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Kendo 2

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14 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Yeah, they suck as bad as Depp's band.

That's a pretty harsh statement because Depp's band is definitely the worst. I mean, how can your band still suck when Jeff Beck joins you onstage?

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19 hours ago, vancleef said:

Hahaha! Idiots on Facebook already trying to spin the aftermath! Posting shit like, "Biden calls family of man slain at rally while Trump plays golf!"

What they're not revealing is that the wife refused the call!


With today's politcal climate, what is being reported about the man, you wonder why?
Who advised him to call him? Seriously, who was the fucking idiot that advised him to call this man's family?

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I surreptitiously got my hands on a mod by one of these 'pay me to mod' e-begging baboons.  Guess what?  The knoblicker had gone into the properties tab and locked all the permissions.  I wanted to remove the superfluous stupidity and edit the GenZ (there/they're/their) grammar and the CK wouldn't let me.  I tried with TES5Edit and received the same 'file is protected or read only' error message.  I decided to run it as Admin and when I opened the properties there is was; everything was locked.  It was easy enough to undo so WHY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Seriously, get a real goddamned job.

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6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:


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I surreptitiously got my hands on a mod by one of these 'pay me to mod' e-begging baboons.  Guess what?  The knoblicker had gone into the properties tab and locked all the permissions.  I wanted to remove the superfluous stupidity and edit the GenZ (there/they're/their) grammar and the CK wouldn't let me.  I tried with TES5Edit and received the same 'file is protected or read only' error message.  I decided to run it as Admin and when I opened the properties there is was; everything was locked.  It was easy enough to undo so WHY DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Seriously, get a real goddamned job.

How dare you think you know better and edit the masterpiece that you bought!

:D LOL. Jesus Christ. They are now locking mod files? WTF is this world coming to.

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On 7/17/2024 at 4:20 AM, ritualclarity said:

Yea I just saw that info earlier today.

Why is that news? Who the fuck really cares if they decide to break apart due to political differences? 

That is their business. I doubt that that single statment is alone responsible for them breaking up.

The Jack guy (I didn't even believe it was actually him, DAMN he aged badly) threw his "friend" under the bus. At least own it. But they can't even do that.

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On 7/17/2024 at 8:45 PM, ritualclarity said:

With today's politcal climate, what is being reported about the man, you wonder why?
Who advised him to call him? Seriously, who was the fucking idiot that advised him to call this man's family?

Apparently according to some people which this came up with. The President is expected to call in situations like this and talk to the family.

Still, I hope he wasn't supprised.  However, very likely he and his team was.  Maybe he should have had his Vice President Donald Trump call them. :P LOL.  (in case you don't catch this... Biden mentioned Donald Trump as his vice president in an speech.)


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Biden steps down? But he was certain and determined to stay in the race. Wha hauppen? I'm pretty sure him and his family were threatened. He's too stubborn and unwilling to let go of the power. Being "POTUS" was his fantasy since the 70's. I'm sure he settled with a good chuck of tax payer's money. Either way, it's off to hospice with you. No, I'm sure his truly loving wife doesn't want to do that. I mean, she's made it abundantly clear how much she has always cared for his health, right? Right?

So, now we get the cacklin' witch of the west to take his place. The...person....who had a 4% or lower approval rating back in 2019. Oh, and that same chick who called FJB a racist at the debate stage. You'd think she wouldn't associate herself with a racist. Well, it's in her nature to...um...get on people's good side to level up in the political field. Her skin color had a part to do with it. But it sure must be her charm.

I guess Biden supporters are going to be infuriated by his step down. Better than a step up the stairs. And then you have the other dems voters that will get angry if even try to replace Cackling Camel toe. 🤢 


On a serious note: World leaders are going to cringe even more with this bimbo trying to run the country. And leaders that don't like us are going to even be more emboldened since this bimbo is only good for one thing.... open thy mouth. And that's either you get some hideous sounds that come out, or something that goes in. Hey, maybe she'll use that special talent to negotiate with other countries. 

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Dems only have a few months to find a new warmongering child molester to install as President.  Luckily Epstein's flight logs are public now so they have a who's-who's list of degenerates for reference.

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On 7/20/2024 at 10:30 AM, ritualclarity said:

Apparently according to some people which this came up with. The President is expected to call in situations like this and talk to the family.

Still, I hope he wasn't supprised.  However, very likely he and his team was.  Maybe he should have had his Vice President Donald Trump call them. :P LOL.  (in case you don't catch this... Biden mentioned Donald Trump as his vice president in an speech.)


I should have addressed this in my original post. In fairness to Biden, he was fucked no matter what he did. Is it the right and decent thing to do to send condolences to the family? Yes. But in this political climate he loses no matter which way he goes.
Call the family? He looks like a posturing dickhead desperate to control damage to public image.
Don't call the family? He looks like a posturing dickhead ignoring his opponent's supporters
Seriously. He loses no matter which outcome. 

And again, I'm not a political expert of any sort but this may be a simile of the entire Democratic party's chances at retaining the presidency as well. Dems are fucked no matter which way they go.
Force an Old Man half out of his mind to run again?
Run his very unpopular and incompetent VP?
Snub the VP and risk looking like you don't actually support the DEI agenda?
Acknowledge the inevitable, accept the loss and concentrate on 2028 instead?

I, for one, am glad I'm not involved in any part of this fucking mess. Even die-hard Dems have to be silently questioning their party's fitness to rule. And I can't wait to see how they spin it. Anne Rice will have written better fiction than what's coming from the Dems. And Anne Rice sucks.

Edited by vancleef
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Plese lord don't let Kamala be nominated for President!  I'd take almost anyone else over her.
One of the main reasons I so dispise her is the fact that she worked daily with Biden knowing his deteration and continued on the trail of trying to use him to get to the president's position. I strongly believe but have no evidence that everybody knew that he wasn't going to be able to pull off the presidentcy if he got elected so essentially they were putting Kamala in office.  That shit is just plain dirty. Dirtier than IMO almost anything else that they have done (that there is direct evidcence of their involvement)


I don't like CBS but at least there is a list of possible candiates



another source. (can't trust US news)



This is something out of a storybook (fiction)

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2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I've seen some people joke about it, but I'm starting to seriously believe that Joe didn't know he had resigned.


I honestly don't think he might have gotten covid a second time.

With what was going on, the stress etc. He could have had a stroke or heartattack I don't wish any bad to him but even with Covid, he could have made a recorded statement.  Just because the President get's covid doesn't mean he isn't (or shouldn't ) be on the job for really important things. A historic event such as stepping down is IMO one such event. Hell, a 5 minute clip of him addressing this is the least he should do out of respect for those that supported him.  With all that is going on, I havent see one, have you?

Yep... they wanted to keep him there so that hopefully his popularity would get him in again then once in, Kamala would take over. They would have their person in office. With things deterating they had to discuss the possible option that Kamala would win against Trump and once they had the support, they "announced" that Biden stated he would step down. He backed her and stepped off into the sunset.

Even the most strongest Democrate followers are seeing the bullshit starting to stack sky high. If it wasn't for all the PR villifying Trump as the devil incarnate and the worst person to be in office regardless of who you choose. Instilling the fear into the democrate following masses, they would flock even more than they are to Trump.

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Hell, a 5 minute clip of him addressing this is the least he should do out of respect for those that supported him.  With all that is going on, I havent see one, have you?

Well, we have this phone call here.

Also, to show how easily this call can be faked. 😂


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UbiSoft AC Shadows fiasco is going nuclear.  The hack 'historian' they relied on to justify their DEI blackwashed bullshit has been discredited and shitcanned from his university job in Japan.  EVERYTHING they foisted as 'historical facts' has been debunked to the point where their diversity mandated totally-not-antiAsian protagonist has been demoted from Afro-Centrist Jesus back to what he really was; an oddity in one warlord's court.

And the people at UbiSoft pushing this tripe are majority white leftist women.  So much for that henhouse 'diversity' they're squawking about.

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13 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Him not being a transvestite was a missed opportunity.  DO BETTER AMAZON.

It is astounding how the entertainment industry is still churning this shit out when it's obvious it's failing. In all fairness, every movie doesn't have to feature a Straight White Guy as the main character but come on! We want to see good-looking people doing extraordinary things! If I want to see a Black Guy in a wheelchair, I can head down to the Greyhound Station !

Edited by vancleef
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On 7/22/2024 at 12:44 AM, ritualclarity said:

Plese lord don't let Kamala be nominated for President!  I'd take almost anyone else over her.
One of the main reasons I so dispise her is the fact that she worked daily with Biden knowing his deteration and continued on the trail of trying to use him to get to the president's position. I strongly believe but have no evidence that everybody knew that he wasn't going to be able to pull off the presidentcy if he got elected so essentially they were putting Kamala in office.  That shit is just plain dirty. Dirtier than IMO almost anything else that they have done (that there is direct evidcence of their involvement)


I don't like CBS but at least there is a list of possible candiates



another source. (can't trust US news)



This is something out of a storybook (fiction)

The interesting part is I have friends who are die-hard, Liberal Democrats and they HATE Kamala! Seriously. Her being nominated is the best thing that could ever happen to Trump. 

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3 hours ago, vancleef said:

The interesting part is I have friends who are die-hard, Liberal Democrats and they HATE Kamala! Seriously. Her being nominated is the best thing that could ever happen to Trump. 

that is true throughout the liberal voters as far as I can tell. Nobody liked her.  The funny thing is when the debate occured and people talked about how bad he did, when I pointed out that if they vote for him, they are voting for her for president. They got silent.  I was so dam floored that they didn't consider that the vice president is just as important as the president on the ticket. Especially for the oldest person to ever hold the office.

Then the democrats true to color use that position as a diversity hire. Correct me if I am wrong but there was so many other much higher qualified people to choose from. Problem would be that it would be hetro white rich male(s). From what I have read in reports he stated he wanted a women and of color for his vice president. The first qualifications he picked. Not expert in x,y, or z.  Skin and sex was what was important. Seriously?  We are the laughing stock of the world goverments.

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