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15 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


Senile Sniffer's admin will surely add more sanctions to Africa.

The same thing happens here with the target push and others like that. Nobody wants something shoved down their throat.  Most don't care about what someone does but like the reporter states, the more it is pushed down someone's throat, the more push back you will get.

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4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

The same thing happens here with the target push and others like that. Nobody wants something shoved down their throat.  Most don't care about what someone does but like the reporter states, the more it is pushed down someone's throat, the more push back you will get.

And rightfully so. This is why I don't agree with the LGBTQ community. Especially the trans. You can't force your way onto others because it's only making it worse. At times it's almost pushed me from being tolerant live your life as you see fit as long as you don't harm others to I'm fucking getting sick of this shit.

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3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

And rightfully so. This is why I don't agree with the LGBTQ community. Especially the trans. You can't force your way onto others because it's only making it worse. At times it's almost pushed me from being tolerant live your life as you see fit as long as you don't harm others to I'm fucking getting sick of this shit.

There's a reason bedrooms have doors and voting booths have curtains because what people are doing behind them ain't my fucking business. But more and more I'm having those same private choices shoved down my throat and being told, "it's my business!" Guess what, Kids? I still don't give a fuck. But if you keep pushing me to choose a side, then you're not going to like my choice because I will choose my blood and clan over anyone else.
And do not get between me and my People.

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Fanboyism rant...



Been a fan of Messi since he was 16-17. A lot of comments have popped up claiming that he is the GOAT and there will never be another. I made the argument of telling someone to never assume that he will be the only one, let alone the last GOAT in the sport. Because perhaps there will be another (in the near or far future) that will break his record. They get infuriated when someone, whether it's some YTer or news anchor that says he's one of the GOATs. "No, He Is ThE gOaT". They throw Pele and Maradona under the bus, when clearly it has been said by many during their times of playing, they referred to them as the GOAT in their era of playing the sport. Messi broke their records, which, yes he IS THEE GOAT. No one is disputing that. But to claim that he is and there will never be another is such a stupid thing to say. Because I made the argument that one day there will be some little boy out there with the same amount of drive, dream and passion as Messi who idolizes him, wanting to be the next Messi. Just like Messi's idol was Maradona growing up. The GOAT at the time from his home country. Why wouldn't he want to be like him. The next Maradona Or even if he wasn't from his home country. It doesn't matter. How many kids didn't want to be like Michael Jordan around the world? Difference is, there hasn't been a basketball player who's surpassed MJ. And I was a Kobe fan since his #8 jersey which I still have back when I bought it in 2001 or 2002.

Then the fanboys started rolling in and bashing me. Questioning my knowledge of him. Someone referred to me as a "hater". Typical chicken shit fanboy move. These people are the extreme you can't go against the grain. These are the people who refer him as GOD and Messiah. Dick riding dumbasses. I'm glad that I don't surround myself with these morons and I'm just a huge fan of Messi with my mother because she's been a fanatic of the sport since she was a child in her home country and this sport brings us together. The echo chamber these fucktards live in is so pathetic.


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On 8/22/2023 at 3:47 PM, endgameaddiction said:


Let's be offended together.

Im offended that you want to be offended with me.


LOL. On a side note. A long time ago I went to visit my cousin and we went to a bar like that one. Very much like that one.

Oh that place was FUN.  It stayed open 24/7 (except for if I remember correctly except for 2 days a year) Police and state troopers were parked across the road on a edge of a corn field from what I was told. The owner refuses to allow any of them (on duty or off) to come in or park on their land.

The place was huge and the front double doors swung both ways. The way they locked up was to park a truck inside and outside the door lol. The bar had a roll down security shutter INSIDE the building.  Of course due to "laws" they had to stop selling liquor (meaning popular beers ) at a specific hour. How they got around that was amazing. The waitress would walk around calling last round pushing a fucking flat bed of beer. Each one had a different popular brand. They sold cases upon cases to tide them over until the next morning. How they kept it cold.. ... ice containers on the center of the table where the waitresses would walk around every hour or so with again a flat bed of Ice and a shovel to pack it. (no charge for the ice)


The party kept on going. Someone drank too much and passed out. The bouncers (huge motherfuckers as big or bigger than linebackers) dragged them to a corner to sleep it off. A place where they could watch them better and make sure they didn't aspirate on their vomit.

Each and every driver that left that place ended up with a police officer following them. Funny thing was I was going to a different state (it was close to the border. ) than I had on my license. So The State Trooper of my state tailed me for miles even when I entered the other state until the other state's State Pooper could catch up and he followed me for a good 20 miles then left.  


That was an experience.


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23 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


haha! Rangers not playing around. It gets good at 9:35.

Haha! When they all start screaming like little bitches at 10 minutes!!!
I also love how the protesters think that hundreds of vehicles idling with their AC on for hours helps the planet. Fucking morons.

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

Big-faced woman goes bye-bye.

Bridge should only ever be cast as the leading lady's kooky best friend. When is Holly Weird going to realize that casting a woman who looks like a gawky teenaged boy is not what people who watch movies want to see? 
I mean, please and by all means , correct me if I'm wrong but do even women who look like Bridge want to see her in leading roles or do they want a different actor?

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


This just keeps getting worse by the day. I feel so bad for Hawaiians and the way this failed administration has failed them but have enriched Ukraine.

The thing is it doesn't only look like they failed them. (not the first time this happened) it looks like those in power actively harmed them so that they could then take over an area and develop it to make more money.

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9 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Being a successful person, no matter your skin color is hated on the left. I don't know why they just love to live in misery. It's like they were al;most taught to become part of the system they so much claim to hate.

Is that John Cougar Melon Balls? Because, if so, he is the most Elitist piece of shit I ever met. I kid you not...this is a True Story.
My brother is in the local Stagehands Union and occasionally I work shows when they need extra hands. I worked a John Mellencamp show and before we started the job, the steward gathered everyone around and (again I KID YOU NOT!) said "The production has stated that no one is to approach Mister Mellencamp for any reason, even if it's a matter of health and safety. He is absolutely not to be addressed in any manner."
If I hadn't been there and heard it with my own ears I would have called bullshit. But I was there. And that was what was said.
Fuck him and his Indiana Farmboy ass.

Edited by vancleef
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