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Kendo 2

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12 minutes ago, vancleef said:

You're not alone there...

Maybe we shouldn't feel so bad about that, considering the fact that we'll only live once and it's not very long, we'll all end up in a grave eventually and will soon be forgotten. In other words, someday we may realize that the monkey was right all along.

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LL is a CPU's personal German shitshow.  And DocSux and GregtheTit don't know how to moderate; actually none of them do.  That's why they're over-worked and why they focus on stupid shit that doesn't matter.  Policing off topic spam threads is easier than dealing with real forum issues like rampant mod theft from other sites and paid modding.  They're clueless and stuck in a self-perpetuating and self-inflicted miasma.  The staff wanted LL to be the way it is and now that they have it they're unhappy.  Boo-fucking-hoo.  Zero fucks given to what happens to that site.

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The OP was acting like an ass. He was causing all sorts of troubles through the sight. Just posting crap to piss people off. He is on my block list there. (I only have 6 people that are blocked t here in all the time I have been there and all the crap I was given by some there. So that should give some indication of how much of an ass he is. At least from my experience and some others I know there.

Say what you might... but the op of that thread gotten what he deserved. I am not speaking about the other actions of the moderation team there on LL only about RussianPrince and only about my experience with him and what I have seen him do to other members there.

This sums him up welll


I'm never in too good of a mood, and I can be helpful but you have to work through my insults to get any useful information.

Fuck you, I will go and find "useful information" elsewhere.

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I don't care about the OP or the topic of the thread.  What I was referring to happened on the second page.  A member posted something that didn't break the rules but a staff member deleted it because they didn't personally agree with what was being said.  The poster questioned why his post was deleted and another member agreed that there was nothing wrong with the post...so a staff member locks the thread.

SO...the staff created work for themselves in an off topic thread by deleting shit that didn't need to be deleted AND they locked the thread because they fucked up and got called out on it.


MODERATOR GOLDEN RULE; your personal preferences and opinions are not the litmus test for something being deleted.  Fuck you and fuck using your feelings as a moderation tool.


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@Kendo 2

Yep, you beat me to it. I'm not concerned about the OP myself. I can give two fucks about his fake apology. It was more to do with Hayley being silenced over her opinion.

The staff knew as much as I knew that that thread was an open invitation for heavy criticism. They knew it was going to be a shit show eventually. So I don't understand why it was concerning to them about someone giving their opinion.

And even if I am not able to read Hayley's comment that was removed, I'll still side with her and take her word because this has happened before.

It's just very funny how it's time to lock the thread when someone's ends up questioning moderators actions.

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I wouldn't really know what happened on the other pages as I didn't waste my time screwing around with him or his post. 

I'll have to take your word on the censoring of the thread.  Truth be told I haven't been doing much there to even notice when  something like that happens. so I don't know how often or what is being censored. At least most of the time.


MODERATOR GOLDEN RULE; your personal preferences and opinions are not the litmus test for something being deleted

That is our Golden Rule.. :D (NSFWmods.com) 


All moderation actions need to be transparent and open to public, if they claim to have some kind of integrity, but LL wouldn't do that, of course...

that just can't be the case. It isn't even the case here. We try to be as open and public as possible but there are times when someone post something that can't be on the site and has to be removed (legal  reasons)  And we have given sanctions (once severe ones) to one person without making that public or the reasons for doing so. (Maintaining respect for the member)

We however, do follow the "Golden Rule" that Kendo mentioned above . ;) In fact it is a requirement to be a moderator at NSFWmods. Start breaking that rule and the moderator will be removed. ;)  All three of us made that vow.


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33 minutes ago, bjornk said:

All moderation actions need to be transparent and open to public, if they claim to have some kind of integrity, but LL wouldn't do that, of course...

That isn't always possible.  NOT making any excuses for LL, btw.  They're dirty and they know it, it's just that they can't be challenged so they abuse their moderation powers.

The ONLY posts that are hidden/deleted without discussion here at NSFW are marketing spam.  Otherwise the ugliness is present for all to see, unless the OP deletes them.  To my recollection we've only had one instance of someone repeatedly breaking the rules and their posts are still up.  We don't hide or delete posts, but then again we're not closet SJWs hiding behind a 'no drama' rule.

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26 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

That isn't always possible.  NOT making any excuses for LL, btw.  They're dirty and they know it, it's just that they can't be challenged so they abuse their moderation powers.

The ONLY posts that are hidden/deleted without discussion here at NSFW are marketing spam.  Otherwise the ugliness is present for all to see, unless the OP deletes them.  To my recollection we've only had one instance of someone repeatedly breaking the rules and their posts are still up.  We don't hide or delete posts, but then again we're not closet SJWs hiding behind a 'no drama' rule.

I remember some other situations :D We did edit or delete the post ( I don't remember) of the questionable materials that we considered could cause us legal troubles. We removed some post from a member that left upon his request. 


Look through the site, you will be able to see some pretty "out there" post and such from people that aren't members here anymore. They are still there as they didn't constitute a need to edit or delete based on our site rules, even if it might not be the best post ;) That should show that we take any editing or alteration seriously and try not to do it where ever possible. 

The moderation team came from sites that did crap like that (not directing it at any site... ;) lets be clear there are many) and too a vow not to allow that to happen here while we are in charge. (Perhaps DZ also had experiences like this but I don't remember discussing this with him but I do remember stories from the other moderators on this subject ;) Many I have actually seen ;) )

Now lets get back to some Cringworthy Internet sites.

I am sure something there is worthy... lol.


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Okay, I picked one from that cringeworthy website's list.


If all women did this to their faces, I wouldn't be hesitant for one moment to go MGTOW. Or at the very least, pull the bag over the face and take a deep breath trick.

Then again, judging both images, I can't tell which one is worse, and would go MGTOW anyways. Lil Kim must've gained weight in the before image. Because I remember her from the 90s and she didn't look bad.


Edited by endgameaddiction
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4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

that just can't be the case. It isn't even the case here. We try to be as open and public as possible but there are times when someone post something that can't be on the site and has to be removed (legal  reasons)  And we have given sanctions (once severe ones) to one person without making that public or the reasons for doing so. (Maintaining respect for the member)

3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

That isn't always possible.  NOT making any excuses for LL, btw.  They're dirty and they know it, it's just that they can't be challenged so they abuse their moderation powers.

The ONLY posts that are hidden/deleted without discussion here at NSFW are marketing spam.  Otherwise the ugliness is present for all to see, unless the OP deletes them.  To my recollection we've only had one instance of someone repeatedly breaking the rules and their posts are still up.  We don't hide or delete posts, but then again we're not closet SJWs hiding behind a 'no drama' rule.

What I meant was the moderation actions that involve legitimate members of a forum, you know, the ones we always complain about, not the ones that can be categorized as "maintenance". :)


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