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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. What....!!!! I thought we were separate, different. It feels so different when I am here.... Most mod sites are like that, even if the moderators don't shut it down, the members "shout down" the others members and run them out of the thread and many times start to try to run the member off the site. Very sad. Here, state your opinion and stand your ground.... Even against moderators and Admin! So long as it doesn't go against the rule set (99.99999999% of the time) you are able to do so. IN fact you are ENCOURAGED, TO SPEAK YOUR MIND!!!! That makes this site feel like we are part of "some miserable safe space part" of the internet...
  2. Wait... it is starting to sound like Morrowwind... where your choices make a difference... Before they ( Bethesda) decided to go the softer way and let everybody "win" when they do stupid shit and not suffer consequences for their actions.
  3. Because we require ADULTs to be part of this site... Or at least attract adults to this site. Children see the way we talk and do things and leave... lol.
  4. Sounds good to me. I don't see a problem with it. It is a mod. Not the game. A user could fire this up, explore the story and quest as many times as they feel like and then uninstall it. Go back to it anytime new content is created for it. Not a problem. Really, I don't see it as a problem. You are giving a disclaimer as to the style you are following so that the consumer/user is fully informed. that is really all any user can and should ask of the author. If, it is a type of mod that the user really dislikes, they can move on to another mod. However, I'd advise them to give it a try anyway to see. From what I have been privileged to see, I can say it is singularly unique and interesting mod. Worth a check at least
  5. Or, as I see it... They know exactly what they are doing. They know that there are consumers out there that will eat whatever crap they give. They are large enough to start doing this with enough IP that they won't have much competition so they don't give a dam. Likely it is their ultimate goal to remove the content that "some sites" produce as they will make the mod making process only be able to be done through them. They will sell this as a "Quality Control" measure which will force the mod authors to only deal with their site. Meaning that more possible tallent will be sucked up into their "black hole" of modding.
  6. You didn't miss much.. just them patting themselves on the back for their "creativity" on creating a "VR" version of games they already have and figuring out how to get paid mods through. This time they will try to get the best talent to their site to make $$$... and take them away from the community that is the very reason they are as big as they are now. I seriously doubt that this will "bring in talent" to the modding scene even if it is paid. More likely it will drive more out of the modding of their games like before. I hope I am wrong on this but I seriously doubt it. I am more on Kendo's side of the fence. I am not interested in what they are releasing and doing. It would have to be a game that totally blew me away in video streaming, reviews and such before I would even consider it. Even then, it would be on my wish list and it would wait until it was a great price (extremely low) more than not. I never buy games new except Fallout, Mass Effect, and now CD Project games. I bought the Fallout series due to how much value I gotten out of the previous ones Fallout 3, Fallout NV etc. I waited until Skyrim was 50% off before I got it for example... Not interested in it as much as the Fallout Universe. The same goes for Mass Effect franchise. I had such fun and so much value returned on my investment I was willing to go out and get it right off the bat. We all know what happened to the latest Fallout and Mass Effect. Fallout 4, I got something out of it, not as much as I want and I hope it will continue to be developed with mods that will bring me back to have some more use of the game and Mass Effect Assdromda, well I tried to re-start it 3 times and never gotten past the third planet if I remember correctly. I just couldn't finish the game. So far that is the single game I have started, played more than an hour and never finished. I wanted to finish it. I tried to finish it, but I just couldn't stand to finish it. It was that bad. I can't tell you that I'd never buy a Bethesda/EA game again... but I can tell you it won't be at full price, pre-order etc. It will be on substantial sales or have completely blown me away after serious and deep research. ... Even then I'd have to be totally board to shit and have a want to play a game but not any I currently have. (BTW I have close to 130 Steam games and about 5~8 Origin games 3 being Witcher games Two of which I haven't even started yet... so guess how long it will be before I get another Bethesda game lol.
  7. thanks as always for the explanation. My comment was more along the lines that Sims 3 seems to have a more mature modding community. Might not be as advanced but more refined...
  8. dyslexic high schoolers on Vine. Truth be told.. CD Red doesn't need mods created for it. Perhaps a few small play style mods, an armor or something but really they don't need the level of mod content creation that a Bethesda game needs. The only other game I have played as much as my modded games are Mass Effect i and Mass Effect II. These didn't need mods just a few DLCs and I was good to go for hours of play. Mass Effect Andromida is dead, the series is dead for me. I doubt they could do anything now that would get me to buy another one. Mass Effect Andromeda is the only "A" level game I bought that I haven't been able to finish. I even finished Fallout 4 after they put like 40 gb of patches into it. I am happy and content with the direction that Project CD Red is going in and have no interest in pushing them into features or modding that they aren't confortable in doing. I appreciate their dedication and attention to details and want them to continue even if ithat means I can't mod it or do other things I could do with a crapy Bethesda game. With a Bethesda game.... Modding is required. Now with "Club Creation" they will take the best of the best from the main forums and sights and create paid mods in the process. Mini Paid DLCs is my guess. Meaning your game play just got very $$$$. No thanks. I won't get a game until it is at a minimum of 5 dollars or less if I have to pay 40 dollars for the mods to make it playable. So Bethesda... you just fucked yourself pretty badly if others follow suit. Yes, here, I am a dumb ass. I said it. I bought Fallout 4 and regretted it but got enough out of it to say I got my monies worth... flash forward to Mass Effect Andromida... thinking the same formula and that they'd fix the bugs and shit and I'd have a good game etc... NOPE... I got fucked badly on that. There I said it. Yes, Kendo you are right there will be dumb asses that will do this however, there are a few that will learn the first time a spiked 3 foot dildo is shoved up their ass from a game that is completely unplayable, UN-enjoyable, and just a chore to complete even one time. Even those dumb asses will wake up quickly and stop per-paying, buying on release, season passes etc. Hopefully there are many out there that don't like to get fucked over and learn from their mistake. Hopefully, if there are some here that read this, will learn from my mistake and not buy that shit early on. Don't give in to the hype, crap stories and threats that the season pass will go up if you don't get it now. It is a better chance that the game will be a shit show if from EA/Bethesda etc than something great. Project CD Red is the only company that I believe is trustworthy of per-purchase... however, stilil I will wait until the embargo has been lifted and I can get some good reviews. I can still support them very well and get it early on and they can get $$$ from me. If it is good content that they want... they will likely give them an alternitive... they will likely tell them they have to use their services to distribute the mod and take a small cut of the profits. (likely less than they were getting before) or be taken down. Who knows, maybe even sued because, correct me if I am wrong, at that time there would be potential money lost as mods are now a profit stream for Bethesda...
  9. Good job Karma asking that question. I never thought it was possible or at least easy. Kendo states it is possible then it is I am sure there are others that would like that added to spanking if/when added to a mod (this one or others) Good that you brought it up.
  10. I am not sure but I believe there are face mask (layers) that can be added and changed. Reason why you can have face paint. The ass... don't have "ass mask" so I don't think you could do that like you could with the face. It would also likely require a custom body/texture etc that would limit the users choices to do so if done. Of course I could be completely missing the concept
  11. Even in its very early Alpha form with the occasional expected glitch and or issue, it is a singularly unique mod. I haven't seen, played, or heard of any mod that is like this one. If you have gotten tired of banging the entirety of Skyrim regardless of race, or species and are looking at something that has a story and meaning to it, of an adult nature, this might just be your mod. If you want random mindless sex where your character bangs everything in sight, stick with Sexlab's Matchmaker or Random Sex mod.
  12. Then save right after escape from Helgan. Escape from the cave and watch the dragon fly overhead. Create a hard save (or whatever) then use that to start from. Just change the appearance using command and you should be fine. If you like you can even create bat file to add items to the chracter or add them personal using the command and item # ...a bit advanced but will give you the desired results of not having to live through the intro and useful as you won't need to use Alternate life either.
  13. I use the left for dead quite a bit as well. Also might fit in the story just as well with less troubles or issues with the conversations? Maybe?
  14. If you are only altering your profile for updates of Kendos mod you should be safe. If there was a major change then you'd likely need a clean save which isn't as easy as before but I suspect what Kendo is doing would be easy to clean a save. You should be OK. Just in case, you do have different saves for different profiles setup correct? Each profile has their own set of saves in other words. If not you really need to set that up you are loosing one of the best features of MO. Just putting that out in case. I doubt you are running the same set of saves for all profiles.
  15. Yea... right... like smoking a joint and not inhailing. Also consider that is ONE time that you have to do this. You can save sometime after the chopping block or whatever and go back to that save later. (Unless I am wrong Kendo correct me :)) so in reality it is even less an issue having this start. I used a save from exiting the cave in Skyrim for well over a year before Another life etc was used. Simple, easy, direct and reasonably reliable. If you use MO just have a profile for this. Create a nice start. Get past that point, make copies and have at it and explore all the options that will be provided. YOu can still keep your DD play and setup for those times you need a little TLC... Yea... !!!! Yes... Also really? Who needs either of those two. Perhaps for the original idea the one you choose to team up with will use you at the end after exit... At least then Helgan might be worth it... lol
  16. WTF!!! LOL Yea, reason I never used it or at least not for long enough to even remember using it. I thought that was the case. I was thinking the same thing but didn't word it correctly.. This is a good thing. Something new for an old game. Something that gives more story for those that might like some of the features or such of DD but want more substance. However, If I understand it correctly DD was intended to be a framework so it not having a deep story isn't really the author's fault... correct? It is just that the user base was do busy being "used" to make more substantial content ... story wise that is. Cool, that will be useful as well. Hey, what do you know, I didn't trip across my tongue... um.. typewriter this time...
  17. I never did get into DD. Can't remember if I even ever had it installed. I might have had it installed for a very, very short time testing it for a bit but for the most part ... nope. Not interested. I am interested if doing something like that, with a real story with depth and such not just having tings stuck to someone. I even quickly got board with Submit. If your comment was in response to mine... I wasn't asking that. I was wondering if someone was playing with your mod, gotten use to the story etc and seen or thought of some interesting additions or episodes for it, would be be interested? Sometimes I confuse my own self when I write something. A DD like episode but in line with the rest of the story. A suggestion, thought,etc. Once you get a few episodes in, I'll have to play it. I assume it don't require much. (requirement list) ( I have to check it out at least once... I still remember your comics you created before ... :D) If this is any indication... It willl be Epic!!
  18. @Karma199696I for one would gladly accept not having DD used if there was an alternate mod that gave deep meaningful story. It appears from what has been posted and other things i know that this will do just that. Most use MO for Skyrim so just create a DD free profile and use this mod and check it out. I have known Kendo for quite some time and know he is very open to suggestions provided it is in line with the concept of the mod he is creating. This combined with is use of DD, I believe you will get quite an experience to enjoy. @Kendo 2 The question that I think jumps to mind with Karma's questions is are you willing to consider ideas, concepts story elements that of course are inline with your concept and goals of the mod? In otherwords some nice DD content stories etc. Of course they'd have to be inline with your concept and goals and be dam good to boot For example
  19. I believe you'd have to rework the textures and change those to a color that you'd want. It is a bit of work to do this. Personally, I don't see them as super dark. They might be, but they aren't distracting from the captures that are available. They look fine as far as I can see.
  20. I like her height. Being a grey alien... I am not that tall. I could look up to her eyes easier than the others... lol Is it my imagination or is she more curvy than the others. Or is it just the height that is making it look that way.
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