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3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

The left had no problem with this kind of talk back then, orange man runs and spews the same thing and all of a sudden it's the end of the world and this orange man has to be stopped. He's wacist! waaaaaaaaaaah! He's Hitler! waaaaaaaaaaah! He's...he's...you get the picture.

What, now we have to worry about being labeled "wacist"...



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17 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I love the internet.

I can't imagine my life before internet. The stories and crap that is spouted by the internet lol.. Only downside is people are becoming more and more stupid as the internet becomes more and more used. :(

I mean, Facebook establishing procedures for fake news so that it  doesn't effect their users... I mean... really? People are that sad that they have to have someone mediate their news and info? That they are too stupid to cross check to see if something fantastic or out there is actually true? (provided they believe such crap in the first place)

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That they are too stupid to cross check to see if something fantastic or out there is actually true? (provided they believe such crap in the first place)

I am happy to announce that the impossible finally happened for me. A few weeks back, right after Jeffery Epstein's "suicide" I was standing in line at the grocery store and scanning the magazine rack, reading all sorts of lurid headlines about Epstein. I realized that for possibly the first time ever, the tabloids were actually reporting Real News!

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On 10/22/2019 at 9:45 AM, vancleef said:

I am happy to announce that the impossible finally happened for me. A few weeks back, right after Jeffery Epstein's "suicide" I was standing in line at the grocery store and scanning the magazine rack, reading all sorts of lurid headlines about Epstein. I realized that for possibly the first time ever, the tabloids were actually reporting Real News!

Our world has officially gone to SHIT

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Wow.. WTF


Younger noted, in his “personal assessment,” that Ms. Georgulas was “only giving [James] love and affection if he acted like a girl.”


A mother forcing her young son to be a girl. 3 years old.


As reported by The Daily Wire in November, court documents show that Younger’s son only dresses as a girl when he’s with his mother, who calls the boy by his trans name and has even enrolled James as “Luna” in school. According to Younger, however, James consistently chooses to wear boy’s clothes, “violently refuses to wear girl’s clothes at my home,” and identifies as a boy whenever he is around him.



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Brainless following and thought is one sure fire way to loose respect from most if not all intelligent and reasonable people.

Now, having a well thought out reason for your beliefs, understanding the counter arguments etc. and being able to have a civil discussion is one way to gain respect.. at least in my book.  Also a very good way to get your beliefs across and win some possible converts. ;)  This brainless banter and yelling and shit only turn people off. Fortunately most on the left, that is all they do! lol

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On 10/28/2019 at 7:28 PM, ritualclarity said:

Brainless following and thought is one sure fire way to loose respect from most if not all intelligent and reasonable people.

Now, having a well thought out reason for your beliefs, understanding the counter arguments etc. and being able to have a civil discussion is one way to gain respect.. at least in my book.  Also a very good way to get your beliefs across and win some possible converts. ;)  This brainless banter and yelling and shit only turn people off. Fortunately most on the left, that is all they do! lol

Oh, sorry...I went temporarily Left there for a few minutes. Was I out for long?

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1 hour ago, driftscape said:

They'll give up when you continue to return like I did. I'm the cancer they can't get rid of. Ever.

I quoted DocSax and included him and Ashal in a PM.  People post worst shit than I can come up with on that site and DocSax gives them a free pass.  Not that it will make any difference, but Ashal is gonna know when his staff is fucking up.  'The rules only apply to you' ain't gonna fucking fly.

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

Mommy, can I have a cocktail?
No, you're five years old!

Mommy, can I have an assault rifle?
No, you're five years old!

Mommy, can I drive the car?
No, you're five years old!

Mommy, can I get a sex change?
You know what's best!

The worst thing about this is they are taking some play and curiosity of a child and thinking that child wants to be the opposite sex.  Then without thinking guiding the child into thinking they want to be something. That is so very wrong.

The same goes for parents and teachers trying to state that 90% of their children have ADHD.. no, schools took away recess and other after school activities that they grew up having. The children have to go to home in apartment complexes and with parents that don't take them to the part or after school activities so they can burn off there dam energies and then wonder why they are acting up and cant sit still for 5 fucking minutes.  Give them active shit to do, wear the out and then check again. Chances are.. they will be much more attentive.


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