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Kendo 2

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CNN has decided to threaten the guy who made the 'Trump slams CNN' meme.  The long and short of it, if he didn't do what they said they were going to dox him.  No, I'm not making this up.



CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.
CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.


Here's a GatewayPundit link.

Here's the original CNN article.  (Please don't click the link and give CNN any revenue.  I included the link for validation purposes only.)


Fuckup #1.  Not that big of a deal but doxing someone or threatening to dox someone is against Twitter's rules.  They have banned people for far less.  CNN just violated that rule, though I'm sure they'll throw Andrew Kaczynski under the bus and blame it all on him...since that's what they do.

Fuckup#2.  CNN violated New York Penal Law § 135.60: Coercion in the Second Degree.  That FCC license they have?  They could be kissing that goodbye IF they ever dox they guy...who's 15yrs old...btw.

Fuckup#3.  Saved the best for last.  CNN doesn't know how to Internet.  I don't know what the FUCK they were thinking when they decided that threatening someone and then BRAGGING ABOUT IT was a good idea.  I guess they don't understand how much they're hated and more importantly how /pol/ and 4Chan and Reddit works.  CNN had ONE MEME to deal with and soon there will be a soul-crushing tsunami of CNN memes.  It's already started and this story is only a few hours old.  CNN is monumentally STUPID and they have started something that will not be going away.  They wrongfully thought they were stepping on one insignificant shitposter while not realizing there's an entire army of shitposters who are going to hump this for all it's worth.  The troops at /pol/ and 4Chan and Reddit won't get bored and this isn't going to go away.  CNN done did fucked up and they're too goddamned stupid to understand what they've started.


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This is 'old news' by now (less than 24hrs later) but YEAH, I called it.  CNN celebrated the 4th of July by ramming a lit stick of dynamite up their collective asses.  The Summer of Keke meme jihad is less than a day old and #CNNBLACKMAIL is here to stay.


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They don't understand how the internet works. The difference between CNN and Anita Sarkeesian is that Anita actually wants this stuff to happen to her so that she has more things to play off with her victim card. Without it she wouldn't have the fame and money pouring in by the cucks who support her.



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This video is old, but what it contains is still being done today. I've said this recently on a youtube comment. "Nice guys don't finished last, way too nice guys do."

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Seen that before.  Still as sad now as it was then.

If you haven't seen the most recent shitshow on Youtube, AndyWarski, Kraut, and the other skeptic baboons are planing to go after the alt-right like they did SJWs.  Yeah, no shit.  They want to 'hunt nazis'.  I guess they really did cuck at Vidcon since they see racists behind every meme now.  Fucking idiots.

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Wait what? I haven't seen it. The last thing I seen in regards to vidcon was Rags criticizing Boogie2988 for being way too nice and trying not to upset Anita and all that jazz jibberish.

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Wait what? I haven't seen it. The last thing I seen in regards to vidcon was Rags criticizing Boogie2988 for being way too nice and trying not to upset Anita and all that jazz jibberish.

It started after the detente the skeptics had with the SJWs at VidCon.  RageAfterStorm (who isn't part of their clique) posted a video about race realism.  Of course the SWJs on Youtube started shrieking like a pack of wounded faggots and got the video flagged as 'hate speech'.  That's when the skeptics did a streaming response video to condemn RageAfterStorm.  Then they came up with the idea to go after the alt-right like they did SJWs.

Right now the skeptics are just being made fun of.  They are acting like they can handle the alt-right like they did Dennis Riley, Milo Stewart, Laci Green, etc.  The only one out of that clique that half-way knows what the fuck is going on is Kraut, but his pseudo-intellectual sophistry isn't going to win any debates against the real alt-right.  They think the alt-right is nothing but shitlords and trolls off of /pol/ and 4chan and Reddit.  I'd really like to see then bumble their way through a discussion with someone like Stefan Molyneux or Styxhexenhammer666.  No one in that clique has even read 'The Bell Curve'.  So how they think they are going to be able to hold their own in a debate with true intellectuals is a goddamned mystery.

I actually hope they do go after the alt-right.  That clique of skeptics served their purpose to get rid of the SJWs on Youtube, but now they are past the expiration date.  I guess that's why they're looking for a new cause....the retards.

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That would be a sight to see. Though, I don't watch Kraut's vids, but I have watched many of Warski's non live videos. And he has no way to challenge youtubers like Stefan Molyeux and Styxhexenhammer666. He's way out of their league.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually they were quite clever with what they did. That paper wall for the Hispanic teacher.. That was pretty original. :)

If I was a teacher at that school, and was tolled... I'd complement their originality and creativity and afterwards tell them that they will be staying to clean up their mess. ;) Oh, and if the person(s) that did this didn't come forward.... all of them would stay and clean up the mess. Yep, I roll ol' school :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

British politician ARRESTED for reading Winston Churchill out loud.  No, not making this up.

Link to archived The Telegraph article.

Great Britain used to be 'great'.  Now, not so much.  Enjoy your thought police and terrorists.  Hopefully when the next war they get themselves into threatens to demolish their shit stain of a country. the U.S. will let it happen.


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7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

British politician ARRESTED for reading Winston Churchill out loud.  No, not making this up.

Link to archived The Telegraph article.

Great Britain used to be 'great'.  Now, not so much.  Enjoy your thought police and terrorists.  Hopefully when the next war they get themselves into threatens to demolish their shit stain of a country. the U.S. will let it happen.


I see your cringe worthy post and raise you another from Britain :P


A child fined for selling lemonade without a permit.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Friendly warning: There will be blood. No I'm not kidding. It's fucking gross as fuck just like all these ugly ass feminists.

It isn't like "real artist" haven't used blood, urine and other bodily fluids to create art. It isn't an original idea. Andres Serrano did this as well many, many years ago.

It is ashame that they are doing it for attention to themselves, as opposed to attention to the art itself, meaning behind the art, the emotions created from viewing the art (face value) etc, etc. It appears to me at least it is just attention getting and not really worth anyone's time.


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Not really cringeworthy but it could be if you were locked in a vault in a cryo chamber for 200+ years and need to catch up with the world. :D

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