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Kendo 2

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59 minutes ago, vancleef said:

My Leftie friends are already spouting Conspiracy Theories so Batshit crazy that you could cut and paste them into Far Right group posts.

Truly the inmates are running the asylum now.

What is truely sad is I was watching "The Boys" from Amazon. They have a new season and seeing all the presidental stuff goiong on there and thought how absoultly fucking crazy it was... then i remembered what is going on in reality. I was like ... fuck they got that pretty accurate.


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32 minutes ago, vancleef said:

A Farcebook friend posted "Too bad he survived" as his status. So as a test, I reported it as Hate speech. Within fucking seconds, Farcebook gets back to me with an AI generated corporate speak along the lines of "We checked your report and it's cool. We're not removing the post"

If I ever needed proof that Tech is a Leftie Propaganda machine, I now have it I can absolutely guarantee if this was a Biden assassination attempt and someone posted that. it would be removed and the poster Snoozed for a month if not banned outright.

For the first time, ever, in my life, I am scared. This country has become a Banana republic where the entrenched politicians will do anything to maintain power. While Trump isn't the outsider we necessarily need, the very fact our so-called "elected officials" are doing everything they can to deny something like 48-52% of the country's choice, there are idiots who still vociferously defend their Party. I just don't get it. This election might be as important to this country as Lincoln's was. And I think it's going to start another war.

And I'll tell you what else: this City Boy is headed for the Country when it does because you guys are going to win. I give the Leftists 6 months before they realize that you can't Google "how do I clear a jam" in the middle of a firefight. 

Stay safe, brother. Blue cities are going to a target for rioting for sure. But I know militias around the country are prepared for what may come.

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44 minutes ago, vancleef said:

A Farcebook friend posted "Too bad he survived" as his status. So as a test, I reported it as Hate speech. Within fucking seconds, Farcebook gets back to me with an AI generated corporate speak along the lines of "We checked your report and it's cool. We're not removing the post"

If I ever needed proof that Tech is a Leftie Propaganda machine, I now have it I can absolutely guarantee if this was a Biden assassination attempt and someone posted that. it would be removed and the poster Snoozed for a month if not banned outright.

For the first time, ever, in my life, I am scared. This country has become a Banana republic where the entrenched politicians will do anything to maintain power. While Trump isn't the outsider we necessarily need, the very fact our so-called "elected officials" are doing everything they can to deny something like 48-52% of the country's choice, there are idiots who still vociferously defend their Party. I just don't get it. This election might be as important to this country as Lincoln's was. And I think it's going to start another war.

And I'll tell you what else: this City Boy is headed for the Country when it does because you guys are going to win. I give the Leftists 6 months before they realize that you can't Google "how do I clear a jam" in the middle of a firefight. 

Someone (a lefty) that I knew at work recently mentioned that the country will go to war if Trump wins...
I said "Oh really?" He replied "dam right"

I said the undertaker will be very busy. He liked that. Nodding. I said then we would solve all the problems. He nodded and liked the conversation. I then mentioned ... have you seen the supporters of Trump? He didn't understand the question and said yes, why.  I said because you should know your enemy. He said Oh, yea I know them. Then I said then you know that by demographic they hold the most weapons and ammo Also have the most experience in general in use of said guns and many have combat experience. Where do you think that will take "the war"?  He go to fucking pissed. LOL

The dilusion that many on the left have is so out there I can't even comprehend how they survive as adults.


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22 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

Stay safe, brother. Blue cities are going to a target for rioting for sure. But I know militias around the country are prepared for what may come.


My place of work has been flash mobbed a few times during the George Floyd events. There were many things put into place to help prevent this and mostly make sure the employees are safe. Locking up early for example. Haviing armed guards etc.  I am not at work but this very likely would be a situation where at least the senior managers are watching and seeing if they need to trigger some or all of the contingency processes.

Also, there were some loud talking and such outside my home (I live in such a city) that occured around the time that trump was attacked and only just within about an hour or 2 subsided.  This isn't common.  Likely many of my lefty neighbors ran out their homes to go to others and "discuss" the attempt. Thank god I don thave a doorbell and can't hear the front door from my appartment if they knocked or banged. (people call me when they want to let me know they are coming over ;)  or even if they supprised me and want to come up)

I am so fucking glad I don't have to work tomorrow and deal with all the people talking about this. Many would likely be talking about how the shooter shoudln't have missed. Or other bullshit like this. It took 3~4 days for the crap to subside after the debate. I can only iimagine what is going to go on now with this.


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7 minutes ago, vancleef said:

So...more fun. My Mom lives one street over from the shooter's house.

I'll see your assassin and raise you one homosexual predator and serial killer.  When I was a kid we lived on the same street as Dean Corll.  His address was 2020 and ours was 202.  People would drive by our house and gawk thinking he lived there. 


If you went to Woodstock, so did I.  And I had backstage passes and sat on a speaker when Hendrix played the National Anthem. :P


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21 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

I'll see your assassin and raise you one homosexual predator and serial killer.  When I was a kid we lived on the same street as Dean Corll.  His address was 2020 and ours was 202.  People would drive by our house and gawk thinking he lived there. 

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If you went to Woodstock, so did I.  And I had backstage passes and sat on a speaker when Hendrix played the National Anthem. :P


Wow. Corll was a fucking monster. You definitely win this round!
It astounds me that he doesn't make it onto most Ten Most Notorious Serial Killer lists. I'm something of a True Crime Nerd and most of the other Murder Porn enthusiasts barely have any idea who he is. I think he makes even the most cynical and hardened student of the genre want to take the bedsheet exit.

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Forgiveness Tour 2.0

"Just forget all the vile shit we said and did during COVID.  It's time to come together as a Nation."

"Just forget about the ire and hate we generated concerning Trump and his supporters.  It's time to come together as a Nation...at least until the heat dies down so we can do it again."

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More details emerged Sunday about the shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, who was killed after he opened fire. Rudimentary bomb-making material was found at the gunman's home and in his vehicle. He was a member of a local gun club, and a former classmate said that he had tried out for the high school rifle team but didn't make it.

Well we know why he missed now.

The democrats got someone that couldn't even join the school rifle team.


Mr. Biden has ordered an independent review of the security at the rally to assess what took place, and said he directed the Secret Service to examine security measures for this week's Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Trump was formally named as the party's nominee Monday. Trump landed in the city Sunday evening.

I wonder how well that will go.

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I already thought the election was over after that dumpster fire "debate". After Trump surviving this? They're not going to be able to 81-million-vote-print their way out of this one! 🤣

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The Dems are fucked now. If they run Biden, they lose. Half of them don't want him. If they run Harris, they lose. She's even more unpopular than Biden, since he can at least blame his lack of fitness on his rapidly declining mental state.  If they pass over Harris and put someone else up, they'll look like they're snubbing a Black Woman. That will earn them a headstand in three feet of shit.

In the meantime, their Bogeyman has survived EVERYTHING they've thrown at him. They can't outdistance him.

I'm a music school dropout, not an expert of any sort when it comes to politics but even with the media on their side, skewing the tale, I don't see how they can win. Even if I was a Democrat (and I'm not, since they seem to have a problem with Straight, White Males) I would just throw my hands up and mutter something about '28.

EDIT: I forgot. They can win if they stuff the ballot box again. But then we all lose because I think that actually would ignite a Civil War. 

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So this is the narrative now?  A full-time mouth breather and part-time sniper carried a 12' ladder and a rifle, set everything up INSIDE the Secret Service perimeter and NO ONE saw it.

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12 hours ago, vancleef said:

I would have liked to have seen them canceled years ago for their shitty music. But better late than never.
Jack Black Was ‘Blindsided’ By Trump Assassination Joke in Australia: ‘I Would Never Condone Hate Speech’ (yahoo.com)

Yea I just saw that info earlier today.

Why is that news? Who the fuck really cares if they decide to break apart due to political differences? 

That is their business. I doubt that that single statment is alone responsible for them breaking up.

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Hahaha! Idiots on Facebook already trying to spin the aftermath! Posting shit like, "Biden calls family of man slain at rally while Trump plays golf!"

What they're not revealing is that the wife refused the call!


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