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Are you buying Starfield?

Are you buying Starfield?  

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  1. 1. Are you buying Starfield?

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    • Fuck Bugthesda.

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5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


They can come here if they want to upload mods that remove pronouns. ;)  Hell, they can come here to upload mods that add pronouns.

Sites that let politics infiltrate their site deserves to loose members. Unfortunately since Nexus is the larges most recognized mod site they think they can bully people and impose their politics.

The announcer is correct regarding BG3.  BG3 is  very flexible to what you wish to do pretty much where you want to. Even for those that want go more SJW and have a tyranny or change your voice to a different one male or female.  It did it, and did it without getting in your face about it.

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

They can come here if they want to upload mods that remove pronouns. ;)  Hell, they can come here to upload mods that add pronouns.

Sites that let politics infiltrate their site deserves to loose members. Unfortunately since Nexus is the larges most recognized mod site they think they can bully people and impose their politics.

The announcer is correct regarding BG3.  BG3 is  very flexible to what you wish to do pretty much where you want to. Even for those that want go more SJW and have a tyranny or change your voice to a different one male or female.  It did it, and did it without getting in your face about it.

I don't have an issue with the females in BG3 having the option to have a penis. For me there has to be motives behind it to consider it to be woke. But I can understand why there will be those who don't want it at all and go as far as to say it's woke because of our current climate. At the end of the day regardless if the game is woke or not and whether they put a penis on a female or not, it's up to the company. I'm not fighting this fight because I don't care about the game industry one way or the other. I don't care if it continues down the woke path or collapses never to reemerge again like it once did. I gave up that good fight long ago. Now I just spew my opinion on the nonsense of wokism and the crap games that come out. If a good game comes out that peaks my interest and it doesn't have none of that woke crap in it maybe I might consider it. Depends on who made it as well.

I will say this. I personally don't care that SF is woke. Only because it's a new IP. That doesn't change my stance on what I feel about the ideology. If I was still the person I used to be back when I really cared about the industry and tried to get people to reason then maybe I would have a different stance on it. Even if it's a new IP. I would shit on it like I always do with certain games. If I still cared about the Fallout franchise and they did this to it, I would be mad as hell. But i don't. So they can implement woke into Fallout 5 (which I'm sure they will because it's such a 1950's thing) and I wouldn't care. All I do these days just just fiddle with Fallout 3 and Skyrim every now and then. I've ultimately grown tired of both worlds. And talk shit about broken games, terrible devs and the progressive garbage being implemented into them. I occasionally go on LL and read the dumb comments to get a kick out of it. Though, I'm glad to be gone.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

For me there has to be motives behind it to consider it to be woke.


Yes. This. BG3 didn't make a big deal of it. Just gave you options because they could as far as I can see, not because there was an agenda to do so. From my hours of playing it, they show they give you options because they could. They don't try to make you be something. They just give you a game where you can be what you want and do what you want (within the game mechanics of course) They have mods as well. Not as complex as Bugthesda but they give that option because they can.

Nothing that I have seen shows me otherwise. 

Hogwarts gives you a game that is well written and their shit works and if something is a problem so far they have fixed it promptly. They give you a lot for your gaming dollars and don't play you for a stupid fuck. No  real agenda and the Trans character everybody keeps pointing out isn't shoved into your face like most woke games. You can pretty much guess but nothing comes about from it.  Another highly praised game that very likely would have flew under the radar except for the SJWs calling people transfobe. That shit got the game much attention and many SJW tears and IMO rightfully so.

In recent months I've started looking for games that SJW and left bitch about regarding gender and shit and see if it is a well put together game. Generally the more they bitch about something regarding the game (Hogwarts in this contex) the more the game actually looks good. Fuck, I don't even like harry potter franchise but can't complain tha tit isn't a good game.

Starfail is the typical bugthesda game. With the standard bugs. The videos where Todd proudly Skyrim is still going 12 years later doesn't say it is because of the fucking mods not because the game is great. It is the authors that make the games continue and anyone that plays Skyrim can atest. Remember how they bitched about the UI when the game was first released?

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

Starfail is the typical bugthesda game. With the standard bugs. The videos where Todd proudly Skyrim is still going 12 years later doesn't say it is because of the fucking mods not because the game is great. It is the authors that make the games continue and anyone that plays Skyrim can atest. Remember how they bitched about the UI when the game was first released?

Reminds me when my cousin told me once why he never donates to any of these stores like Walgreens. Because when the time comes they will say Walgreens donated this amount to this charity and not mention the people themselves. Has Toddler the Howard ever given the mod community any credit for the longevity of Skyrim's success? Or why it still being played by a lot of gamers? Or is contributing that to the god damn re-releases of Skyrim?

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Toddler the Howard


Yep, he never mentions that the modding community is the reason the success of these games. That would mean that he would also have to address the fact that many authors fix issues and such, like the simple removal of the green hue from Fallout 3. Not to mention bugs that continue well past the time that bugthesda decides to stop supporting the game.

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How many times does Bethesda have to show people who they are before they stop buying their games? Granted, I don't see this game outselling Fallout 4, but a lot of people have already bought Starfield in spite of all the controversies Bethesda has had in the past.

The Fall of 76 has reached 35 million views. Even non-gamers know that Bethesda sells crap games, so what is this guy's excuse? To make YouTube content? At some point you can't complain anymore.

I'm not telling anyone not to buy the game (hell, I'll probably buy it myself just for the inevitable sex mods), but anyone who has played Bethesda Game Studio titles over the past two decades knows that their games have been getting progressively worse. Why buy their crap if you are just going to go on YouTube and complain about it? 

We're past the point of complaining, we've reached the point of pointing and laughing at the people who buy Bethesda products and think they're actually getting a quality product.


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8 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

YOU CAN'T DELETE THE MOD YOU UPLOADED.  They have always been able to delete mods. I remember them talking about their being able to remove a mod that went against their TOS.


I'm making fun of one of their bullshit excuses for not allowing users to delete their own mods. I specifically remember them saying that you couldn't, or that it would cause database problems, yet miraculously they can delete mods when it violates their TOS.

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Been thinking about this for a few days now. Now that the wokesters have home to complain and upload their stuff, what Is D0 going to do when people upload pretty NPC mods. Is he going to allow them to complain on the modder's page and not silence them? Is he going to comply with their demands and take it down? You're right, K2. D0 has bitten off more than he can chew. He's going to have to alienate one or the other.

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19 hours ago, Doublezero said:

I'm making fun of one of their bullshit excuses for not allowing users to delete their own mods. I specifically remember them saying that you couldn't, or that it would cause database problems, yet miraculously they can delete mods when it violates their TOS.

Yes. The reason is simple. They want to keep the mods regardless of what you want to do. People were leaving their shitty site due to pollitics and shit they pulled and they wanted to make sure that any major author couldn't delete the mod and fuck over their "community".  Some time around that rule they were working on that system that allows someone to setup the mods and one click downloads of a entire mod system. Deleting mods would mess up those one click downloads.

(Also I knew you were making fun of them. I wanted to poke at this a bit more so we could talk shit about some of the stuff they are doing.)

Also it is fun to go to their site and do my shit with the same name as I have here, and nothing happen. :D LOL  I am sure they see this stuff about their site from other sites. I am confident that people go and report this shit to get added points.  However, to be brutally honest, I don't  fuck with them on their site.  I follow whatever rules that DarkOne and the others choose to make. The same goes with Lovers Lab and other sites. Its their site. I go there I respect their rules on their site.

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