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Kendo 2

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Uhm...so what's so fucking special about follower mod?  Never really understood that UNLESS there is a quest to make them your follower.  Even then, it's still Skyrim and Skyrim NPC suicidal retard AI.  Not a lot of sympathy for modders who want to get paid anyway.  Get a fucking job bruh, the economy is great.

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"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!"... AKA. American people are being brainwashed by the media controlled by the same power, who or whatever that is... I've seen similar things happened in other parts of the World, so it's not all that interesting, but I don't know if you'd agree or not, it seems to me that the World has become pretty Orwellian. I mean, I don't know how else I could define it, but whatever that is, the future has started to look even darker to me...


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34 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Wow.. they decide to use this as an explanation


I bet a lot of white people were pissed off when we desegregated sports racially and allowed black people. But they had to deal with it.”

They are in a totally different world... totally different world full of unicorns and chaos.  Well the SJW's got what they wanted .. someone that fails in a sport can just decide to "identify" as a female then enter and win... They aren't even required to suppress the testerone (which is normally what a Trans woman would be doing to help suppress the male secondary characteristics.  By these rules.. it could be Grizzly Adams person with a 12 inch beard looking like zztop and say they identify as  a female and enter and win. You know, because you can't tell some trans women that they need to shave their beard... Or even take their necessary medication that aids in their transformation. which would curb some of the physical attributes of a male sports athlete.

Eventually society will get fed up with this shit and start to use more common senses. 

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Sees a glacier in Antarctica and thinks "This must be the Ice Wall, yes, the Earth is definitely flat!"... People who lived thousands of years ago were smarter and better informed than these idiots... Ignorance and stupidity is "extremely dangerous to our democracy!"



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Had to skip most of it as I couldn't stand her, she's extremely annoying. If there's one thing more annoying than kids, it has to be adults literally acting like a kid... And that poor cat has to deal with two lunatics...

I wouldn't want to be her real father, this must be very embarrassing for him...

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On 10/14/2018 at 5:15 AM, endgameaddiction said:

I just noticed this...



Cry me a fucking river, dude.

And the fact that he has a patreon account for support, he's not doing himself any good with that attitude if wants ongoing, or more support.

I guess the pouting cry baby removed his sticky once he got his way.

I can just picture the patreon modders doing the same.

'Since, I haven't gotten more donations, I'm not going to release any future work. If you don't support me, then I'm done.'

It's bound to happen when either their donations get cut off, or significantly drop. Their so used to depending on other people's approvals and finances they shudder at the thought of losing it.

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