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Kendo 2

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10 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Yep, but not loving it enough to buy it yet.  I'll need to see real gameplay footage and REAL reviews.  If it passes the muster I'll get it; that is unless the devs knuckle under to woke stupidity....like they almost always do.

I hope the writing on the wall  about catering to "wokeness" will result in failure is large enough and bright enough that this and other ventures move away from this bullshit.

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On 1/24/2023 at 7:23 PM, ritualclarity said:

I hope the writing on the wall  about catering to "wokeness" will result in failure is large enough and bright enough that this and other ventures move away from this bullshit.

"Hope in one hand, and crap in the other... See which fills up first..."

Wokism, and most far left garbage is as much a "religious cult" as anything else. There is no logic behind it, only a perverse ideology. Their self righteous "belief" that they are right, you are wrong, and there is no room to debate their brilliance will never end. It may be pushed, or retreat underground, but as they will surely indoctrinate their own children to their ways, it won't just go away completely.

Of course, the puppet masters will continue to organize the "true believers", and profit from the stupidity and ignorance. 

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On 1/21/2023 at 7:30 AM, Kendo 2 said:

I asked my husband, and he said AWOL is probably a cover story, and the family was well paid from Black Ops accounts. The guy was probably a forward advisor that got too forward. Afghanistan '88, he says Delta and a few Green Berets were in the mix, along with some SEALs from 6 Black Squadron, but they were never that close to the front.

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4 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

I asked my husband, and he said AWOL is probably a cover story, and the family was well paid from Black Ops accounts. The guy was probably a forward advisor that got too forward. Afghanistan '88, he says Delta and a few Green Berets were in the mix, along with some SEALs from 6 Black Squadron, but they were never that close to the front.

I remember Afghanistan invasion.  SpecOps were there long before the regular military showed up.  They had been there long enough to grow full beards and were already dressing like the natives.  They were even using Soviet era weapons, like the natives.  I swear CIA spook bullshit needs to be treated as treason/war crimes.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

I remember Afghanistan invasion.  SpecOps were there long before the regular military showed up.  They had been there long enough to grow full beards and were already dressing like the natives.  They were even using Soviet era weapons, like the natives.  I swear CIA spook bullshit needs to be treated as treason/war crimes.

Not that last mess in Afghanistan... I referred to 1987-88. Regulars never went there that time.

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I haven't been interested in G4 since they killed Scrreensavers. (Frosk)  I liked the old crew there. :(

I don't consider Youtubers anything special and thus I know nothing about Pool. (at least a Google search shown this... lol)  That whole platform could go belly up as far as I am concerned. I do find some useful info occasionally but have to wade through bait shit first to find those few gems.

Oh and talking about cringeworthy... Whey you find Youtubers being more balanced and through in their reporting than main stream reporters and news channels in the US... well that is very scary.

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On 2/9/2023 at 2:18 PM, Kendo 2 said:

It's official; the U.S. Navy blew up Nord Stream 2 and Biden was personally involved.  From bubbling dumbass to ecoterrorist is one helluva jump.

Basically admitting to an act of war (after denying it)... and either compliance from Norway, or an invasion of sorts. Then, add in the old lie that Russia did it themselves, as some lame excuse for " further aggression".

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3 hours ago, vancleef said:

Haha! Didn't the corporations learn anything after Gillette's Toxic Masculinity $5 Billion Fail?
Wizards Of The Coast And Dungeons & Dragons Executive Kyle Brink Demands White Males Leave Tabletop Gaming - Bounding Into Comics

They finally hit mainstream and now want to be shitheads. 

I have a sugestion to everybody that likes the idea of D&D but don't like their fuckingn subscriptions and other acts. use the previous versions. Simple as that. IN fact there are plenty of PDF copies of those books on the web.  

If the company continues to be dick heads, their 'subscription" will only be used for someone to capture the data and release it onto the web for free. Further costing them profit. 

Not cool, and not the way to run a buisness.  they should be building loyality and inclusion and making people feel like they belong and are appreciated. This will build their company and provide loyality (prevent pirating) and help their bottom line. Not to mention in this unique industry, having contribution and ideas for free from the users of their product. 

Shit like this is dying. Example the new game released Hogworts Legacy.. it is making record sales before it was even released. Sony hasn't even given out their numbers (from my last check) but If I recall correctly over 500,000 copies sold ... from Steam alone. FREE ADVERTISMENT. 

In cases where companies decide to cut off a large amout of customers due to left wing leaning idology. The verdict is in. They loose. EACH AND EVERY TIME.  Even people that aren't "insert left wing idology" are turned off with this bullshit.  LOSE, LOSE SITUATION. 

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30 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

I remember doing that with one of my bad  karma play through. It was hilarious! 

This is the hidden shit that people can find and make the game worth playing. Funny pokes at society, hidden easter eggs and special events like this.

The dialogue choices were obvously funny. But the rag doll is the cherry on top. It wouldn't be funny to me today with their newer games, because it's like a joke being told over and over and over. It loses it's humor and gets old.

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20 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

The dialogue choices were obvously funny. But the rag doll is the cherry on top. It wouldn't be funny to me today with their newer games, because it's like a joke being told over and over and over. It loses it's humor and gets old.

That's the reason for good writers. People that can be creative inserting gems into the story line where they work. Not this forced crap that they think is funny now. I can't remember a single event in Fallout 4 that hit me like the weakest joke in Fallout 3 or NV. Sad. They had it, then lost it.  I believe they lost it when they decided to chase customers and become more all inclusive. Dumbing down the game didn't help either.

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9 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

That's the reason for good writers. People that can be creative inserting gems into the story line where they work. Not this forced crap that they think is funny now. I can't remember a single event in Fallout 4 that hit me like the weakest joke in Fallout 3 or NV. Sad. They had it, then lost it.  I believe they lost it when they decided to chase customers and become more all inclusive. Dumbing down the game didn't help either.

Question: Does dual wielding exist in Fallout 4, or is it still the same as FO3 and FNV?

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