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Kendo 2

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3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I agree, some conversations as well as other videos and such make me believe 100% that this is going to happen.

Just like the youtuber said at 36:37. Trump got the "people's treatment". That is a wake up call. And it has been for independents and even democrat voters. The democrats, mainstream media, and even the left can no longer use the "he thinks he's above the law" card because this just proves they were wrong. He's also right that there is nothing more that I despise than the ruling class are the one's that escape justice every time. These very same politicians that act like they are protecting/defending our "democracy". I mean, isn't it funny that all of a sudden our justice system got it right for the first time by convicting a "politician". Wow! Like are we supposed to believe that now? By the people who have been evading justice from their own corruption. mmmmmkay..... Go find some low IQ leftist. I'm sure they will gladly believe that.

The justice system always "works" as intended when its convicting the opposition to the regime. 

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

"The tent isn't big enough." --- P.T. Barnum

I see what you did there...



As the saying goes "give someone enough rope they will hang themselves"
The sad thing is the amount of damage that occurs until they hang themselves.

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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." - Lincoln


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On 6/5/2024 at 9:15 PM, endgameaddiction said:


What an idiot. All for a raunchy street torta. LOL

Yea, his story is beilevable .... lol

This would be a time you call your best bro to help you out. Then he can take a turn.  Seriously... WTF?

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11 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


They love to point out that people are complaining that he is too old. Age is a concern only IMO as it pertains to who the Vice President is. A younger president this is a less concern as the president would less likely pass or become declaired incompetent while in office.

all one has to do is look at the previous presidents. They are articulate. They can speak their mind in an effective manner.  He will be speaking to foreign leaders in situations which are very tense.  Do you think they will sit there and wait for 15 minutes for a simple concept to come from the president? 

The president doesn't have the luxury of having a bad night. It donsn't matter if he is having a "bad night".  If Biden has a "Bad Night" reported by their own supporters. He shouldn't be the president. He shouldn't hold any office IMO.  They need another option to run for Democrats.


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3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


No worries. Biden will send more billions over to make sure it stops being corrupt. Just need to send a little more guys. Come on man! 🤡

Can I write this fucking guy off as a dependent on my taxes next year?

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23 hours ago, vancleef said:

Can I write this fucking guy off as a dependent on my taxes next year?

That is lible to stop very fast when biden isn't in office anymore and the Republicans win.

The corruption is only being allowed because it benifits those in power (Democrats and other EU goverements)

There is likely a lot of kickbacks because I can't see them not knowing what is going on otherwise. If they can't get their cut or get something done they want (penalize Russia for something that it refused to do that the EU/USA wanted them to do)

Corruption, couruption everywhere. Now they are using the courts as a weapon as well. Not even hiding it. There is an interview where Dr. Phil (I don't really like the guy but that is besides the point) goes through a brief list of what was done to Trump (he was interviewing Trump) and a very simple explaination of what violations that no Judge would do, was allowed into the courtroom against Trump in the most recent case. There apparently was even someone that took a cut in pay and demotion to state level just to go after Trump. (Democrat of course)


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5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:



Taking the hat off of the guy is assult. The dude did the approprate thing (instead of kicking his every loving ass) and didn't escalate it beyond the slap. He asked for it then had to ask for it again mutiple times before the asshole came forward. Even then he didn't give it. In the end he didn't even appoligize for his actions and IMO seemed to imply that the dude was wrong and went too far.

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