. I assume Emil Pagliarugo is the genius that gave us Fallout 4 main story? On another note, every release of a game in the Fallout franchise (TES as well) has gotten lazier and lazier writings. Now the game is so bad (Main story) with their new franchise Starfail that mod authors aren't even willing to work on the game. Yes, there are issues with the game engine but with such a vacant story combined with bad code, they just aren't going to work on it any more. Writing is one of the cheapest ways to make a game great. Hook them with options and story and keep their interest and many players expecially fans would deal with the old bugs that have been a pat of that engine since the beginning. The mod authors would work to overcome the issues IMO much like they did for Skyrim and having to work around getting animations into the game. They would have a read and large ongoing fan base for the game to work with and get praises from (and now with paid mods potential $$$ as well)
  8. That is because the Sole Survivor was a synth. 1. only memories from right before the bomb. Any reference to what they did or were was only available with photo and diplomas etc. (hinted by that synth at far point I forget his name) 2. Everybody died in the vault. Why they lived until Kellog came to kill your spouse? (a lie based on partial fact is very believable. Likley Kellog did go there to collect materials. Werent' all 3 gen synths suuppose to be from materials from the vault? Clean un-altered / damaged materials? If it was just the soul survors spouse.... that doesn't meash with fact that there are different races present in the 3 gen and coursair models. ) 3. skill was inset that the sole survivor could live in the wasteland. Even the woman that was a lawyer. (if you choose that option) I believe the male is beliveable as he had military experience but not the wife. (an option) (remember corsairs are created knowing basic skills and knowlege. .. aka programed) 4. Nobody at the institue had any issues with Father giving both access and control to the soul survivor. (however, note... no real control just in name. ) (a failsafe in case the experiment was able to get to the vault. A path of control where the soul survivor was instructed .. key word here... to handle problems for the institute. Notice, the soul survivor had a motivation to KILL Kellog. Which there are plenty of references they had a concern with him (institute)). 5. able to take down a courser by him/her self. Synths so deadly that nobody survived encounteres with them. (WTF... seriously? ) I don't believe it was meant to hold up to any scrutiny. However, also tried to attempt to have it be able to fit whatever the user wanted. That they screwed up bad. Another better example is Bioshock where the player learns that he was controled throughout the entire game. Would you kindly. Keep in mind that there were key word and such implanted in synths to control them, motivate them. Well that is my 2 cents.
  9. Oh I thought you were still talking about picking locks in BG3. I never did much with Gale. In one start, I didn't even get him. (I think I cut his arm)
  10. I've seen way worse in games recently released (ugly characters). they weren't the best, however, I didn't see a need to do much to most of them. Oversexed followers? Picking Locks to earn love? I must be missing some part of the game. LOL Sign me up! lol. The camera isn't bad IMO but it has room for some improvements. It has improved since I got it awhile back. (I believe they have been making improvements .. lots of them continuiously. ) The Message (ACT 3) I missed. Havent went beyond ACT 2 (not completed it ) I just kept on recreating characters and seeing how they did etc. Playing with settings and such. Added a few mods. At the time I was really playing it there was much work needed on the manager and tools. They are doing lots of work even since I bought the game months back. The thing IMO to consider and give credit is they didn't follow what other developers do and they really worked hard to give a good running quality product. Way better than games released around the time the game was released. I saw an article mentioning that games like theirs wouldn't have been as praised if it was released 5 years ago. Game dev has gone down badly since then (longer IMO) Waiting for a special release is a good thing to do. My thought was wait until this game is on a major sale and pick it up. This is advice for those that are so jaded by games and/or just don't want to be disappointed
  11. BG3 is by no means perfect. It can start to get on one's nerves and I can't place exactly what that is. At least for me that is the case. I can say however, it delievers as advertised for the most part. Far better than AAA games that are being hyped. The same goes for tht Hogwarts game. A decent game but not perfect. Does a good job (for someone that isn't a potter fan) for play. Both games I learned from others that I know. Then I watched game play footage from reviewers and some of them are along the same taste as I have. As for BG3 for you @endgameaddiction I wouldn't advise you get it until it was on a great sale. And then only if you are board. It is a third person game which I believe you like however, you are actually controling up to 4 people at a time. I haven't gone beyond the second chapter so I can verify how the game changes according to your choices beyond the game videos I have seen on the web.
  12. I have to do so much fucking searching and learning before I buy a game because I just can't stomach wasting money on a game I don't like. Look, I am perfectly happy to buy a game and play it once or twice etc. if it is awesome. I am fine with not playing it like I did fallout 3 and NV. (thousands of hours) We need a thread where we talk about real games that work well and worth playing here
  13. DarkOne being a cunt isn't news lol.
  14. Of course, Bugthesda has been lowering the I.Q. of their AI ever since Morrowind. At least now he admits it. If this was an A.A. meeting, it would be the first step to recovery.... Unfortunately, this isn't an A.A. meeting and the only way Bughesthesda will improve their A.I. is if they get rid of their leaders like Todd
  15. Perhaps. Maybe someting more Just Wow!
  16. Indeed. Did Nancy literally state a complaint about shipping them up north instead of using them to pick crops?
  17. 6.30. WTF the speed.
  18. I missed that song somehow... Never heard it. At least I can't remember it and a song like that I would likely remember
  19. Even he knows that it isn't safe in the US... lol
  20. Except if you had a 12-15 year old PC that died.
  21. I just re-watched the trailer and you are right. It looks even more shitty then it did the first time I saw it. When I saw brought to you by the company that gave you 2 day shipping etc. I was like WTF does that have to do with creating a decent series?
  22. Pronouns isn't the issue. It never is really the issue. Being able to have a dick and tits now a days in games isn't the issue. The issue is a piss poor crapy game. Cyberpunk for example once they fixed all the bugs now people like it. Nobody is talking about how you can have a dick and tits. SAme goes for Baulder's gate 3. Nobody gives a fuck. Why, those games are decent to great. Give quality games and for most people, they don't give a shit.
  23. Yea, I was being lazy. I checked it isn't released until April. Also, don't know why there is a double quote ...
  24. Why is the camera angled at everybody asses?
  25. Games can't even be made decently, and now they are reworking the game? A remake? WTF. I hope the company full of previous witcher game developers would be a good team, however, why a rework. The game doesn't need to be remake except perhaps graphics. Im so jaded in regardes to the gaming company. I hope they can deliver. It would be better in my opinion that they start their own franchises and not be tied (held hostage) to other companies that aren't doing well and churning out shit. Rmember as good as CD Project Red was, their CyberPunk game was released as shit it took over a year to get back up to a decent level where they should have been when they released the game. Not even talking about all the other shit they pumped into the game.
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