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Bethesda to make a Game of Thrones RPG? (uh...NO.)

Kendo 2

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The recent scuttlebutt and rumors are that the retailer chain Target leaked some documentation regarding a 'Bethesda: Game of Thrones' release.  I'm not posting any links since everything at this point is rumors and if nothing solid comes out soon I'll be moving this thread to an Off-Topic area.

Feel free to discuss.

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Perhaps a shot across the bow of CD Project red making CyberPunk 2077? 

I don't see any reason a gaming company would make a Game of Thrones game it is popular as a series, book and such but that doesn't mean that it will translate well in any form to a game. (unless CD Project Red was making it :P even then I don't think it will be great. ) 

however, I don't watch that movie or read the books. I am basing it on the style of the story. It is a better "story" and not really useful as a game...

Now if they opened that world up and created a different story line from GOT then perhaps. That world is rich and interesting, so if they made a interesting story to play inside that world with references to what might be going on with GOT then yes, it might be something interesting. However, sad to say that Bethesda has lost whatever story telling skills they had in the days of Morrowwind, Oblivion, etc. so the results would be like a remake of Fallout 4 in a Games of Thrones universe. 

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I no longer give a solitary fuck what Bethesda does or doesn't do, BUT if they did make a GOT RPG they'd screw it up.  Imagine what a snooze-fest a Bethesda version of Witcher 3 would be.  All Bethesda's capable of is a shit story with more repetitive content than Destiny.  For $60?  Yeah, no thanks.  I'll go have a steak dinner instead.

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17 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I no longer give a solitary fuck what Bethesda does or doesn't do, BUT if they did make a GOT RPG they'd screw it up.  Imagine what a snooze-fest a Bethesda version of Witcher 3 would be.  All Bethesda's capable of is a shit story with more repetitive content than Destiny.  For $60?  Yeah, no thanks.  I'll go have a steak dinner instead.

Maybe when it gets to 10~15 dollars perhaps... (and only if the modding community fixed all the crap that was broken and just plain wrong with the game ;) until then I will agree and now lump the EA related games in that category as well.

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I for one have two reasons why I would never invest in another Bethesda game.

  1. It's Bethesda. They don't learn, listen or grow. They take the cheap route and expect the mod community to finish fixing the game. Thus it becomes excusable to continue to support their games because of the loyal modders wasting away their time on a game developer that has zero integrity and treats their fans like second class consumers.
  2. After experiencing the the toxic community for Skyrim which has shifted over to Fallout 4, with entitled modders bitching about not getting enough endorsements, pride themselves elitist unwilling to help others, and always seeking recognition to fill their ego, I don't expect to see things get better as more beth titles are released.

One of the reasons why I kinda regret ever getting TES Anthology and getting into Skyrim. I should of just stayed back on Fallout 3 and New Vegas where the community is much more united and helpful. Despite the differences.

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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I for one have two reasons why I would never invest in another Bethesda game.

  1. It's Bethesda. They don't learn, listen or grow. They take the cheap route and expect the mod community to finish fixing the game. Thus it becomes excusable to continue to support their games because of the loyal modders wasting away their time on a game developer that has zero integrity and treats their fans like second class consumers.
  2. After experiencing the the toxic community for Skyrim which has shifted over to Fallout 4, with entitled modders bitching about not getting enough endorsements, pride themselves elitist unwilling to help others, and always seeking recognition to fill their ego, I don't expect to see things get better as more beth titles are released.

One of the reasons why I kinda regret ever getting TES Anthology and getting into Skyrim. I should of just stayed back on Fallout 3 and New Vegas where the community is much more united and helpful. Despite the differences.

I'll add #3 (At least for me)

Not providing proper solid reliable tools to perform those updates and fixes to their messed up games, add mods, extended features (which have been added for a number of years and they still haven't gotten the hint and implemented some of those script extensions to their engine when they rework them for a new game)


and always seeking recognition to fill their ego

That seems to be the ongoing trend (it appears to be part of the younger generation) where they HAVE to have RECOGNITION. Getting likes is their life's blood. When I get a like or thumbs up or whatever, I am like ... "Cool, they liked it" or "They think like me", "We are on the same wavelength" etc, etc. If I don't get a response (post reply, or a like or whatever) I am like "meh, guess I wasn't interesting there." :P and move on to perhaps something else I can contribute or converse on. (which is pretty much like, in my opinion, what a normal conversation is like ;) a give and take) The younger generation, at least on forums and such, seem to have to be the center of attention all the time. That must be so very frustrating, stressfull, and tiring for them. ;) Can't see someone wanting to live that way. Guess they don't know any other way.


In real life I meet some very interesting younger generation and they don't act this way, must be a forum thing.

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23 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

I no longer give a solitary fuck what Bethesda does or doesn't do, BUT if they did make a GOT RPG they'd screw it up.  Imagine what a snooze-fest a Bethesda version of Witcher 3 would be.  All Bethesda's capable of is a shit story with more repetitive content than Destiny.  For $60?  Yeah, no thanks.  I'll go have a steak dinner instead.

Please don't make me think about that.... I would have nightmares from that. :(

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:


In real life I meet some very interesting younger generation and they don't act this way, must be a forum thing.

RANT :bouaaaaah:


It's just the douche-baggery of the Bethesda modding scene on Nexus, Steam and Lover's Lab.  Get away from those sites and the scene is different.  Forum culture is made and reinforced by the staff members.  Weak faggots have no business being moderators, but that's what infests major sites.  It is also what's wrong with Bethesda modding today.  Regular human beings and true artists no longer mod like they used to.  They've all left to go to smaller siites or have made their own specifically to get away from the Wal-Marts of modding...and the trash they attract.  I don't fucking miss it AT ALL.


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23 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

RANT :bouaaaaah:

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It's just the douche-baggery of the Bethesda modding scene on Nexus, Steam and Lover's Lab.  Get away from those sites and the scene is different.  Forum culture is made and reinforced by the staff members.  Weak faggots have no business being moderators, but that's what infests major sites.  It is also what's wrong with Bethesda modding today.  Regular human beings and true artists no longer mod like they used to.  They've all left to go to smaller siites or have made their own specifically to get away from the Wal-Marts of modding...and the trash they attract.  I don't fucking miss it AT ALL.


Response :dizzy:


A while back if you honestly asked me if I believed the rant above, I would have had to say no. I really didn't. However, with time and being a moderator here (and previously other site(s) ) this is changing. I belong to the normal mainstream sites like Nexus and others (with this or another avatar) and for example despite the ever increasing numbers of members joining here, there is no issue like found on the Nexus or other mainstream sites. 

So yes, I now have to admit that it isn't the generation or people, it is the forum culture from that site.



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I've relegated this thread to 'Off Topic' since nothing about this supposed leak from Target can be verified.  I've looked and there's nothing but screenshots of something that might have come from Target and there's plenty of speculation.  Nothing of substance to warrant this as news.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If, and a big "if" they are going to create a TES or Fallout world which is "bare bones" with some structure and then have their
"Creation Club" help fill in the gaps.. .then perhaps they can get away with 100 man studio / groups. :P

Imagine Skyrim or even Fallout 4 with the main quest and perhaps a handful of side quest.. but without the radiant quest and such. A world that is complex and interesting with places to see and things that could be done (random spawn enemies) but no real quest added. Then you could build on that as you decided to. Imagine ... Fallout 4 where you were a lone survivor making your way though Boston. NO child to chase, no other purpose other than to find someway to survive. (meaning you need a group etc ) It would be open to interpretation and development. (no real alternate start required as in Skyrim etc)

Of course if they tried that they would be attacked.. (at least if they did so with a full game price,however, if they did that with a game world at a DLC price point perhaps. A $10~20 dollar open world Fallout game where there are some characters and such, some minor missions etc but pretty empty where you the player would add your experiences to the game. (mod the world) Since it was empty to a major degree and open start it would be like having an Alternate start mod in Skyrim or fallout  without all the baggage.

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