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I'm getting the same issue, going to the mod folders I did notice that _main_bulk_customized_animations.json is missing from the latest download so doesn't end up in 


The Sims 4/Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/animation_customizations/


Could this be the cause of the issue or is that file now redundant?



Hi, I’ve been using your devious desires mod with the kinky.package but I’m finding it hard to get sims to autonomously assault other sims. I saw on previous posts about meeting Want needs. And I shift+ click with testing cheats but still no assault option. I downloaded all the required mods too with the correct path.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/25/2022 at 3:51 PM, delfranny said:
is there a video tutorial for the new update with the brothel because I have trouble understanding how it works.
My prostitutes don't have sex and my other employees only chat I can't make money.

I have the same issue. I have 8 strippers and 7 prostitutes 2 host hired marked locations for lap dances table dances stripper poles and sex and have the host station. No customers show up, the staff just stands around. After 8 hours of being open get notice from employees about over worked and that they are reporting the business.


If I try to be a patron  in my brothel I get a spot or try to "order" from a prostitute the sim just sits there with a menu.  Lots of food did appear on tables once, when trying to order anal for group.

The strip club from WW I can get working fine. Strippers show up dance serve drinks and customers show up. It can be ran for more than 8 hours by setting schedule


So  to me it looks like the issue is for some reason it is built with restaurant scripts, that are over riding brothel in my game.

The host station seams kind of forced system for a brothel. I would think instead of the customer getting a spot assigned to them the worker would get a spot/room assigned to them by the madam/pimp(PC) then you talk to the one you like and they take you to their spot.

Perhaps an option to assign shift hours to staff as individuals a 8 hour limit to a brothel seams limiting. You have sufficient slots to hire for several shifts.

It would also be nice to have an option to filter available employees by gender. Had a issue filling staff, had only 1 female looking for a job and 5 males.(I have no interest managing male strippers and prostitutes.) so had to track down sims and hire them in world.




Perhaps some different options to hire staff, for those that want a criminal brothel. Paying a crime syndicate to import random females, or working off dept.

Instead of the full brothel get a working pimp system so your sim can manage hookers without the full on busness.

Edited by gtrtu
Posted (edited)


I need some help. I am getting the same error message for the modlogs onedrive folder. Please help me, thank you in advance :)

[DeviousDesires] 2022-04-14 18:21:30.313769 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 209, in c_api_server_tick
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 97, in _wrapped_function
  File "sims4communitylib\events\zone_update\common_zone_update_event_dispatcher.py", line 79, in _common_zone_update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 486, in update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py", line 112, in update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 217, in simulate
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 385, in _resume
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\master_controller.py", line 74, in _run_gen
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\master_controller.py", line 581, in _process
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim.py", line 3761, in get_next_work
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\__init__.py", line 467, in exported_func
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\autonomy\autonomy_component.py", line 1015, in run_subaction_autonomy
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\aop.py", line 212, in execute_interaction
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 97, in _wrapped_function
  File "sims4communitylib\events\interaction\common_interaction_event_dispatcher.py", line 244, in _common_on_interaction_queued
  File "sims4communitylib\events\interaction\common_interaction_event_dispatcher.py", line 106, in _on_interaction_queued
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 59, in dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 73, in _dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 40, in log_exception
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 69, in _dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_handler.py", line 93, in handle_event
  File "deviousdesires\sex\_injects\_block_interactions_during_sex.py", line 334, in _dd_block_interaction_queue_during_sex
  File "deviousdesires\sex\_injects\_block_interactions_during_sex.py", line 235, in should_allow_interaction
  File "deviousdesires\sex\_injects\_block_interactions_during_sex.py", line 247, in _should_allow_interaction
  File "deviousdesires\sex\utils\sex_instance_utils.py", line 24, in has_sex_instance
  File "deviousdesires\sex\utils\sex_instance_utils.py", line 30, in get_sex_instance
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module
  File "deviousdesires\sex\persistence\sim_data\dd_sim_sex_data_storage.py", line 11, in <module>
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 196, in load_module
  File "deviousdesires\sex\enums\sim_actor_role_preference_type.py", line 8, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sims4communitylib.enums.enumtypes.common_int_flags'
Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '<class 'sims4communitylib.events.interaction.events.interaction_queued.S4CLInteractionQueuedEvent'>' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler

Edited by Kemono

I am probably overlooking something but when I wanted my male sim to be milked I got the error message that there were no animations for it. Anyone familiar with this problem and how to solve it? Aren't they included in the mod and if not, where to get them?

Posted (edited)
  On 3/24/2022 at 10:57 PM, ColonolNuttyOPAF said:

After servral attempt, i found out my game is not in English language that caused mod won't show text in the pop up dialog.So, Is there any chance you could make this work in other language please ? 


It does, you just need to find a translation. The most likely cause of this is outdated transtlation files.

  On 3/24/2022 at 1:44 PM, Yosho said:

My sims can just masturbate 



  On 3/23/2022 at 8:36 PM, NbGirly said:

Hi. Why dos the game keep telling me there's some archives missing? Anda where do I find _main_bulk_customized_animations.json cause I can't seem to find it in the folder i downloaded it.


Because you are missing Requirements. Requirements are listed in the description.

  On 3/25/2022 at 3:51 PM, delfranny said:
is there a video tutorial for the new update with the brothel because I have trouble understanding how it works.
My prostitutes don't have sex and my other employees only chat I can't make money.

1. Don't fucking quote the overpost/description
2. Take a look at the very nice Lessons I created ingame for Brothels. ESC -> Lessons -> Devious Desires - Brothels

  On 3/25/2022 at 10:30 PM, Denialxx said:

Hey! Everything seems to be working. But all I want is for the rape feature to work all the time but I haven't had it happen atonomsly once. I have set random sims with rapist trait and set my sim to victim but nothing ever happens :( Any suggestions appreciated!


Autonomy is being worked on for the next release. Both starting and joining.

  On 3/26/2022 at 7:55 PM, Nas00 said:

The last update was a mighty improvement on every level, thanks!


That said, is there any way to untie the dominate/submit to romantic involvement (understand fiancee/wife) ? I personally find it to be a quite unnecessary hurdle.  Also how exactly does rape work?


When Kinky Relationships are worked on, it will be fleshed out more.

  On 3/27/2022 at 7:40 AM, batprincegarrett said:

Hello hello! First off, this mod is fantastic, thank you so much for your hard work on it!

Sorry if this question has been answered, but I'm having a bit of trouble getting the bestiality animations to work. I'm told files are missing or (since I've added some animations) only two show up. I'm very much a newbie when it comes to modding so any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


1. Make sure you've installed DD Pets (It comes with the Modules download, which is separate from the main files)
2. Make sure you've installed Animal Sim animations, take a look at the Wiki for a list of places you may download the ones I have been made aware of.
3. Make sure your Sim meets the criteria for having sex with the Animal Sim (It is the same criteria as it would be for a Human Sim) https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Sex

  On 3/27/2022 at 9:05 PM, lv2tz said:

I love your mods and have no issues with any of them except the Brothel.  I've got the lot traits but I don't have the option on my phone or computer to purchase a brothel.  Just wondered if anyone else had this issue and figured out how to get it to show up.  I thought maybe it was because my sim was a young adult so I aged her up to adult but still no luck.  I tried creating a brothel on a residential lot as well as a generic lot.  Any suggestions?


The lot trait is used to indicate a lot is an NPC Brothel, not one that you purchase.
Lots you can purchase yourself have nothing to do with the Brothel lot trait, in order to purchase a Brothel, you need to have available Residential lots in your neighborhood, which you may then purchase. You can also purchase/take ownership of the lot that has the Brothel Lot trait, but you must own the lot itself first.

  On 3/27/2022 at 9:12 PM, pilobage said:

How do I make it so a sim is into the fetishes?


SHIFT+CLICK -> DD -> Modify Fetishes

  On 3/30/2022 at 12:50 PM, Geiokami said:

Is it possible to use both WW and DD? the game runs fine and every mod seems to work fine but theres constantly errors and exception to do with ww and dd popping up?


The better question, is WW safe to use with other mods? I would say No, but I'll let you be the judge of that. DD should be compatible with EVERY mod out there, UNLESS another mod author decides to be an ass and force a hard incompatibility.

  On 3/31/2022 at 12:54 PM, petricor said:

If you did, do you know what a host station is???? because I need it to make it work but I don't have any idea what it is


Type Host station into the search box in build mode, if you do not have a Host Station, it means you do not have the Dine Out DLC, which is one of the requirements for the DD Brothel module.

  On 4/1/2022 at 1:56 PM, Tarvik said:

It's from the Dine Out DLC, I had the same issue until I found out it was restaurant related and looked it up, still having issues trying to figure out what I need to put down for the strippers though.


All you need to place for Strippers is a Pole dancing Pole, I think Kritical has some available... somewhere.

  On 4/5/2022 at 1:10 AM, RushTX said:

Hope someone can help me out -
I use mostly the BDSM and Dirty Play features of DD. Everything was working just fine except just today when I tried to start a poo eating animation. I have all of Fouyaya's animations for that - I usually use Shit in the Mouth and Shit on the Chest for Floor and Toilet Slave Domination (poop) for the toilet.

 have them all tagged as Poo Eating. But when I just tried to start the sequence a message popped up "No animations found." The sims walked toward the location then that message popped up. The only thing different I think I did since the last time it worked was also tagging them Aggressive and Rough, so the Dom/Sub couples can do that too (which they often do anonymously). But just straight Offer poo to.../Eat poo of... brought up "No animations found." I haven't changed the locations of the animations (or anything else) in my Mods folder.

Any ideas? I tried untagging as Rough and Aggressive (so they're just tagged as Poo Eating like they were before), but it still didn't work.


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


EDITED to add: The animations DO work in regular DD sex AND BDSM sex.



Make sure the actors in those animations are also tagged for Poo Eater/Poo Source. I highly recommend the Cruxmyth customizations, he has tagged many animations for various aspects of Devious Desires.

  On 4/6/2022 at 10:49 PM, Nas00 said:

Are there other piss animations other than Fouyaya's?


Yrsa has a few I think.

  On 4/6/2022 at 11:33 PM, Babyxxx said:

I'm new to these mods, I wanted to know if there was a chance of being banned from EA if I put them into my game. (Probably won't be wanted to ask anyways) and also if I were to add the DD Kinky (deviousdesires_kinky.package), if it will conflict with wicked whims? Because you mentioned malicious code from turbodriver. 


No, you cannot get banned from using this mod. Nothing in this is illegal. In my opinion Wicked Whims is a very poorly written mod by a very poorly behaved mod author, so I believe Wicked Whims will conflict with anything, but you can come to your own conclusions. Devious Desires is made to never conflict with anything, no matter how much I hate other Mod Authors, I'm not stupid enough to cause issues with other mods like Turbodriver is.

  On 4/11/2022 at 4:45 PM, gtrtu said:

I have the same issue. I have 8 strippers and 7 prostitutes 2 host hired marked locations for lap dances table dances stripper poles and sex and have the host station. No customers show up, the staff just stands around. After 8 hours of being open get notice from employees about over worked and that they are reporting the business.


Testing of the Brothel has been going on for over half a year in my discord, I know 100% that everything works (and works good). If you find issues, try removing all your other mods, you may have a mod causing problems for you. Also make sure you've got all the DLC that the DD Brothel module requires.

  On 4/12/2022 at 11:33 PM, teepea81 said:

Hey I just have a question....how do I get the animations to line up? I don't know if it's a slider thing.


Define "line up". Have you modified your Sim with height sliders? In this case, they will never line up, at least until I add support for the CSF Height Sliders (Which are the only height sliders I'm planning to add support for)

  On 4/14/2022 at 4:40 PM, Kemono said:


I need some help. I am getting the same error message for the modlogs onedrive folder. Please help me, thank you in advance :)

[DeviousDesires] 2022-04-14 18:21:30.313769 Traceback (most recent call last):
Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '<class 'sims4communitylib.events.interaction.events.interaction_queued.S4CLInteractionQueuedEvent'>' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler


1. Update S4CL
2. Remove Old versions of S4CL
3. Remove duplicate versions of S4CL
4. Remove S4CL, then put a fresh copy back in.
5. Remove sims4communitylib.config The only possibilities.

  On 4/17/2022 at 6:30 AM, The_Ionium said:

why is it when the ladies wear strapons they become like this?


A CAS Part they have equipped does not appear to be functioning properly. I don't think it is the strapon because I would be seeing it too if that were the case. `s4clib.print_outfit` will give you the Ids of the CAS Parts they have on them.

  On 4/20/2022 at 12:24 PM, random56 said:

I am probably overlooking something but when I wanted my male sim to be milked I got the error message that there were no animations for it. Anyone familiar with this problem and how to solve it? Aren't they included in the mod and if not, where to get them?


You need animations to be tagged for PENIS_MILKING as well as an actor tagged as BEING_PENIS_MILKED. Without those, you will never find animations. I highly recommend the Cruxmyth customizations, he has tagged many animations for various aspects of Devious Desires.

Edited by ColonolNutty
  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1

hello, ive been having an issue where my game appears paused as in time wont progress but i cant interact with anything this time, nor do i get the outline from hovering over something. the problem is this mod because one i remove it it goes away. first it said a mod using wicked whims wasnt updated, then after i updating it told me "No module named 'sims4communitylib.utils.sims.common_sim_career_utils' " then after completely deleting the mod clearing my cache multiple times and redownloading it, it gave me this "no module named 'sims4communitylib.classes.testing' ". Please help

  • Agree 1
Posted (edited)

After updating the mod...all my sex interactions are now lasting for 7-10 seconds at most. Even with the "end sex after all sims have at least one orgasm" selected. Some of my sims are literally just beginning to receive a bj then the "Choose location for gum" comes up within 5 seconds before the animation can move on/advance. I did not change any of the settings relating to the time. How do I fix this please? and thanks for the mod. 
Edit: I see that the orgasm fill rate being at 1.0 is too high now. That's why things end so quickly. What would be the preferred settings to let me go back to having normal animation progression till climax before they 'gum' all over the place? 

Edited by JayRozz
Posted (edited)

Hello! Enjoy your work, but I've got an issue that I am struggling to solve. 

So when males remove their bottoms or their supposed to it shows pants not their dick. I have the requirements and I know it's in I can put it on in the outfits, or by setting it to  underwear. But I'd like it to be default not manually set each time an animation changes not sure why this is happening.  I have tested through the menus and went to devious desires tab selected nude and it's defaulting to pants, even when I set the correct thing through instant outfit. 

I do have wicked whims installed and the brothel mod installed (but I don't have all the dlcs required for it) not sure if that causes problems. I installed it before noticing I needed dlcs. 

Any help would be appreciated thank you!

Edited by rockinsockin
Posted (edited)

Thanks a whole bunch for taking the time to reply, really appreciated.

I'd like to know how fetishes work because when I modify them on one of my sims either in CAS or through the 'modify fetishes' cheat and then play another household, I often find that their fetishes have changed over time when I play them again. For example one of them is a sub who likes to be dominated (got also every sub trait). As long as I play them directly no problem. However if I leave them alone and change household or world for a while, said sim suddenly developed another fetish in direct contradiction with what I had in mind for them.

As much a as I appreciate a sim's dynamic evolution, I'd like to have the option to see the fetishes remain as is, not randomly modified when I'm not controlling them. I've set the 'random fetish attribution' to 0 but the mod still changes the existing fetishes for a reason I'm not yet able to perceive.

Not a knock at your mod, I truly enjoy it and the support you give to us.

Edited by Nas00

Ty so much for your reply. Yes the actor sims are tagged as poo eaters/poo feeders. All over or way over 50. Not sure what you mean by poo source.  Please explain. Is this something I need to add to particular locations, like the floor for example?

and btw the poo eating DOES work on toilet animations now, just not any floor animations for the poo feeding/eating fetish. 
Far as I can tell everything is set up correctly.  

thank you again.  



what happened to the body selector. it does not show up cannot change body parts. i no longer have old versions of your mod. to go back to . this sucks can u put that feature back in. thank you



New Version of Devious Desires Has Been Released (v4.1):

- Alot of these changes have led to an increase in performance when clicking on things, while the game is running, and when loading into a zone.

- Start Sex (and other Fetish types) Overhaul.

  - All fetish interactions such as Milking, Breastfeeding, etc. are now locked behind the fetish traits. Thus, if your Sim does not have the fetish trait associated with the fetish, they will not be able to do it.

  - The only non locked ones are Normal Sex and Rape. (All Sims can do both of these)

  - Created an interaction that leads into Multi and Solo Sim sex

  - Changes:

    - Breastfeeding no longer requires a large amount of stored milk to autonomously start it.

    - Cum Consumption no longer requires a large amount of stored Cum to autonomously start it.

  - Fixes:

    - Fixed an issue where Lure and Rape was notifying about raping friends/romances, even if it wasn't

    - Fixed an issue with Fight and Rape showing up when it shouldn't

    - Fixed an issue when NPC Sims try to autonomously interact with the Active Sim

- During Sex:

  - Sims will no longer gain romance if sex involves more than two Sims.

- Join Sex Overhaul.

  - Sims will now ask to join sex autonomously more often

- Watch Sex (Be Aroused) Overhaul

  - If a Sim sees sex, they will watch the Sims going at it. They may even join in on the fun! (They do not need to be aroused to do this anymore)

- Animation Customizations

  - Added the ability to filter animations by Tags, Author, Category, and Species.

  - When modifying tags, they can now be selected by category. (Or you can select from the entire list of them as before)

  - Added the ability to combine customization files

  - Added the ability to choose a specific customization file to save any new customizations into.

  - Customizations now work off of an operations system, where each change made to an animation is apply sequentially, instead of having one customization file completely overriding changes of another customization file.

  - Fixes:

    - Fixed an issue with some animations not being able to show due to the large number of custom locations they specify.

    - When opening a dialog with a ton of animations in it, it will no longer take forever to build the dialog. The animations will show a shorter version of their normal description.

- Fetishes:

  - Added Fetish Templates

    - With fetish templates, you now have the ability to save a set of fetishes that can readily be applied to Sims. Those Sims will have their fetishes match the template entirely.

    - These fetish templates will also be randomly chosen from and applied to Sims without fetishes as well. (The old system where it applies random fetishes to Sims will still apply, if a fetish template is not applied to them.)

      - The chance of applying a fetish template can be modified in the DD settings.

    - These fetish templates can also be shared with other people as well.

  - Removed the Seeing Giving and Seeing Receiving portions of fetishes. (They made sense in real life, but in the video game world, it just makes things complicated)

  - Many fetishes that don't have both a Giving and Receiving side to them now only have a single "side", such as Incest and Exhibitionism.

  - Fixes:

    - Fixed an issue with fetish preference traits not being properly added to Sims.

- Created a new module specifically for Pet Play.

  - Leashing is now locked behind the pet play fetish.

  - The leashing interactions have been moved to the Pet Care category.

  - When a Sim is leashed, they will now wear a collar that the leash attaches to.

  - Leashed Sims can now be taken for a Jog or a Walk.

  - Leashed Sims can now "Do their business", if DD Dirty Play is installed. (Animations for these interactions still need to be updated though, so you may see the Leashed Sim morph all weird!)

  - Fixes:

    - Fixed an issue with the leash not properly attaching to the neck of the leashed Sim.

- Start Sexy Time Changes:

  - Normal Sex start no longer has select targets, it is now a single dialog for selecting Sims, then you select animations right after.

- Misc Changes:

  - Renamed Cum Eating to Cum Consumption

  - Renamed Poo Eating to Feces Consumption

  - Renamed Pee Drinking to Urine Consumption

  - Renamed Drinker to Consumer in the code

  - Renamed Eater to Consumer in the code

  - Removed pointless properties from DDAnimation and DDAnimationActor

  - Split all of the allowance flags, one for each of the special fetish types

  - Split all of the Allowed to Have Sex code into their respective modules

  - Cleaned up the animation query utils, it is much cleaner and much more performant now. (These changes have sped up a ton of other things in the process!)

  - Cleaned up the item querying system, tag filters, and tag handlers.

  - Changed many functions in DDSexContext and the properties in other contexts related to Sex to properties, since it makes more sense for them to be properties.

  - Object filter is no longer shoved into a DDCustomTagsAnimationTagFilter, it can be used directly now.

  - Added an animation test that checks for an animation to be allowed for random. Animations not allowed for random will no longer be selected at random.

  - Added missing is available tests for CAS Parts and Encounters

  - Added DD Trait class for better checking of which Sims can have a trait added to them.

  - Updated all traits to have a better check for which Sims are allowed to have those traits.

- Misc Fixes:

  - Fixed slowness when clicking on Sims or on locations due to the sex interactions being slow

  - Fixed an issue with the From Sim animation interactions using the wrong pirate day text

  - Updated the Lone Wolf And Loving It and Hungry For Animal Romance lifestyles only Zoophiliac Sims are able to receive them now.

  - Created missing CAS Preference Tunings for each of the fetish traits, not having these caused "preference_item" to not be found, which caused the interior decorator gigs to not work quite right.

Posted (edited)
  On 5/4/2022 at 9:57 AM, jbradhl said:

what happened to the body selector. it does not show up cannot change body parts. i no longer have old versions of your mod. to go back to . this sucks can u put that feature back in. thank you



It is in the SHIFT+CLICK -> Instant Outfits menu


  On 5/3/2022 at 11:40 AM, RushTX said:

Ty so much for your reply. Yes the actor sims are tagged as poo eaters/poo feeders. All over or way over 50. Not sure what you mean by poo source.  Please explain. Is this something I need to add to particular locations, like the floor for example?

and btw the poo eating DOES work on toilet animations now, just not any floor animations for the poo feeding/eating fetish. 
Far as I can tell everything is set up correctly.  

thank you again.  



Is your Sim trying to have sex with an NPC that does not live at the lot your Sim does? That might explain why it works on a toilet, since NPCs are only allowed to have "sex" at toilets and showers while off of their home lot. (This can be disabled in the DD Settings)

Poo Feeder is a Poo Source. Poo Source = Source Of Poo.

  On 4/29/2022 at 12:44 AM, Navy2081 said:

i have whicked whims and this mod, if i remove wicked whims will the animations i have for that mod work in this mod?



Yes, animations and CAS Parts will still be loaded, this is what DDWWLoader does for you (deviousdesires_wickedwhims_loader.ts4script)


  On 4/28/2022 at 5:17 PM, smuttypedd said:

hello, ive been having an issue where my game appears paused as in time wont progress but i cant interact with anything this time, nor do i get the outline from hovering over something. the problem is this mod because one i remove it it goes away. first it said a mod using wicked whims wasnt updated, then after i updating it told me "No module named 'sims4communitylib.utils.sims.common_sim_career_utils' " then after completely deleting the mod clearing my cache multiple times and redownloading it, it gave me this "no module named 'sims4communitylib.classes.testing' ". Please help


S4CL = Sims 4 Community Library
1. Update S4CL
2. Remove Old versions of S4CL
3. Remove duplicate versions of S4CL
4. Remove S4CL, then put a fresh copy back in.
5. Remove sims4communitylib.config
There are very few guaranteed possibilities, because many people constantly get that error and it is ALWAYS 100% of the time due to one of the above reasons.


  On 4/29/2022 at 9:14 AM, JayRozz said:

After updating the mod...all my sex interactions are now lasting for 7-10 seconds at most. Even with the "end sex after all sims have at least one orgasm" selected. Some of my sims are literally just beginning to receive a bj then the "Choose location for gum" comes up within 5 seconds before the animation can move on/advance. I did not change any of the settings relating to the time. How do I fix this please? and thanks for the mod. 
Edit: I see that the orgasm fill rate being at 1.0 is too high now. That's why things end so quickly. What would be the preferred settings to let me go back to having normal animation progression till climax before they 'gum' all over the place? 


The default orgasm fill rate is actually set to 1.0, it is possible with the many performance enhancements that it suddenly became too high, since things are running at a much faster rate. I plan to review much of the "During Sex" stuff during v4.2 or v4.3, so it may end up being fixed. Thank you for bringing it to my attention!


  On 5/1/2022 at 10:07 AM, rockinsockin said:

Hello! Enjoy your work, but I've got an issue that I am struggling to solve. 

So when males remove their bottoms or their supposed to it shows pants not their dick. I have the requirements and I know it's in I can put it on in the outfits, or by setting it to  underwear. But I'd like it to be default not manually set each time an animation changes not sure why this is happening.  I have tested through the menus and went to devious desires tab selected nude and it's defaulting to pants, even when I set the correct thing through instant outfit. 

I do have wicked whims installed and the brothel mod installed (but I don't have all the dlcs required for it) not sure if that causes problems. I installed it before noticing I needed dlcs. 

Any help would be appreciated thank you!


Second answer in the Nudity FAQ: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Nudity_FAQ

  On 5/2/2022 at 5:07 AM, NobodyInParticular said:

Can't seem to mark a double bed for service in my brothel. Any ideas? I read the lessons and have been shift+clicking.


Try travelling away from the lot and then back again (Maybe a couple times) and then try again.

Edited by ColonolNutty

I'm getting the "Exception detected in DeviousDesires 4.1" error message popup, nowhere near as frequent as the popups you helped me fix by installing the latest release of CSF at the time but this time there hasn't been a CSF update alongside the new DD version (yet?) Your Nexus upload is still the February 10th update.

  On 5/4/2022 at 11:59 PM, Greasemonkey said:

I'm getting the "Exception detected in DeviousDesires 4.1" error message popup, nowhere near as frequent as the popups you helped me fix by installing the latest release of CSF at the time but this time there hasn't been a CSF update alongside the new DD version (yet?) Your Nexus upload is still the February 10th update.



  On 5/5/2022 at 6:42 PM, ervvvevg said:

Devious desires doesn't seem to show up on pie chart and I'm sure I've downloaded DD correct.

Thank you for this mod. 


What is "pie chart"? Is that some sorta tool?

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