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Kendo 2

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The West has forgotten how to fight wars. They can't even manage the quick-and-easy victory because they want to stay and occupy; and then fail. The technological edge the West once had is gone and the Russians are proving that now with real time combat experience. All of this mess could have been avoided with one phone call to Yanukovych in 2014 to just abide by the Minsk accords. Now the Russians have China, India and most of OPEC on their side. The West is truly fucked and our leaders did it to us.


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On 4/18/2023 at 7:52 PM, Kendo 2 said:


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The West has forgotten how to fight wars. They can't even manage the quick-and-easy victory because they want to stay and occupy; and then fail. The technological edge the West once had is gone and the Russians are proving that now with real time combat experience. All of this mess could have been avoided with one phone call to Yanukovych in 2014 to just abide by the Minsk accords. Now the Russians have China, India and most of OPEC on their side. The West is truly fucked and our leaders did it to us.


It was Yatsenuk (head of the National Socialists... aka Nazis, who later fled to England with billions of stolen cash) that was installed as leader of Ukraine by Obama, then Poreshenko (the oligarch who expanded his chocolate empire to every street corner during his term). Those are the ones who ignored Minsk, because they had to give up something.

Yanukovich was friend to Russia, who tried to find common ground when he made Ukrainian official language, and Russian as a secondary language. One of several things he did, trying to appease the nationalists.

All trouble began under Manchurian Candidate, Obama! Destabilzed Mid East... Libya and Egypt. Gave weapons to ISIS to fight Assad and Russia, and finally sponsoring coup in Ukraine that threatened Russia directly. Biden is just Act II.

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8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Trans shilling pay day!

First someone that was still in transition (looked like still had a lot of muscle from when not taking hormones) won.. scratch that, dominated the division Then afterwards .. not years later, but a short time later, deciding to go back?  That is entirely the main point of most of the people that are complaining about this shit.

Just look at the thickness of the neck alone and tell me that they were on hormones for a long time.

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5 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Is that a good thing or a bad thing... I haven't been following gaming things recently.  I also never owned an Nintendo anything.

Nintendo = Super Mario Bros.  Kotaku = woke activists masquerading as gaming journalists.

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Speaking of Kotaku...


I personally like "holes"... :P



It it Kotaku's goal to be taken off all the gaming, console reviews because they are insulting every single one...

Short answer YES.

Long answer, they are WOKE AS FUCK.

HOLY SHIT...  I spent some time looking over their site and such ... GOD DAM!  HOLY SHIT... WOW...

A review of a console by someone that has a phobia of holes. NO meaningful content regarding the XBOX only bullshit regarding their feelings about the design of the console.



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Oh, it's everywhere in gaming, I assure you!
My main hobby (and career, for that matter) is painting Historical and Fantasy Miniatures. The last time I posted a photo of recent work on Facebook, in less than five comments, the discussion devolved into a political rant. It's sad but kind of hilarious at the same time.
The photo below of a group of miniatures from my own collection, representing a band of Pulp Heroes from one of my wargaming club's recent games, resulted in the SECOND comment in the thread bashing Imperialism. 
Imperialism. Under a photo of fucking Toy Soldiers? I was laughing and fuming at the same time.


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22 hours ago, vancleef said:

Oh, it's everywhere in gaming, I assure you!
My main hobby (and career, for that matter) is painting Historical and Fantasy Miniatures. The last time I posted a photo of recent work on Facebook, in less than five comments, the discussion devolved into a political rant. It's sad but kind of hilarious at the same time.
The photo below of a group of miniatures from my own collection, representing a band of Pulp Heroes from one of my wargaming club's recent games, resulted in the SECOND comment in the thread bashing Imperialism. 
Imperialism. Under a photo of fucking Toy Soldiers? I was laughing and fuming at the same time.


Im sorry and want to make you feel at home by starting a devolving conversation but I haven't graduated SJW, Woke college. I have yet to attend! :P


Great job on the painting and details by the way.

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