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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. I am utterly shocked! Shocked I say! Oh the humanity, The sky is falling! The end is near, repent! I used to think that as well.... then got tired of doing so. (most of the time) Mostly because doing so feels like poking a toad with a stick and watching it jump.
  2. And the whole time the "Drama" was going on, did a moderator step in to stop it?
  3. Well I am positive that will cause the president to be removed from office. Seriously... WTF?
  4. WTF.... Who was signing his pay submissions? 16 hour days, massive over time to the tune of over 200 THOUSAND DOLLARS
  5. Hope he has another job lined up.
  6. He responded exactly how he should respond. Respectful, repeated his statement over and over until his business was done with the driver. There is too much negative press on police officers and they have to be careful of how the interact with the public. I like when he stated that the driver is over 18 and he couldn't tell her anything to ask him. EXACTLY what he should do. It was between the driver and the police officer. Not the passengers or people called to pick them up. If he was underage and was called upon to assist the situation then the police officer might have given info.. Had he did give info he might have had a complaint logged against him the Bitch might have used that as leverage to get that driver off the hook of whatever he did wrong. I can tell you that officer acted far better than I likely would have in that situation. ^^^ Fuck this thread is acting strange. Edit.. Ah.. @vancleaf edited his post... The look of stun on her face .. is great. At that point she realizes that he doesn't give a fuck. he is actually punking her but in a professional manner. Lord knows I have done that on more than one occasion. Making sure they have my name correct. Spelling out the name S L O W L Y. Making sure they have the correct info of where they are to send the complaint.. also I make sure I have their info/name etc. After a second of that or so.. they really don't know what to do.. Many do like she did and just keeps on repeating herself. Also what the Fuck is going on now. When someone does something you don't want or like you state, I hope you have a horrible x, y, z. etc etc. WTF! I seen that on a few you-tube videos now. The voice and tone they state it in is in a concerned voice like they are worried about you and what will happen (in their fucking minds) due to you not doing exactly what they want you to do.
  7. yea, SJWs do that.. However, they just end up being "triggered". They can't get past that part.
  8. Yea.. I watched many of those videos from that person. Very funny (all though also very sad at the same time
  9. Yea.. they couldn't find legitimate reasons to sell someone something, they had to nerf things so they could fix it to make money. I'll be honest. I was one of their fan boys .. ur.. aliens anyway, I per-purchased Fallout 4 with the whatever that was that gives you all their DLCs. NO problem. I was happy. Dreaming on how much fun I would be having thinking on what I had in the past with other titles. I took a week off of work so that I could play the game as much as I wanted to. It was shit. The Pipboy was wonky and screwed up and no help in sight. There were other glitches... OK. fine. This is par in course for Bethesda games they will patch it shortly. .. weeks later, months later.. still only some of the worst was fixed. OK.. fine.. I have mods to look forward to. I would be able to get in on the ground floor of these things (projects and stuff) Months and months later still no GECK. No GECK in sight. People took to hard core mode to de compile and other shit that shouldn't have happened as we were promised a GECK very shortly after release. I've played it a couple of times.. now there are mods and some are pretty good. Help with a framework and even wrote one of my guides for it... But FUCK ME IF I BUY ANOTHER BETHESDA FUCKING GAME! I am not kidding.. I was looking at a game and it looked cool.. then I saw it was released by Bethesda.. FUCK! looked deeper and found another shit storm and problems and complaints. Fuck, unless the game is 12~20 years old.. it is a piece of shit. I'll be perfectly honest.. I have a lot of shit games in my Steam library.. Some due to combos which saved me money others because .. WTF it is only 5 dollars, others because I didn't know better. .. but not Fallout 76... If I was given the game, with ATOMS I wouldn't activate it on my account much less install that piece of shit. At least Fallout 4 was a piece of shit but it was YOUR piece of shit. You could have a fucking Death Claw with a black tie as a companion and do shit together and all sorts of other things found at ... *another gaming site ;)** without dealing with some 12 year old punk fucking with you or betting banned because you decided to improve the fucking textures from a site that can't tell a graphic improvement mod from a cheat mod. By the way.. were are Fallout 76's private server option we were fucking promised? HUM? I am waiting for them to turn off their servers. ESO sucks.. but at least that is functional .. Fallout 76 is just shit.
  10. Yea... sometimes I don't even get a chance to view the video no matter what I do (sometime there is a geo location or something blocking it but it is still available)
  11. Na... I'd need to use the "kill all" command for that Oh, and if you ever want to trigger someone that is "woke" mention anything good that Hitler did, or any of the Southern (slave owning) generals did or insert anyone that did horrific acts to humanity. Talk about a trigger effect.. They can't stand any mention of something that might have been good. Also good to test people. If they are shocked but then realize you aren't stating they were great, just commenting a counter point to some of the horrific things they have done and they don't trigger... you can have a real conversation without getting ambushed with SJW oriented agenda. Funny story... a "woke" person at my place of work.. complained about "Hitler" another person that worked there. This person somewhere along the lines of a conversation mentioned the very thing above. When asked about what was going on.. (to be sure that that person wasn't trying to hurt someone etc... which is done when someone is "threatened".. he explained he didn't want anything to do with that person and realizing he was a SJW.. he worked that into the conversation... god damn that worked well. (divided the work place.. we mostly have 20 year olds... strange is both of them were in their early 20s..) It was so useful that it was very easy to see the different groups so clearly. Haven't ran into a "trigger" in such a long time. Well... at least one I didn't want to do It is so fun! Have anyone here done that? yes, I am evil...
  12. They are always out on the street being tolerant... I sometimes wish the console command of "kill" worked in the real world.
  13. Yea... I don't think many if any active members here play Fallout 76.. Sorry. this is a site that many active members heavily bashes the game on a regular basis. Don't worry though if you want to stick around. You have the right to be here and like what you like
  14. Yes, that is true from many reports, but, instead of working to improve the situation, they double down and give the school over to the kids. The MINORITY of the kids.. Of course this will solve the problem. Of course this will increase enrollment by many times.
  15. What the school should have done is called those students into the office and have a good discussion on how their behavior wasn't called for and not acceptable. Having a cause, beliefs, right or wrong is one thing...what they did is quite another. Then the school catering to them... I know if I was a student I would have tried to transfer to another school. Beliefs is one thing... rioting is quite another.
  16. Yea, Rape is a serious claim, something that should never be used for any other reason. (revenge, anger, vengeance whatever). Every-time someone does shit like that... they make it so much harder for people with a real need to claim rape to actually get the justice they deserve. Bull shit like that also means that the "cute guy" will be more reluctant to make a move (ask someone out) than before. They will have these events firmly in their mind and will hold back meeting and perhaps getting to know someone that isn't part of their life (co-worker, member of church or local group etc) It takes so much effort to try to research if someone is a bitch / asshole or not. On the counter side.. innocent women hear about all these "rapes" that are unfounded and what is going on and get fearful of meeting that potential great guy and opportunities are being missed.
  17. How many times has this happened without the woman coming up and stating the lied?
  18. It might be me.. but she reminds me of She might be able to totally nail it if she tried to cosplay her...
  19. I enjoyed some of your post on Lovers lab and happy you decided to "jump the fence" and check out NSFWmods. I think you will enjoy it.
  20. I wouldn't have preordered the game had I known it required Bethesda.net account I hated DRMs a long time ago.. that was before I experienced that which is Bethesda and their tomfoolery. Now I welcome DRM (properly implemented as the video stated) over anything that requires a Bethesda account. Fuck Bethesda Accounts. I haven't joined and can't see I ever will.
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