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Kendo 2

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There needs to be a goddamned LAW to where if someone fucks up an IP people love they need to be stripped of all rights to it.

"Hey Disney, the fans have decided you no longer retain the rights to Star Wars...You too Bethesda with your FO76 bullshit.  And we're accepting applications for members of the EA firing squad because of BF2 and MEAndromeda."

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26 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

There needs to be a goddamned LAW to where if someone fucks up an IP people love they need to be stripped of all rights to it.

Indeed. They are quite literally showing the middle finger to the creators of the Fallout IP and the fans of the older Fallout games.

If someone wanted to mock FO76, this would be an appropriate video to show, what a bunch of retards...

Edited by bjornk
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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

There needs to be a goddamned LAW to where if someone fucks up an IP people love they need to be stripped of all rights to it.

"Hey Disney, the fans have decided you no longer retain the rights to Star Wars...You too Bethesda with your FO76 bullshit.  And we're accepting applications for members of the EA firing squad because of BF2 and MEAndromeda."

I'd rather see those that fucked up the IP get fired and not have another job in any related field for the rest of their life..

That and mock them for ever trying to get a job..

Although the firing squad idea does sound pretty good the more I watch Fallout 76 videos lol

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43 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

Are they talking about this ignorant bullshit on Nexus or LL?  I can't be assed to search.

Don't know the Nexus but there's nothing on LL about this particular video. All I've seen in terms of criticism was a bunch of messages on NMA. Don't go and read the comments on BGS twitter account, that would probably shorten your life a couple of years.

Edited by bjornk
Added a link to NMA thread
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I just realized after skimming through Creation Kit for Skyrim in the Head Parts and Actors that Bethesda used the male child head for the female as well. I knew they looked similar but thought maybe there was some distinction. I guess not. Fucking laziness. Not like it matters. Their kids look like shit.

They must be that sensitive about children they had to make manginas. Or maybe they are into the LGBTQXYZ1234567 and catered to them girly bois from weird ass parents who like to dress them up like porcelain dolls and give them their proper pronouns.

They were also too fucking lazy to add children of races that are not human. I suppose in Bethesda land Mers, Khajiit and Argonians can't have children. They must be going extinct.

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Don't let them fool you, they are no children, but immortal beings whose sole purpose is to annoy you... "Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots!", "I work with my mother to sell fruits and vegetables", "What're you lookin' at? I'm not afraid of you, ya know. Even if you are my elder"... No one can give birth to those evil manipulative beings, they can only be adopted, like a pet... Don't know why anyone would want to do that...

Just a few hours ago I was playing Fallout 2 and discovered a new method of getting rid of those pesky pickpocket kids in the Den with zero consequences... I just let them steal my explosives... which, for some reason, happen to be armed... 😈

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"I wish I could play with fire like that"... guess what, your wish is about to come true!... Looks like I'm not the only one doing this...🤣

... they're now baked potatoes.

And here's an assassin finally doing a good deed...


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'The Blowjob Paper:' Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick




Featured on Level1Techs...😅


I watch these guys pretty much every week, probably one of the few decent tech news channels on YT that is worth watching.


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The last Blizzard game I played was Diablo II and I haven't touched any Blizzard game since then, as they were the EA or Bethesda of the time about 20 years ago. They've had a bunch of cows that they've kept milking and a fanbase mostly consists of Millenials. Anyway, I just saw a video today about their new mobile Diablo game announcement which was pretty cringy and found a "reaction" video of sorts about it...


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The game industry needs to collapse and reemerge with companies who are competent knowing what gamers want.


It's also funny how either he was going to say "are there anymore questions?" to skip the guy's question, or he was going to ask a staff "are there any plans for it on PC" and probably remembered it's never going to be on PC when the guy asked if there was plans for it being on PC and then proceeding to answer his question.

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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

The game industry needs to collapse and reemerge with companies who are competent knowing what gamers want.

That would be a good thing.  An industry-wide crash like in the late 90's where corporations had to basically abandon the market and make room for small dev teams to reforge and carry on.  Gut the greed, political correctness and pandering to feminists out of the industry.  AND blackball all games journalists.  Tell them to get fucked.

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

That would be a good thing.  An industry-wide crash like in the late 90's where corporations had to basically abandon the market and make room for small dev teams to reforge and carry on.  Gut the greed, political correctness and pandering to feminists out of the industry.  AND blackball all games journalists.  Tell them to get fucked.

Yes, there were some pretty dam good games after that happened :D

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What assholes. They created a phone version of Diablo.. Ok, so what. There are fans that want it on the PC... yep.. understandable. If they don't make it, they don't make it... don't play tricks and do stupid actions to try to hide those talking about wanting the PC..

Fallout fans wanted an other fantastic fallout game.. they got Preston... then empty world ... with even more bugs than a standard Bethesda Fallout game.

TES fans wanted another Skyrim or some other lands... They got the TES online... with bugs.. a game few wanted. A game few decided to play. Some do.. cool. However, another fantastic game with the quality of at least the previous Skyrim game... $$$

People need to wake up.. The owners of the major game publishers don't have a fucking clue about what is wanted, what should be made, or how to go about even protecting their IP. (looking at you EA and Mass Effect... damn. )

Now is the time for these companies to get lots and lots of $$$ but they keep on fucking the customers. Keep on fucking up their IPs.. go fucking create a new IP and play  with it.

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2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Watch this snowflake lose her Liberal shit over nothing.


This same girl ranting about 'duh Nazis' is known for wearing Swastika and Soviet hammer and sickle buttons on her jacket.  Can't make this shit up.

She should have gotten arrested for assault.  (pretty sure that is the case everywhere in the US)

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