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I'm not surprised... And I'm not surprised if we end up seeing another Bjork incident happen. If you're not familiar with that story, this is it below.

More guys like this are all over the place so I'm not surprised to see something like this happen again on a larger scale.

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You're not the only one.

I normally respect and trust the things she says. I myself have not found anyone with COVID-19. However, my mother's grand daughter's friend from her home country said she died from COVID-19. But I don't know anyone here in the states that have it or died from it.

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Supposedly there are six cases of COVID-19 in my rinky-dink little country town of 4000 people.  No one I've talked to knows who these people are.  My sister is one of the queen bees in these parts and no one she talks to knows who the cases are.  My closest neighbor is the Fire Chief for the whole county and HE doesn't know who they are.  The local news paper said there are six cases, but who are they?  Nobody fucking knows.

There is an HEB grocery store and a small Walmart in town.  They are doing that '10 people at a time and you have to wear PPE' bullshit.  BUT if you go to Brookshire's (the original grocer established in 1942), the local hardware store (est. 1950) or the feed store (one of the first businesses in the county) they ARE NOT limiting customers.  The new Tractor Supply store on the interstate isn't limiting customers either.

I hate Walmart for the standard reasons and I hate HEB for their 'Texas Grown' bullshit when everything they package with their label is Heco en Fucking Mexico.  Oh, and Walmart has banned the sale of garden supplies since they're not essential.  The food isles are bare but vegetable seeds, fertilizer and hoes are not 'essential'.

There is definitely some dubious shit going on with the corona virus response.

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Nobody will (and shouldn't know) due to the HIPAA laws. 

Even though the acts of these individuals can effect others.  I'd watch to see if anyone is isolating that normally wouldn't be. Likely that is the person. However, to be honest. I am Isolating but that is due to be being at added risk because I am sick from Asthma. (on a side note... nobody told me that I can do "therapy" to help with that :angry02:.  just 5 days into doing them (in a shitty way by the way) my lungs have more capacity than they did 20 years ago! Anyway, I digress)  So it could be that as well. But it is a hint that something might be going on. The rest you might be able to figure out with the rest of your "Team" :P


The bullshit of how things are being done in patchwork style is really pissing me off.  What needed to be done is a national directive, covering what happens when / if someone does come down in that area and is confirmed.  I believe your local leaders are to be blamed for that.  TBH, it is happening here as well. Doesn't seem to be as bad as in your location as most everything is pretty much standard now.. but there are a few things here and there that aren't.

As for walmart. What is to like... ?  :P  WTF ban anything for sale? If they are open they should sell whatever they have.  Now if they can't get more of somethings then that might be a different story. (note on the CANT) Besides, it seems as if your area is ripe for gardens and growing and such.  Can't see a reason for it not to be available. Just another example of companies doing stupid shit without really understanding what the fuck is going on.  Not restocking garden supplies ietc n my area makes sense. it is difficult to do much here other than plant a bush or flower. Your area... seems like it would be stupid to not sell and restock supplies.  So fucking sad considering Walmart has a incredible inventory tracking and logistic setup. It isn't that they can't relocate and stock just they don't fucking want to for some likely dumb as rocks reason.

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What is it with women and their obsessive love with dogs. Saw this chick looked to be in her early to mid 20s and she has a gigantic black poodle. She was at the bakery looking at cakes and desserts and she decided to pick up the huge dog and carry it over her shoulder in the supermarket.

I'm also getting sick of these liberals that think it's okay for their dog to piss and shit on my front yard. Next time I'm going to grab the turd and smear it on their head. Or shove it in their mouth. Wearing gloves ofc. Not really. I'd get charged for assault. But they very well deserve it. Can't wait to put up some bricks in the near future though.

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1 hour ago, driftscape said:

I'm also getting sick of these liberals that think it's okay for their dog to piss and shit on my front yard.

Get a couple of 6' 1x2 cedar stakes and paint the top 4 feet of them fence purple.  Stake them in your front yard where they are clearly visible from the street.  If anyone comes in your yard after that (other than US Postal Service or law enforcement with a warrant) they are criminally trespassing and you can call the cops on them.

Another option is crushing up a box of mothballs until they'er a fine powder.  Sprinkle that generously on the sidewalk and the edge of your yard.  That will make your property a no-go zone for any animal with a sense of smell.  Dogs won't even stop to sniff.  Gotta redo it every once in a while though because the gas off the mothballs will lose it's potency after a while.  I mix it with water and spray my fence line to keep out the wild life.  Deer, coyotes and bobcats stay the fuck out.  Skunks and raccoons don't like it much either.  I ain't try'n to have Ellie Mae's varmints overrun me.

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