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TBH, solely blaming Ashal and moderators for the state of LL is a bit like blaming the government for the shit they've been doing and not the people who voted for that government. No, people don't choose the moderators on LL, but they encourage them and validate their actions. Pretty sure you've all have noticed the "likes" the mods get whenever they took some action or posted something that pleased, let's say the Bethesda fanboys. What I'm trying to say is that, the problem isn't just a bunch of people running the site as they please, they are able to do it because there's a significantly large group who support them and are just like them. SJWs? Probably, if by SJW you mean the people who want to silence all other voices and create a safe space for themselves and other like-minded people.

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Yeah, LL is a safespace.  That's REALLY obvious.  And like you pointed out the staff is encouraged by the plebeian SHEEPEOLE membership base.

A bit of a digression here but HOW IN THE HELL does Bethesda expect FO76 to be a thing when their fan base consists of people like the LL membership.  There's no way that pack of pussies can handle an online game and the crowd that brings into the mix.  I foresee plenty of crying and Bethesda banning a fuck-ton of people...people who are paying customers.  And once an MMO gets the reputation of heavy-handed banning it's done for.  Bethesda didn't create the safespace culture that follows their games, sites like Nexus and LL did that.  There's going to be a clash of two worlds and I don't think Bethesda understands that...YET...but they will.  Glorious chaos awaits.

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In a way I kinda regret moving over to Skyrim. I would have never noticed the leet attitude on LL. I really enjoyed the Fallout 3/FNV section back in those days where I was very productive and very helpful. Never cared who you were, if I was able to help, I had no problem reaching out and even writing a tutorial on the spot for someone. I very much enjoyed that I could provide a solution for someone. In fact, I was always eager to jump in and help someone.

I would of easily done the same for Skyrim but I began to become more of a dick because of the attitude over there. K2 isn't kidding when there is circle jerking going on over there by the contributors. If you aren't stroking their ego, they don't care. It's all about I'm better than you and you'll never know what I know, which is what makes me special attitude.

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I believe Skyrim section was similar in the early days when there wasn't any established modders and their "fanboys" around. I bought FNV after Skyrim, so I don't know how the early days of Fallout 4/FNV section was, but while I was there, I realized that some of the modders there were real assholes. For instance, I've once complained about NVSE co-saves not being kept together with the actual saves. Some guy pretty rudely posted, "why don't you do it yourself?" or something similar. I downloaded the source code, made the changes, recompiled the code and posted the DLL on the forum, and they didn't even bothered to look at it.

Just like you, I've helped or at least tried to help as many people as I could in both Skyrim section and in FNV section, helped many modders with their mods, even posted fixes for their mods, but let me tell you, none of those count in the end. If you expect some degree of gratitude and respect, you have to author a mod that others did not or could not make, otherwise people don't give a shit about what you do. Never waste your time helping total strangers, they'll take all the credit and no one will care about how helpful you were. I've always known this since my university days, yet somehow I naively expect that things will be different in every new community I join.

As for circle-jerking, it happens in every online community once it's got established personalities and their "minions". These groups pretty much turn into a "gang" and treat strangers with hostility, even when the reason why they are there is no longer relevant.


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I believe Skyrim section was similar in the early days when there wasn't any established modders and their "fanboys" around. I bought FNV after Skyrim, so I don't know how the early days of Fallout 4/FNV section was, but while I was there, I realized that some of the modders there were real assholes. For instance, I've once complained about NVSE co-saves not being kept together with the actual saves. Some guy pretty rudely posted, "why don't you do it yourself?" or something similar. I downloaded the source code, made the changes, recompiled the code and posted the DLL on the forum, and they didn't even bothered to look at it.

I believe that was Pride. As for looking at it afterwards... he didn't care. He had what he wanted done the way he thought it should be done and you had the ability to get the code and if you changed it to something you wanted as far as he was concerned... was great... didn't matter etc. It was the reason it was open to eidt. That was just how he was...

Speaking of..  is it still? I haven't seen any reference to it anymore.


Just like you, I've helped or at least tried to help as many people as I could in both Skyrim section and in FNV section, helped many modders with their mods, even posted fixes for their mods, but let me tell you, none of those count in the end. If you expect some degree of gratitude and respect, you have to author a mod that others did not or could not make, otherwise people don't give a shit about what you do. Never waste your time helping total strangers, they'll take all the credit and no one will care about how helpful you were. I've always known this since my university days, yet somehow I naively expect that things will be different in every new community I join. 

I haven't done work on them mods or helped..so I don't know if that effects this.. however, I have given extensive support even creating a tutorial or two from time to time.  I haven't had the same issues you mention.  I was likely thought of for this site to moderate (as well as an other one in the recent past that fell apart) and even considered for other things. Given access to those precious Patron only links that people complain about... entry or early work on many mods... Some from authors here. ;) They know who they are.  Lots of positive results of me giving of myself. Now... I have also however, been targeted and harassed time and time again... (for some reason only on LL) for various reasons where the member thought I didn't deserve this or that. (contributor status or access to some mod or whatever) and gave me hell for it. To the point where Ashal removed the text that shows I am a contributor there. And to be honest.. he did step on some balls pretty hard the last time I had some issues there. So hard I didn't even see a peep from those people for a long time (including a moderator or two) and if I did... they NEVER POSTED A REPLY  to any post I did for the longest time. Only now I am getting responses.


As for circle-jerking, it happens in every online community once it's got established personalities and their "minions". These groups pretty much turn into a "gang" and treat strangers with hostility, even when the reason why they are there is no longer relevant.

That should never happen. At least not here. Reason people can get the mods without needing to register and the reason you (members) are allowed to respond to hostility (within reason) and members are only forbidden being hostile or assholes on a mod authors mod thread. ;)  It is harder to be a circle jerk member if you get your teeth kicked in when you try to close ranks...

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8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

In a way I kinda regret moving over to Skyrim. I would have never noticed the leet attitude on LL. I really enjoyed the Fallout 3/FNV section back in those days where I was very productive and very helpful. Never cared who you were, if I was able to help, I had no problem reaching out and even writing a tutorial on the spot for someone. I very much enjoyed that I could provide a solution for someone. In fact, I was always eager to jump in and help someone.

I would of easily done the same for Skyrim but I began to become more of a dick because of the attitude over there. K2 isn't kidding when there is circle jerking going on over there by the contributors. If you aren't stroking their ego, they don't care. It's all about I'm better than you and you'll never know what I know, which is what makes me special attitude.

You are more than welcome to reach out here. Write a tutorial or do some assistance on a mod. IN fact you are encouraged to do so if you so desire... and respected if you decide later not to ;)

I love that when that happens... I have been in the modding scene for some time... written some tutorials and such from time to time (Kind of hard to do if you don't actually know shit.. you need to know shit... ) and I know some things... many times more than I let on or indicate. So I really get a laugh when I see someone acting like they know their shit.... like they are the best.. then they are bad, or even really suck (as in choosing the very worse way to do something one could imagine)  Other times... if I can figure out something is screwed up and being done wrong.. they are really bad as I don't know much in that aspect... ;) If they are horrible and I can figure it out... that is REALLY BAD... ;)

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Well I already did for a friend who needed help with creating a custom follower. But when it comes to Fallout 3 or New Vegas, it's been way too long so I'm rusty on that. Eventually I will get back to Fallout 3.  I already tried months ago but I ran into some weird problem where I tried to repair a weapon and it would instantly cause CTD every time. I wish I had my Fallout 3 setup from 4-5 years ago where I had it completely stable except every now and then getting a corrupt save. But wasn't a problem, Just delete latest save and revert back to a previous and you were good to go.

LOL reminds me. I forgot about the decapitation hack to fix corrupt save.

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Good keep it up.

I imagine it took you quite some time to get where you were 4 to 5 years ago... If you work at it you can get back there again. ;) 

I am seriously considering trying to start back and working on modding the various games I have (Fallouts and TES ones).  Just got to start doing it. I'll be in teh same boat as you except I don't have the previous experiences you did... :D I know how you feel. I had a completely custom textures folder just for Skyrim that looked great. Sometimes when I posted a photo people would ask what ENB i had installed .. which I didn't which made me feel so good :D  A fuckup on Steam caused me to loose it. (I didn't back it up :( ) That was just textures. You had more. had to hurt.

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You're probably speaking of jaam. He's the reason why I stayed away from Sexout section. I learned quickly him and I would end up clashing and I didn't want to deal with his attitude so I dropped at the most about 3 posts in the Sexout section and never looked back.

Which I never bothered using Sexout either.

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3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

You're probably speaking of jaam.

Probably, it was whoever developing NVSE Extender at the time.

I couldn't find the exact post I was talking about (maybe it's deleted?) but here's a few mentioning my suggestion about co-saves.



Edit: They definitely deleted posts: the current thread on LL has 23 pages, the one on archive.org has/had at least 28 before it was locked. Don't know, perhaps I deleted it myself after getting pissed off about their attitude.

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Bjornk wrote:


If you expect some degree of gratitude and respect, you have to author a mod that others did not or could not make, otherwise people don't give a shit about what you do. Never waste your time helping total strangers, they'll take all the credit and no one will care about how helpful you were.

You know what? I just realized I am guilty of this. Not on purpose but mostly because I am a Flake.

I need to get over to my Blog and post a bunch of "thank yous" for the TONS of help I received creating my comic. 

Thanks for pointing this out. 

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