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  On 12/28/2022 at 11:50 PM, Kitten63 said:

I downloaded this mod and its not doing anything, its like i dont even have it installed. i followed everything correctly too and made sure. What do I do?


did you activate testingcheats? if you didnt the mod dont work. CTRL+Shift+c and then type in testingcheats on and enter. then press shift and click somewhere other a menu pops up. everything is in the discreption- if you follow it right and read everythion the mod worked like a charme. installed it yesterday and no prblems. remember this mod is not compatible with whicked whims. if there any files left the mod dont work proberly 

  On 12/30/2022 at 10:15 AM, rinegoneFF said:

i can't find extra mods like milking and pets, it says i do not have permission to see it? could someone paste the links here?


you mhave it installed. didi you give the sims the fetish to milk or get milked? the mod works like other things in the game. train it. you cant go outside to milk someones breasts if you dont know they have the fetish for it. so you need to get the sim make siome dates or something and find out what he/she wants. if you want it quicker, activate testingcheats in console click with shift on the ground you want to have sex or milk sims, select DD take start sexy time and there you can choose to play a animation. if you want it vanilla you have to make it like other things ingame. learn it and train it

Posted (edited)

when i'm select rape option the sim alway go to chair and play only dance animation 
i has other animation but it alway play the dance animation at chair only 
and when i'm deactivate play other animation in rape setting the game never play any other animation XD HELP

or i can only do other animation when i'n far from the chair?

Edited by nooneknow
Posted (edited)

Sex with pets won't initiate because it says I need to be more romantic with them. However, it's not letting me do that.

Edited by Orobon

i am at my wit's end, I fresh installed just to ensure no WW files were remaining and the moment I add deviousdesires.ts4script to my Mods folder my game is stuck on pause when i load in a household... I only have the requirements listed installed, the mod_data folder is located ...Electronis Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/mod_data/...

The game will load fine with every file except the ts4script file, I can even use the package file to set my fetish likes and dislikes in CAS but obviously no functionality once i load up my lot. I have zero isssues unless i add this specific ts4script file


Can have sex, but the "Rape" option doesnt play animations. Just keeps character overlapped and static. All other options work however, anyone have the deal?


This mod or one of its requirements seems to have broken romantic interactions, i assume after a recent patch. I have 2 sims that are dating, but recently they can only do a single vanilla romantic interaction every time the lot loads. After that, only modded romantic interactions show, with the default ones just being gone. This issue applies to all sims, dating or not. I removed all mods except DD and requirements, and was able to narrow them down as the cause. It works fine without mods/with other mods.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/7/2023 at 5:40 PM, Jhsjhsjge said:

This mod or one of its requirements seems to have broken romantic interactions, i assume after a recent patch. I have 2 sims that are dating, but recently they can only do a single vanilla romantic interaction every time the lot loads. After that, only modded romantic interactions show, with the default ones just being gone. This issue applies to all sims, dating or not. I removed all mods except DD and requirements, and was able to narrow them down as the cause. It works fine without mods/with other mods.


Same guy as this comment, just remembered my password on this account.
I have done some more testing and found more issues. The issue described above is still the same, and applies to all sims, except when it doesn't. I haven't been able to figure out what makes it sometimes work properly. It is worth noting that the interactions seem to come back occasionally, once again allowing for one interaction before no longer working.
There is a new issue which I have been able to tie back to this, which involves attraction. This issue so far seems to only be affecting one family. In short, attraction is not working at all. A sim set to be sexually and romantically attracted to men and women is rejecting people based on attraction, which should not be possible. Romantic interactions still show up, but are grayed out. When cheating their relationship and going into cas and back out they are able to do interactions, but then the first bug happens.
A third issue is sims sometimes rejecting normal sex despite "always accept normal sex" being enabled. Seems to have to do with teen sims, in one of my attempts it was a teen sim asking for it, in another it was asking for it from a teen sim. In the second case, asking as the teen sim worked, but he continued to reject that specific sim afterwards even with a full romance bar.

EDIT: Turns out I am an idiot and forgot to update some of the files, leaving me with files of 2 different versions of the mod. Properly updating it fixed it.

Edited by tempuser45


I downloaded the mod and it's as if nothing had happened, it appears to select the fetishes when creating the Sim, but in the game there are no interaction options other than the common ones. I activated the cheats and followed the installation order exactly.


Honestly, I only created this account to make this comment.

Someone is selling your mod under a Spanish translation; literally this person (or group) is using the excuse that your mod is NOT vanilla to sell it "translated", as a "improved version of Wicked Whims". There is no free option, if you want the translated mod, you have to subscribe to the patreon. (It's only $5, but since the translation is aimed mostly at Latin America you will know that it is a lot of money here). I don't know if it will bother you to know this, or not. That way you don't care, and it's completely understandable, but I think you need to know that someone is basically selling your work with the excuse that it's a translation, which I don't know if you have given permission either.




Posted (edited)

So, I'm taking dd for a test run, however, unfortunately, as I was trying to pick out my sim's anatomy, my favorite parts, simdulgnace, seems to not be recognized. There was a tutorial on how to make ww parts compatible, but I am vary inapt when it comes to modding of any kind, so I could not make heads nor tails of what it is saying. There was also something called DDWW loader, but I can't find it, nor do I know if it would still work.

Also, when I try to choose my sim's soft penis, all it does, is shoot me an exception and won't be sent to cas.

[DeviousDesires_5.3] 2023-01-15 19:02:15.070917 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\commands.py", line 399, in invoke_command
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\server_commands\ui_commands.py", line 29, in ui_dialog_respond
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_service.py", line 145, in dialog_respond
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog.py", line 396, in respond
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\callback_utils.py", line 158, in __call__
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\choose_object_dialog.py", line 331, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\choose_object_dialog.py", line 274, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\common_choose_option_dialog.py", line 127, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_log_registry.py", line 235, in error
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\common_choose_option_dialog.py", line 125, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\options\common_dialog_option.py", line 134, in choose
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\options\objects\common_dialog_object_option.py", line 50, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\options\objects\common_dialog_action_option.py", line 35, in _on_chosen
  File "deviousdesires\nudity_system\dialog\select_cas_parts_dialog.py", line 770, in _on_custom_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\services\sim\cas\common_temporary_sim_clone_in_cas_service.py", line 95, in modify_sim_clone_for_sim
  File "sims4communitylib\services\sim\cas\common_temporary_sim_clone_in_cas_service.py", line 121, in modify_sim_clone
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\sims\common_sim_spawn_utils.py", line 571, in clone_sim
Exception: No household was specified from source Sim Jack Wheeler with household None!
Error occurred on choosing a value. -> Exception: No household was specified from source Sim Jack Wheeler with household None!

Edited by MovingShadowHunter

hey so my Sims wont get romantically involved with one another even after achieving a full romance meter and full friendship meter. I don't know how to enable romance permissions because nothing on here is giving me clear instructions on how to do so. If someone could tell me I would be extremely grateful because I just wanna know how some of the taboo mods will work


Also the rape animations do not work, and it only shows the animation for brawling and nothing else. What gives?

  On 7/16/2021 at 1:00 AM, ColonolNutty said:

Devious Desires

Wicked Whims by Turbodriver and MCCC by Deaderpool are not compatible with this mod.



Devious Desires


A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come!

Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish.
This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a replacement to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes.

If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds!

Teen Sims are between the ages of 18 and 19.

All involved Sims Teen and Above both Human and Animal are considered to be consenting adults ages 18 and up. Regardless of what anyone else tells you, this is how DD treats these Sims.

Devious Desires does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the acts seen or performed by its users.

Devious Desires is a Hentai mod above all, if you cannot handle Hentai, then Devious Desires is not the mod for you.

Game/Creator:  The Sims 4 [EA]
Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord - Reddit
Language: English
Game Version: (High School Years) or above


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Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this!

Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility.


Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires:

  Reveal hidden contents


Special Thanks:

  • Jiji
  • JustMe
  • Nicholas Kreuz
  • Pariah3J


All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof!

All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod.

All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon.



How do I activate devious desire ? I've downloaded the files it need to work but my game just doesn't detect the mod.


I installed the required mods, and cleared caches. I completely removed anything related to MCCC or WW. Now I cannot remove any sims underwear in CAS or do any Romance-able actions. Am I missing something? Did the recent official update bork DD?

Also, what are you guys using instead of MCCC? I am wondering if there is a decent alternative.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello -

I've come across a new issue. It doesn't happen every time. Occasionally after DD sex, my sims will lose their bottom clothing and shoes. I have to go into CAS to reassign them pants/shorts/skirts and shoes. For whatever outfit they had on before starting sex, that's the outfit that is affected. I was looking for an updated version of DD but the latest I found was from November 7. 

Has anyone else run into this problem? It's fixable at least, for sims I am currently playing. But if it happens to a NPC (even if it's one of my sims I'm not playing at the time), it's a bit annoying. And sometimes I'm not even aware of it happening to others, until I see a sim walking or running around half naked. LOL



I cant get the mod to run, its installed correctly according to the installation instructions above, I downloaded the requirements, and removed my other mods in case of interference but nothing . I'm confused, there's no message of any kind when I open the game not even an error one . Any ideas on whats going on?


Some of the features keep saying not implemented. like for example sexual networking on the computer, and some of the other things say not implemented as well.

I have reinstalled all fresh copies of the core, the menu, the sims4 community library, custom slider framework, csf adult body slider

I have gone through the DD setting multiple times and not sure what im missing to implement these things.

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