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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. Has it been released? Dam, must be shit if it is so as I haven't heard anything from anybody. I mention this as people I know love the Fallout game (well the old one not the crap they released recently of course) Perhaps with all the shit they are doing (Bugthesda) people have just given up. Is creating a show on Fallout the last ditch effort to get fans re-involved?
  2. She has always been extremely stupid. If it wasn't for her being in movies, she would likely only be able to get a casheer job or a fry cook job. (As far as I am aware she hasn't been in any major thoughtful movies and pretty much only hired for her looks.) The olympic levels of thought required to even begin to understand her so very screwed up logic is ... well beyond my ability. I've met people that were challenged in their thought processes, but seriously I can count on one hand the amount of people with her out of touch level of logic on one hand that didn't have severe levels of mental illness.
  3. Holly SHIT. This is 100% the reason that there needs to be more funding for those that have serious mental illness. This is worse than I could every imagine. Shit, I could only take about 20 minutes of this shit.
  4. Jesus, I heard that every once in a while the sun shines on a dog's ass. Doesn't mean I want to look at the dogs ass when the sun is shining on it. I haven't seen the clip yet... I can imagine how the troubles that occur is somehow personally my fault.
  5. With the shit that is being released when a game does a good job (works well) with a very good story (which it does have) and options which actually change the story (fairly well. They could have been a bit better in this regard) the game needs to be hyped. This great hype is making all the other publishers get pissed off. Shake in their boots etc. And rightfully so. They produce shit and think that shit is what is suppose to be produced and distributed and a game comes along and shows that it doesn't have to be that way. The key main difference is the hype is very strong on the users side not the fake hype bullshit that is happening with a bugthesda game being released or for that matter most other games. When a game comes along and works well, has a good story and delivers a satisfying game for those that buy it... it deserves to be hyped out of this world. They need the positive feedback to help overcome all the bullshit that other poor producers create. I got the game and played it for many hours. Never completed the story and set it aside as It isn't really a game for me. However, I will hype it as a good solid game with meaniful game play to anyone that is intersted in this type of game because of the mention above.
  6. I watched a bit of it and it is interesting. I'll have to return to watch it a bit more. Not that I will likely ever be in a desert but, one can never know! Never be afraid of learning something is my motto!
  7. Imagine that. A store closing not having a fucking reason they closed. Of course the goverement knows why they closed. This is a great excuse to pad their friends and associates pockets while still showing they "care" for their voters. Work to fix the shit and the problem will go away. People think that buisnesses don't want to open in poorer areas. They do. They really do. They know the cost and prepare for them (normal reasonable cost for the type of areas they are in) Just like they (goverment) can say they raised the minimum wage ... when they full dam well know that the cost of living is already exceeding that raise as well as inflation is out of wak to boot. All this printing money and poor management.... like goverement working (paying) for buisnesses to open stores in places where they have no buisness being at.
  8. 1:11 Even security guards trying to stop shoplifters are being arrested themselves. Hummm... wonder why there is a problem.
  9. Now this is something that bugthesda can start. It would be very interesting to see.
  10. Not... LOL. The guy is correct, it would be wise to price these types of mods lower so that someone could use the left over credits to purchase items like this. They would sell more and correct me if I am wrong, make more money. However, with bugthesda involved, who knows what their cut is.
  11. Hey if they released this game mutiple times.... Why didn't they just do all this shit to a copy and then release a SSE version? They could have built the engine and tools before the release. Then relese all the needed tools that are designed to work with their engine and game. Fuck, they could have even sold it... I am sure the fanboys and fangirls would have bought the game yet again. To be clearly different, they could have upgraded the graphics (which works well with the tools) and make it look even better. Better lighting and water and such. We all know they take the ideas of the modders and add it to games in the future, they could have done this for this new release. Less upset customers from bullshit breaking shit and if released all at once (and worked) would do great to improve their rep. If they gave it free, even more better. Why they didn't... They are assholes.
  12. This is for the SE version correct? Not the original? I ask as they can just as easily patch the original game as well to this buillshit.
  13. I usually don't contribute to this thread much but ... This is just shit. Those that caused this bullshit just leave to start this shit elsewhere.
  14. If she has done the PR aproved 180 I haven't seen it. I would love to see her eat her own shit even though I know it is a lie. Why do actor think once they have some success they can spout diarrera out of their mouths? Instead of sit back and follow whatever PR tour that was planed with the approved bullshit the company is handing out?
  15. I was less excited for Elder Scrolls way back with Fallout 4 and got even less excited with Fallout 76 etc. etc.
  16. I am not familar with his work however, until the post and video of him commenting about Trump being removed from the ballot I have not heard of him from any other source. I am not genrally watching politics but, I can at least recognize those that are in the news very often. This isn't the case with him. As for having a chance against trump for 2024, it is possible. The comments about him withdrawing himself from the ballot in that state etc. Calls for others to do so as well in protest about his removal can gain points. Then the Democratic and Left wing groups trying to work againsts Trump can possibly hinder him as well. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/who-are-candidates-running-2024-us-presidential-election-2023-09-19/ There are many people running. This gives more options but also can divide votes. Possibly lowering the possiblity for everyone. IMO it would be better to have 2 strong canadates that have complementary views and resumes etc, but different histories etc. This would give a more precise and benificial options for the vote. Basically both are on the party lines and goals but different capabilities. Both are very strong and recognizable and compentent and won't be held back by potential issues that haven't been resolved. I believe Trump needs to get the Jan 6th and other *stuff* addressed and settled, then run for the President. I know of some Republicans that are concerned with the issues he is battling outside of running for president and likely would vote for another strong canadate over Trump even if they would really prefer Trump.
  17. The actual trailer I don't know about you, but both staying true to the original content where possible along with those involved having a passion about the story is extremely important.
  18. Hogwarts was a very polished game. Same with Baulder's gate 3. Both are excellent games.
  19. Todd is too out of it to even know how far off the planet he is. As far as his fucked up brain is telling him, he is a hero of his Chess Club Buddies. (which I doubt he has han any contact with since he graduated.) The alternitive is he is out of his element when he got promoted and doesn't know fuck all on how to managed those below him and is just ridding along roughly at least since Fallout 4, perhaps before. Just riding along on his previous work which BTW was done with many other excellent individuals with extreme tallent which no longer work there. Just how much of the previous games success could be contributed to him? It might have been that he had limited tallent and skilil and just stuck around and since he was part of the "successful" releases they kept on promoting him because they hoped that he would bring that back. Evidence: not even being about to properly explain what is going to be released. 1000 times, bullshit etc. You heard of where there is smoke there is fire? Well the same goes for games. Where there is random hype, there is a shitty game. Take Baldur's gate 3. There was hype but there were actual game play being shown, clear directions being taken etc. Skyrim promo vs, Fallout 4 promo then, Vault 76 and now Starfail promo. Watch as they progressively get worse and worse and you will start to learn how to spot shitty games being relased by shitty game producers. Both options suck for the I.P. and by extention the fans of that I.P.
  20. You didn't follow the instructions or something is conficting with it. I had a similar problem the first time I installed this. I installed it wrong. Once I fixed it, I had no probems However, go ahead and use the packaged Breeze from Nexus.
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