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Everything posted by ritualclarity

  1. After Fallout 3 and the reactor... it was pretty clear that they were basically making the DLCs mandatory.
  2. I just noticed that Anyway the new body is UNPJiggle by Kendo. If you check his page you will see the required "Skeleton and Bone list" which So there is still an XP32 skeleton there however you can use others so long as the supported bones are there. If you get awful stretching etc then you have a bad skeleton. The cool thing about this is those bones are to the best of my understanding very basic and part of almost any and all Skyrim skeletons. So if it so happens to be that you wish to use some wild or special armor that requires a different Skelly... test it out. You are using MO and no harm will be done. Just make a nice save before using it and if it isn't compatible or better explained .. can't find a compatible skeleton that also matches the min of the UNP Jiggle body) just remove it and use the previously saved ... well save Either that or learn how to do mesh work and change the skeleton required by that armor mod However for the most part everything should work. Of course the above is only valid unless Anatraix states otherwise.
  3. Perhaps a dark cloud covering most if not all of the body? Then just swap out the textures while the player is blocked from seeing the body. Or use one of the dadric transport effects just change the colors of the textures to be more appropriate.
  4. I added the photo to Fallout 3 since it looked like the same character as what you uploaded before for that gallery. It is under your name now so you should be able to edit it and add comments etc. I hope you don't mind. Once the issue is fixed you can go back and remove/added/ move/add copy rite or whatever you want.
  5. Kendo has a point about the lore etc of the game. However lore hasn't stopped people from creating various mods that have gone to be very popular. Lore hasn't stopped sexy swimsuits or modern clothing from being introduced to the game. In the end it is a game and mods are there to change the game to something the user is going to be entertained with.
  6. I killed the links as i needed it for uploading some other files to share. I hope you got the files as needed. Also this isn't our mod (this site's) so having a link up for long times isn't proper (or polite) to the author. Giving an older version is bit grey and I only offered as Ana hasn't been back to update the tutorial as she has some RL issues to deal with. Perhaps someone here can test out the new version with the tutorial setup and if good I can add some comments to try using the newer version in the tutorial while Ana is busy with RL issues. Someone that does this needs to have the complete tutorial installed all the mods and setup just like she has it for this to be a valid review of the new edition of the mod.
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2yalfrhguffc6em/LegacyV15.2Core1K-52248.7z?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ut7gbwmbcwe1vu3/V15.3.4 Update Pack-52248-V15-3-4.7z?dl=0 I will keep those links above valid for a day or so for download. Please download it as soon as possible as I will kill it soon because I use the space on dropbox for other things as well.
  8. Let me see what I can do to help. I might have the version that is mentioned in my MO backup. ......
  9. Hello DesHaz, Glad to see you have joined. There is no need to be a modder. Just be who you are (within reason :P) and all will be good.
  10. So sorry. I checked to see if anything off was happening on the site. (spam post etc) saw your post and knew of that video. I thought I hit submit but guess I didn't .. so sorry. I tried Anyway it looks like you got the info you needed to handle your question yourself ... you go
  11. I believe the desire was to control the mods just like all the other mods.. through MO not have Steam dump them into the data folder. The way Steam does it there is little control over the files in MO. Can't work the files like you can when controlled with MO. The video I linked earlier (sorry guess I didn't reply like I thought I did when I read this post earlier.) gives instructions to have MO do the downloading and the file ends up in the Overwrite folder and then a mod can be made out of it.
  12. What the hell ? I submitted this earlier but some reason it didn't upload.. ? I was in a hurry however.. so that might be the case.
  13. Perhaps a thread for each game section with tutorials and hints and tricks to modify the game? Then questions related to modding the game can be posted there. While at it create a thread for the texture,mesh, animation threads tutorials as well. @Anatriax as for creating world content ... Fallout 4 needs some more added content...
  14. Maybe add a cell that can be transported to to obtain all these goodies. A closet or store cell.
  15. I am confident in time it will get there after they address the animation issues. Keep in mind both Fallout 4 and Skryim will be using the new engine. This means that both Fallout modder (fans) and Skyrim modder (fans) that normally wouldn't work on the other game will both be working on their perspective games. This will help advance the modding scene and understanding of the GECK. Breakthroughs on one game will help breakthroughs on another game. Help... in that I am sure there will be some differences like the differences between say Fallout 3 and FAllout NV engines. I agree then need better story driven DLCs and content packs should be included in the base game or during updates if cannot be added to a story. There are many stories that can be made. Each of the companions could have had a back story that could have been fleshed out like Valentine for example.
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