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Kendo 2

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You know what else SJWs has ruined? Linux. Here's why...



34 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:


That Verge computer build video?  One of the main editors of Verge Tweeted that there was a 'campaign of hate' against the presenter and that's why they took the video down.  In other words they played the SJW victim card once people started calling them out about how whacked their build was.

Naturally. Bet that idiot even gets promoted. That video really was a disgrace and the Verge is a tech site run by retards apparently.


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29 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

They can get anyone to write program code and kernels

I disagree. Yes, anyone can code, but not as efficiently, which matters most when writing code for things like an OS kernel. I worked as a TA back in the early 2000's. I used to grade programming assignments written in C for both Data Structures and Parallel Programming classes. Let me tell you, I know how the Millenials code when they aren't copy & pasting stuff they found on the Internet. Ever wondered why the software you use get increasingly shitty despite the fact that you now have a lot more powerful hardware? Yes, that's because of the Millenials. All they care about is getting the job done, writing elegant, efficient code is probably a very foreign concept for that generation.

Guess who wrote the new "Code of Conduct" they adopted (compare the old vs the new), should tell you what it's all about.

Linus always seemed like a guy with a spine. Honestly, I can't tell if he's serious or not in that post...


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My mistake.  I never consider Millennials as part of the work force unless it's Starbucks, delivering pizzas or dancing on a brass pole.  At work we tried teaching a few AutoCad and it was pointless.  They couldn't do the math for fractions to the 64th (our maximum tolerance) or read a ruler.

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30 minutes ago, bjornk said:

@Kendo 2 Check out the Frank Oz video on the previous page, same topic. Fucking SJWs, they have no shame.

Yeah, everyone knows Bert is alt-right,  Look at his hair.  It's the Richard Spencer high and tight!  And Bert collected paperclips.  Operation paperclip was the U.S. program to bring Nazis to America!  It's a clear dog whistle to the alt-right!

Okay...I'm done.

EDIT: but that nem@celestialmadona has deleted her profile.  I guess she got as much hate as she dished out.  There is one good thing about all of this; Frank Oz is a Liberal and a normie.  He just got an internet taste of 'the left eating their own'.

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3 hours ago, bjornk said:

I wonder what their next target will be... SpongeBob and Squidward?!


No wonder everything is going to shit in the world. It appears as if many people are spending a great deal of time trying to determine the sexuality of a child's show puppets... Seriously? Then the creators argue with ADULT fans about the sexuality of their characters... for a child's show.  Sexuality in a child's show... unbelievable. That is important.  Wow. 

Seriously  if someone that is mature enough to understand sexuality and is watching the show (could be a young teen) and see them(puppets)  and want to think they are gay, who the fuck cares?

Fuck.... now I have wasted time I shouldn't have on the subject... :P

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

"I care about Muppet Sexuality! And I VOTE!"

I can just hear the chanting now...

The funny thing about this entire prospect is that the SJW's called out two guys as a "couple" a gay couple. You don't call out someone for being gay, trans or even pregnant. You wait until they tell you they are before you assume something regardless of how much "evidence" someone might have.  There are real live people that have made the choice to not designate their relationship status for whatever reason from family issue to hostility in the community.  That info is something that they should have had the right to disclose when they choose to do so not be called out.

The SJW "Social Justice Warriors" want to act like they are doing the world a favor but they just end up fucking it... Showing example where puppets are called out which can give many the thought that is is perfectly OK to call out anyone that they suspect is gay, any couple that they suspect is different.  In then end harming those that they are claiming to protect. This time it is puppets, in time it wil be real people... people that might be in danger if called out... idiots.

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:


that or some SJW will try to get the boy arrested for sexual assault.

hey, wouldn't surprise me none now. Not when schools expel  a 6 year old boy for kissing a fellow student or some other nonsense.



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that or some SJW will try to get the boy arrested for sexual assault.

hey, wouldn't surprise me none now. Not when schools expel  a 6 year old boy for kissing a fellow student or some other nonsense.

Jeez if that's sexual assault then I'm a goddamn rapist! There were dozens of times rough-housing as a kid that I contacted both male and female genitalia!

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"Meritocracy is a dystopian delusion"... Well, it seems to me that these people basically are clueless and living in their safe spaces, all they care about is themselves and they don't even have any idea what their views and wishes would lead to... what a confused, selfish and dumb group of people... not to mention, extremely toxic...


Coraline has had a troubled incident in the past with a contributor of Opal project. There was a discussion taking place on Twitter where Elia, a core contributor to Opal project from Italy, said “(trans people) not accepting reality is the problem here”.

Coraline was neither in the discussion nor was she a contributor to the Opal project. But as an LGBT activist, she took it to herself and demanded that Elia be removed from the Opal Project for his ‘views against trans people’. A lengthy and heated discussion took place on Opal’s GitHub repository. Coraline and her supporters, who never contributed to Opal, tried to coerce the moderators into removing Elia, a core contributor of the project.

While Elia wasn’t removed from the project, Opal project maintainers agreed to put up a code of conduct in place. And this code of conduct was nothing else but Coraline’s famed Contributor Covenant that she had pitched to the maintainers herself.

But the story didn’t end here. The Contributor Covenant was then modified and a new clause added in order to get to Elia. The new clause widened the scope of conduct in public spaces. This malicious change was spotted by the maintainers and they edited the clause. Opal eventually got rid of the Contributor Covenant and put in place its own guideline.



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I only know a few people who use Linux Mint.  At work we have an old late 90's model IBM that has a fossilized version of Linux on it.  The only reason it hasn't been thrown in the dumpster is we have AutoCAD files on it that can't be opened with Windows.  That version of CAD is no longer supported.

My brother-in-law has a nephew who works for Wells Fargo and they use Linux.  I think Walmart does too.  I have no idea how developers pulling their contributions will affect the Linux core and I really don't care.

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