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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I see .... she is .... um... doing her morning stretches Wait... that emoticon isn't the best one to use at this moment. LOL
  2. The producers seem to be working hard on a game that was reported running quite well. Fixing various issues that have come up when used.
  3. I am sure it made many people give this game a chance. Break's history!
  4. Other than a mod (if there are any) I don't think so. (never said it was the best game, just the Easter eggs were good in the old fallout games. )
  5. Did anyone get the game? It looks good on reviews. Lord knows they sold a shit ton of this game. LOL. Many SJWs are crying in their soy milk. (many on my Facebook page. Didn't know I knew so many SJWs! Holy fuck! lol)
  6. Follow the instructions. Thousands of people follow them and have no problem. Normal people ask a question to clarify what is going on.Nobody is going to make a fuckijng video for a drag and drop mod. The author can't be any more specific or clear. Watch some Sims mod installation videos would be my suggestion. Bitching because you don't know what is going on and cursing out someone isn't going to get you fucking anywhere here. Any help you might have gotten for a question where you might be failing is gone now. Have fucking fun!
  7. That's the reason for good writers. People that can be creative inserting gems into the story line where they work. Not this forced crap that they think is funny now. I can't remember a single event in Fallout 4 that hit me like the weakest joke in Fallout 3 or NV. Sad. They had it, then lost it. I believe they lost it when they decided to chase customers and become more all inclusive. Dumbing down the game didn't help either.
  8. I remember doing that with one of my bad karma play through. It was hilarious! This is the hidden shit that people can find and make the game worth playing. Funny pokes at society, hidden easter eggs and special events like this.
  9. They finally hit mainstream and now want to be shitheads. I have a sugestion to everybody that likes the idea of D&D but don't like their fuckingn subscriptions and other acts. use the previous versions. Simple as that. IN fact there are plenty of PDF copies of those books on the web. If the company continues to be dick heads, their 'subscription" will only be used for someone to capture the data and release it onto the web for free. Further costing them profit. Not cool, and not the way to run a buisness. they should be building loyality and inclusion and making people feel like they belong and are appreciated. This will build their company and provide loyality (prevent pirating) and help their bottom line. Not to mention in this unique industry, having contribution and ideas for free from the users of their product. Shit like this is dying. Example the new game released Hogworts Legacy.. it is making record sales before it was even released. Sony hasn't even given out their numbers (from my last check) but If I recall correctly over 500,000 copies sold ... from Steam alone. FREE ADVERTISMENT. In cases where companies decide to cut off a large amout of customers due to left wing leaning idology. The verdict is in. They loose. EACH AND EVERY TIME. Even people that aren't "insert left wing idology" are turned off with this bullshit. LOSE, LOSE SITUATION.
  10. How about you fucking follow the instructions? No fucking place does it tell you to use Vortex. Here is where you failed.. first fucking step. Learn to read before you start complianing.
  11. I haven't been interested in G4 since they killed Scrreensavers. (Frosk) I liked the old crew there. I don't consider Youtubers anything special and thus I know nothing about Pool. (at least a Google search shown this... lol) That whole platform could go belly up as far as I am concerned. I do find some useful info occasionally but have to wade through bait shit first to find those few gems. Oh and talking about cringeworthy... Whey you find Youtubers being more balanced and through in their reporting than main stream reporters and news channels in the US... well that is very scary.
  12. agree but might get it anyway. It is the same for Skyrim and Witcher. I ended up really liking Witcher.
  13. Yea. but it isn't Bugthesda. It is the entire gaming industry. The past 5-9 years has been horrible. Even the golden child CD Project Red royally fucked up with their release. Bioware killed a asset (Mass Effect) With their bullshit. There are many other examples. Having a game that is delivered, functional (of course we can have a day one patch. ) and true to what they stated they would deliver. BIG change. Then if we can have some SJW cry in their soy milk... all the better.
  14. I have to admit even though it isn't "my cup of tea" it isn't bad looking and looks like they did a decent job of creating it. The no microtransactions is a plus. Even if you have to buy DLCs and such, it is much improved over what we had in the past from game companies. Lets hope that is something from the past and going forward they will be much better. Another encouraging aspect is they announce that they won't be releasing it for the older generation consoles due to more work needed. It is refreshing that a company actually states .. hey, this is hard, it will take a bit but we will continue and release it later. I am like you a bit. I want to see actual game play and open reviews. I don't know the reviewers that I have been able to see regarding the game. Not sure if they are fan boys of the franchise or even the producer. If all is as indicated, I might do as you are planing to do. There will be a day one patch. Not sure they will release a dlc until much later due to them still working on the old consoles. but then they might have their structure setup for the development separate from those working on the older consoles etc. It looks like one of the good games. A game that might be worthy of buying from the hundreds that have been released recently. The other one I have seen that seems to be good is Stray but that is well out side of my cup of tea. (it is about a cat) extremely interesting and from reviews well done. I'd kind of wish Hogwarts Legacy was released on PC at the same time. (I assume it is only console) However, with the shit that has b een released. If a company can just create a good game for one platform (or just consoles not sure how complex it is to work on multiple ones) that would be a breath of fresh air. I've gotten board of my old games and haven't actually played any games for months. Occasionally a few hours on my xbox when I had the subscription but a couple of months ago I stopped paying for that as I didn't use it. Nothing was interesting or inspiring.
  15. There is a lot of video according to this Youtuber. Not sure if official reviews are available yet.
  16. Popular? ResetEra? has anyone here ever went there? Also you are asking for a buttload of hurt attacking a writer like her. lol. Also those in leftist communities, thank you for all that free advertisement you are giving the game.
  17. Not he best game but if it is honest then I am fairly sure the fans of the franchise will enjoy it (and perhaps some others as well) I jumped around the video but didn't see any left wang bullshit.
  18. I hope the writing on the wall about catering to "wokeness" will result in failure is large enough and bright enough that this and other ventures move away from this bullshit.
  19. And I am loving every second of it. Games, books, movies etc. serve to entertain. If it is a "safe zone" all the time, things will get boring also not to mention people won't learn how to deal with trouble. Life, real life, doesn't have "safe zones". The quicker you learn to deal with troubles, the quicker you can have a happier life.
  20. I know he is blaming the prop master in charge of the gun, however, had he been a bit more experienced, the discharge wouldn't have happened. Even fucking blanks can do serious damage if handled improperly...
  21. Hello, Just wondering the best way to translate foreign languages on the web. What works the most seamlessly etc.
  22. It's going to take time. It is a compllete rework of both. Likely they aren't a big team like that would be found at an game studio. I say, take the time necessary. It can't be worse than the official games On a serious note, can they be sued or have this project shut down? If Bugthesda gets jealous that is.
  23. If there is a reason to preorder a game... This is one very valid reason to do so. Today, number 2.
  24. He is correct. There are many people that get hurt working every day. He didn't complain. Great guy. He has the ability to get the very best treatment for his burn. He is one of those people that knows that others don't have that options. Hyperbaric chamber is expensive.
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